Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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Let’s look at an official definition of “liberal“.
Using this definition, what’s wrong with calling your self a liberal ?

“relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise:”
More correctly .....

The epithet conservative or liberal is used to describe political and economic views and affiliations. The meaning of "conservative" or "liberal" could be different in different contexts - social, economic and political. They also differ in usage in different countries and over time. Here we compare liberal and conservative philosophies as the terms are used in American politics today, with some references to the UK and Australia.

Comparison chart​

Conservative versus Liberal comparison chart

Edit this comparison chartConservativeLiberal
Political ViewsRight-wing, anti-federalist. Prefer smaller government, less regulation, most services to be provided by the private sector in a free market, and a literal interpretation of the Constitution.Left-wing, federalist. Prefer more regulation and services like free universal health care to be provided by the government to all citizens.
Economic ViewsGovernment should tax less and spend less. Cutting spending to balance the budget should be the priority. Higher income earners should have an incentive to invest (credits). Charity is the responsibility of the people.Government should provide more services to the less fortunate (like health care) and increase taxes if necessary. High-income earners should pay a larger percentage of their income as taxes.
Social ViewsOpposed to gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Support the right to bear arms, death penalty, and personal responsibility as an individual.Gay couples to get equal rights like everyone else (e.g. marriage); abortion should be legal; support embryonic stem cell research. Support restrictions and regulation around the right to bear arms.
Personal ResponsibilityIndividuals should exercise personal responsibility and it is the governments role to hold them accountable even with severe penalties. Laws are enacted to reflect the best interest of the society as a whole.The people should look to the government to provide a structure. Laws are enacted to protect every individual for an equal society sometimes at the expense of economic freedom if neccessary.

Social Issues​

In terms of views on social issues, conservatives oppose gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Liberals on the other hand, are more left-leaning and generally supportive of the right of gay people to get married and women's right to choose to have an abortion, as ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe v Wade.
More correctly .....

The epithet conservative or liberal is used to describe political and economic views and affiliations. The meaning of "conservative" or "liberal" could be different in different contexts - social, economic and political. They also differ in usage in different countries and over time. Here we compare liberal and conservative philosophies as the terms are used in American politics today, with some references to the UK and Australia.

Comparison chart​

Conservative versus Liberal comparison chart

Edit this comparison chartConservativeLiberal
Political ViewsRight-wing, anti-federalist. Prefer smaller government, less regulation, most services to be provided by the private sector in a free market, and a literal interpretation of the Constitution.Left-wing, federalist. Prefer more regulation and services like free universal health care to be provided by the government to all citizens.
Economic ViewsGovernment should tax less and spend less. Cutting spending to balance the budget should be the priority. Higher income earners should have an incentive to invest (credits). Charity is the responsibility of the people.Government should provide more services to the less fortunate (like health care) and increase taxes if necessary. High-income earners should pay a larger percentage of their income as taxes.
Social ViewsOpposed to gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Support the right to bear arms, death penalty, and personal responsibility as an individual.Gay couples to get equal rights like everyone else (e.g. marriage); abortion should be legal; support embryonic stem cell research. Support restrictions and regulation around the right to bear arms.
Personal ResponsibilityIndividuals should exercise personal responsibility and it is the governments role to hold them accountable even with severe penalties. Laws are enacted to reflect the best interest of the society as a whole.The people should look to the government to provide a structure. Laws are enacted to protect every individual for an equal society sometimes at the expense of economic freedom if neccessary.

Social Issues​

In terms of views on social issues, conservatives oppose gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Liberals on the other hand, are more left-leaning and generally supportive of the right of gay people to get married and women's right to choose to have an abortion, as ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe v Wade.
....’re all wet. Universal, Govt sponsored healthcare is preferred by a majority of REGISTERED Voters ....policy transcends labels idiot. Conservatives love their Medicare idiot. Proof positive liberal grounded policies are popular even among so called conservatives. They love “ 911” public funded infrastructure, small business loans by the government and public schools...all liberal ideas.
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So he's a liberal? I don't believe he has voted yet. I assume he leans more right but you're saying he leans left?

He's a Christian. That makes me believe he leans right. Clearly not a person who believes in science. Or maybe he's a cherry picker Christian?
Probably a sock.

I'm in no position of authority, to say who's a Christian and who isn't.

I just calls em like I sees em

There are very few bleeding hearts on the right. The RINOs want to use the immigrants for labor and the Trump crowd doesn't want them here at all.
Probably a sock.

I'm in no position of authority, to say who's a Christian and who isn't.

I just calls em like I sees em

There are very few bleeding hearts on the right. The RINOs want to use the immigrants for labor and the Trump crowd doesn't want them here at all.
But it’s trump and Mike Johnson who won’t work with Biden to fix the border problem because it’s an election year.

Even republicans are pissed they’re playing politics with this. It’s like telling Iran to keep the hostages till the elections are over.
No, but you need to stop lying, though.
Let me try to woke you up.

The average 50 year old home has $1.5 million. But that’s if you factor in the rich. Take them out the average 50 has $300k. That’s you and your old lady. That includes your $150k home.

How you gonna maga? Your policies caused the Problem. It’s your Republican policies that have all the $ going to the top. WOKE up dummy
You are the fraud.
More correctly the liar.
Nowhere here did I post claiming that they are used the ways you are inquiring about.
If you read and understood the links I provided about what IQ tests are and how used you would know your questions are the fraud. :rolleyes:
In other words, they aren’t used for anything important, just to scam people and make them feel better about their racial prejudices and bias.
Probably a sock.

I'm in no position of authority, to say who's a Christian and who isn't.

I just calls em like I sees em

There are very few bleeding hearts on the right. The RINOs want to use the immigrants for labor and the Trump crowd doesn't want them here at all.
As soon as they find out that domestic third world labor keeps their prices down for food goods and services…everyone’s for immigrant labor..

Its the same bunch that get this, wants to cut gasoline and diesel taxes then complain why the roads are so poor. No political party has every campaigned for free stuff more than today‘s republicans.
I had no say/influence in implementation of either Medicare or Social Security yet by law was compelled to pay into both. Having reached age 65, past, am also required to "sign up for" Medicare and be in the program.

Having paid into both, and with Social Security presented as a form of "retirement investment account" pragmatism says I might as well recover my investments. When I turned 18 years old I had to sign up for Selective Service - the Draft - per Law. (Same still applies today to males turning 18 years old, BTW). Even though I don't approve of conscription or support the concept, consequences of non-compliance are worse than going along with something I consider unconstitutional. Doesn't mean I "support it" per your ignorant and illogical claim.

Similar applies to Medicare and Social Security where per Law and my economic conditions I had no recourse but to "play the game". Hence "support" financially wasn't a realistic/pragmatic option. Doesn't mean I didn't put into pension and 401Ks, and other retirement savings. Nor would have preferred some alternate way to invest the 'taxes' taken from me by the Guv'mint for Medicare and Social Security.

I'm not happy with our nation's income tax structure, but have little legal option to avoid same. Compliance with duress doesn't equal "support it". Except to ignorant, arrogant, stupid assholes like you.

Consider that whether you approve, agree, or like it, or not; you are subject to label by others per your age, gender/sex, ethnic, race, education level, employable skills, income, assets, ideology, religion, nationality, and many other factors/categories.

While you are entitled to your opinions on this, they are ignorant, stupid, wrong, and worthless as far as most of the rest of humanity is concerned.
Selfishness Is Treason. It's Not All About Ewe.
Your right.
I should have specified LOW IQ, below population average, such as yourself.

"IQ tests" are just one of many devices used to measure a person's abilities, skills, knowledge and potential. Most whom object to such are those whom score below average on such.
Only Stupid People Think College Graduates Are "Smart in School"

Your pathetic education tells you to believe that "whom" is an "educated" form of "who." Just like Diploma Dumbos substitute "and I" wherever people they think are "uneducated" use "and me."
Let me try to woke you up.

How you gonna maga? Your policies caused the Problem. It’s your Republican policies that have all the $ going to the top. WOKE up dummy
"Hey, Deplorables! I'm on Your Side. All I Have to Do Is Hold My Nose."

Then tell the Democrats to kick out their Integrationists, Immigrationists, Gayists, and Trustfundie Treehuggers before pretending you can appeal to working-class Whites. Besides, Leftist snobbery gives us the accurate perception that you are condescending and really think we are "losers too lazy to go to college." What you really want is to sucker us into becoming dependent on your Statist Sultans.
It's a wave...
Selfishness Is Treason. It's Not All About Ewe.
Had Ewe learned more about this Nation's founding, the Founders, and the Constitution; you'd know this Nation was founded on individual Rights and Freedoms first, obedience and service to the State second, if that.

Sorry Komrade, but what you claim is applicable to socialist/communist states like Russia, CCP China, Cuba, etc.

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