Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

History books may end up showing that Trump represented a destructive last gasp that actually hastened and intensified the arrival of the Regressive Left as the dominant political movement in the country, as I predicted in August: My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

To wit:


"Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

"In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

"But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

"Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared."


Bullshit. President Trump isn’t responsible for the regressive left and their obsession to destroy this country. Did you really think these un-American traitors would ever self evaluate and change? They are desperate now and will not stop trying to destroy our country. President Trump has been great, it’s been the treasonous RINOs in the GOP that have failed to enact most of his agenda. The only reason Dems may regain power in Congress is because of the failure of the GOP.
I didn't say he was responsible for them.

My point is that he is making it easier for them.
History books may end up showing that Trump represented a destructive last gasp that actually hastened and intensified the arrival of the Regressive Left as the dominant political movement in the country, as I predicted in August: My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

To wit:


"Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

"In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

"But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

"Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared."


Bullshit. President Trump isn’t responsible for the regressive left and their obsession to destroy this country. Did you really think these un-American traitors would ever self evaluate and change? They are desperate now and will not stop trying to destroy our country. President Trump has been great, it’s been the treasonous RINOs in the GOP that have failed to enact most of his agenda. The only reason Dems may regain power in Congress is because of the failure of the GOP.
I didn't say he was responsible for them.

My point is that he is making it easier for them.

He’s pushing their buttons to expose them for the un-American nutcases they are.
History books may end up showing that Trump represented a destructive last gasp that actually hastened and intensified the arrival of the Regressive Left as the dominant political movement in the country, as I predicted in August: My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

To wit:


"Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

"In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

"But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

"Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared."


Bullshit. President Trump isn’t responsible for the regressive left and their obsession to destroy this country. Did you really think these un-American traitors would ever self evaluate and change? They are desperate now and will not stop trying to destroy our country. President Trump has been great, it’s been the treasonous RINOs in the GOP that have failed to enact most of his agenda. The only reason Dems may regain power in Congress is because of the failure of the GOP.
This coup against Trump only shows how desperate and panicked the left is. Getting Hillary elected would have consigned us forever to progressive control of our government. The whitewash of the investigation into her emails would have never come to light. Hillary would have further corrupted the agency and installed further cadres of traitors and criminals. It's truly freightening to think about all the ways she could have used the government as a weapon against our freedom and made the Democrats a permanent governing majority.
History books may end up showing that Trump represented a destructive last gasp that actually hastened and intensified the arrival of the Regressive Left as the dominant political movement in the country, as I predicted in August: My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

To wit:


"Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

"In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

"But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

"Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared."


Bullshit. President Trump isn’t responsible for the regressive left and their obsession to destroy this country. Did you really think these un-American traitors would ever self evaluate and change? They are desperate now and will not stop trying to destroy our country. President Trump has been great, it’s been the treasonous RINOs in the GOP that have failed to enact most of his agenda. The only reason Dems may regain power in Congress is because of the failure of the GOP.
I didn't say he was responsible for them.

My point is that he is making it easier for them.
No he isn't. You're foolish if you imagined they would just lay down and take their lumps. The swamp critters are fighting like mad to avoid extrication from the swamp.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
You're foolish if you imagined they would just lay down and take their lumps.
I have no idea what that means. What I actually said was that the Regressive Left is being handed exactly what they wanted.

It's fairly easy to understand radicalism spawns inversely proportional radicalism Mac

We've a rather stark history of doing so, if one can view our political system objectively

In fact, if one can distance themselves from the partisan baloney far enough , it appears all the same party

The $$$ party, best Congress $$$ can buy

The illusion of Dem/Rep and or Right/Left is a grand facade to keep us from the reality that we don't have choices when we vote, as well as a kicking post for those in charge to insist they can't do their job(s)

You're foolish if you imagined they would just lay down and take their lumps.
I have no idea what that means. What I actually said was that the Regressive Left is being handed exactly what they wanted.

It's fairly easy to understand radicalism spawns inversely proportional radicalism Mac

We've a rather stark history of doing so, if one can view our political system objectively

In fact, if one can distance themselves from the partisan baloney far enough , it appears all the same party

The $$$ party, best Congress $$$ can buy

The illusion of Dem/Rep and or Right/Left is a grand facade to keep us from the reality that we don't have choices when we vote, as well as a kicking post for those in charge to insist they can't do their job(s)

Yep, hence the first line of my sig.

Seems to me that one key in avoiding radicalism is not to be radical yourself. Trump came in as the ultimate bull in the china shop, and that's what he's getting in return.

He and his followers are making this easy for the other side. This is one of the symptoms of obedient commitment to an ideology: Its followers are blind to its weak spots.
Seems to me that one key in avoiding radicalism is not to be radical yourself. Trump came in as the ultimate bull in the china shop, and that's what he's getting in return.

He and his followers are making this easy for the other side. This is one of the symptoms of obedient commitment to an ideology: Its followers are blind to its weak spots.

except the voters rejected the kind of bipartisan moderate philosophy you say you wanted.

In your ideal world, we'd have gotten the Hillary vs. Jeb fight everyone was expecting before Trump came along.

The voters didn't want that. If the voters had their druthers, it would have been Trump vs. Sanders.

If our system has failed, it's because it makes all these promises and produces so few results.
History books may end up showing that Trump represented a destructive last gasp that actually hastened and intensified the arrival of the Regressive Left as the dominant political movement in the country, as I predicted in August: My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

To wit:


"Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

"In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

"But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

"Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared."


Bullshit. President Trump isn’t responsible for the regressive left and their obsession to destroy this country. Did you really think these un-American traitors would ever self evaluate and change? They are desperate now and will not stop trying to destroy our country. President Trump has been great, it’s been the treasonous RINOs in the GOP that have failed to enact most of his agenda. The only reason Dems may regain power in Congress is because of the failure of the GOP.
This coup against Trump only shows how desperate and panicked the left is. Getting Hillary elected would have consigned us forever to progressive control of our government. The whitewash of the investigation into her emails would have never come to light. Hillary would have further corrupted the agency and installed further cadres of traitors and criminals. It's truly freightening to think about all the ways she could have used the government as a weapon against our freedom and made the Democrats a permanent governing majority.

Even when Hillary was the First Lady they caught her will 900 FBI files on Republicans.
Democrats are bad for America.
And we're far better off with EITHER than a corrupt, incompetent like Hillary Clinton!

Dogstyle wakes up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night screaming "HILLLLLARRRRY!"

Then he remembers his Benghazi flashbacks...

Actually, I wake up every morning and gives thanks that we didn't have to put up with four more years of Clinton corruption! Benghazi was just one more example of how bad a President, Hillary would have been BESIDES being one of the more corrupt politicians in a long long time!
Seems to me that one key in avoiding radicalism is not to be radical yourself. Trump came in as the ultimate bull in the china shop, and that's what he's getting in return.

He and his followers are making this easy for the other side. This is one of the symptoms of obedient commitment to an ideology: Its followers are blind to its weak spots.

except the voters rejected the kind of bipartisan moderate philosophy you say you wanted.

In your ideal world, we'd have gotten the Hillary vs. Jeb fight everyone was expecting before Trump came along.

The voters didn't want that. If the voters had their druthers, it would have been Trump vs. Sanders.

If our system has failed, it's because it makes all these promises and produces so few results.

Our "system" didn't fail...the system was jobbed by Hillary Clinton and her minions over at the DNC! She cheated. Why that would shock anyone with her history bemuses me.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
If the end stage is grinding the eight years of obama into the dirt and obliterating the Clinton's.....we're there!
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
I think like someone else said, When Trump hands over the presidency to Mike Pence in 2024, you'll have him then! Until then your never ending 8th grade crying is music to my ears.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker

The New Yorker is a known far left religious publication.

So using anything from this source might as well come from the onion.
We'd still be better off with a religious whack job like Pence then we would be with an incompetent fool like Trump.

I guess I’ll vote incompetent fool every election going forward...America’s best is smiling ear to ear as they stack their chips, anyone with any ambition is working, Blacks are finally peeling away from the taxpayer tit, real estate values are soaring, the military and law enforcement are appreciated and funded, illegal wetbacks are running scared shitless and twisted LefTards piss their pants as they’re verbally bitch-slapped daily.
Yep, things are really looking bleak for anyone fucked up in the head who hates a prospering, ambitious, decent society.
Trump is absolutely killing it for everyone that matters.
Make America American Again!
History books may end up showing that Trump represented a destructive last gasp that actually hastened and intensified the arrival of the Regressive Left as the dominant political movement in the country, as I predicted in August: My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

To wit:


"Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

"In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

"But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

"Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared."


Bullshit. President Trump isn’t responsible for the regressive left and their obsession to destroy this country. Did you really think these un-American traitors would ever self evaluate and change? They are desperate now and will not stop trying to destroy our country. President Trump has been great, it’s been the treasonous RINOs in the GOP that have failed to enact most of his agenda. The only reason Dems may regain power in Congress is because of the failure of the GOP.
This coup against Trump only shows how desperate and panicked the left is. Getting Hillary elected would have consigned us forever to progressive control of our government. The whitewash of the investigation into her emails would have never come to light. Hillary would have further corrupted the agency and installed further cadres of traitors and criminals. It's truly freightening to think about all the ways she could have used the government as a weapon against our freedom and made the Democrats a permanent governing majority.

Even when Hillary was the First Lady they caught her will 900 FBI files on Republicans.
Democrats are bad for America.
i'm certain you can link to that... oh wait, your brain isn't online.....never mind.... :rolleyes:

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