Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

Low information is the perfect euphemism for Trump supporters like you. They grow like corn where I live, people who barely made it out of high school and everything they know about the world is what they see on Fox News and read on Facebook. Sound like someone you know?

Here's one of them........(lots of posters on here can relate to this guy)

We'd still be better off with a religious whack job like Pence then we would be with an incompetent fool like Trump.

Pence is as dangerous as Trump, if not more so.

Pence is an experienced politician who would pursue the same failed, wrongheaded conservative agenda.

Trump and Pence both need to be voted out of office in 2020, the consequence of the American people realizing the fact that Trump’s is a corrupt and incompetent ‘administration.’
Low information is the perfect euphemism for Trump supporters like you. They grow like corn where I live, people who barely made it out of high school and everything they know about the world is what they see on Fox News and read on Facebook. Sound like someone you know?

Here's one of them........(lots of posters on here can relate to this guy)

View attachment 188088

Is posting funny to my answers the best you can do? is it?

Aren't you better than that? :dunno:


ok no then
Let's hope so!

Of course you hope so.

You lost over a year ago and are still major butt-hurt.

You'd love to see Trump's presidency fail....because you really don't give a fuck about America.

It's just what you want.

You pathetic weasel.

Go ahead and go after him. If it gets serious, lots of people are going to die.

You'd love to see Trump's presidency fail....because you really don't give a fuck about America.

No little guy, we want to see Trump's presidency fail, because we do give a fuck about the rule of law. Donald Trump is not a king, we did away with that in 1776. The rule of law will be his with it!
The OIG report was released on Friday.. It lays out the unlawful coup against Trump including some of those who are still in positions of power. Mueller's witch hunt was clearly shown illegal and baseless. The so called evidence was clearly bought and paid for by the Clinton crime family and the FISA court was duped...

As I watch the IG report and the data coming out, this is a coup attempt.... The whole damn thing stinks.. We need to erect gallows and show people what happens to those who attempt to subvert the US Constitution.

And not a peep from the Liberal Main Stream Media.... Protecting traitors...
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Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker

I agree that the raid on Michael Cohen is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant. Along with yesterday's news that Cohen has been under investigation for months--and that he did indeed lie to investigators about a trip to Prague.
Special counsel has evidence Michael Cohen traveled to Prague:...
Trump Lawyer Has Been Under Criminal Probe for Months, Prosecutors Say

Mueller has been moving at the speed of light. Detaining Russian oligarchs at La Guardia, and seizing their electronics. Mueller is going to proceed with the obstruction of justice report that he'll give to congress without meeting with Trump.
Trump, Mueller teams prepare to move forward without presidential interview
Mueller's team questioning Russian oligarchs - CNNPolitics

Here's why Trump would never get in front of Mueller to answer questions.

Are we finally at the end game? Hmmm? Mueller will hand over his reports to congress, and whether a Republican congress who is terrified of their base would do anything is highly doubtful.

I think Mueller knows this, as he has been incessantly attacked by House Republicans, whose only objective since the start of Mueller's investigation, one year ago, was to manufacture conspiracy's in a futile attempt to discredit the DOJ and Robert Mueller.

So Mueller may wait until Democrats are seated as majority leaders on January 20, 2019 in one or both houses before he turns his reports in, and he may use this time to dig deeper into the money laundering schemes, which are time consuming and complicated themselves.

So we may not get the final version until January 20, 2019. A good book to read in the meantime to prepare for the open public hearings that Democrats will be doing once they're the majority in one or both houses is this.


Top seller on Amazon. Very well written, easy to follow and hard to put down.
reads like a nonfiction spy novel.
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The OIG report was released on Friday.. It lays out the unlawful coup against Trump including some of those who are still in positions of power. Mueller's witch hunt was clearly shown illegal and baseless. The so called evidence was clearly bought and paid for by the Clinton crime family and the FISA court was duped...

As I watch the IG report and the data coming out, this is a coup attempt.... The whole damn thing stinks.. We need to erect gallows and show people what happens to those who attempt to subvert the US Constitution.

And not a peep from the Liberal Main Stream Media.... Protecting traitors...

Wow, you are one delusional individual. Do you get your news from Alex Jones? You are wayyyyyy out there dude, but then so are a lot of Trumplings.

You protect a traitor who sold out this country to Russia, you dumbass.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
I dunno really.....

From all that I know about President Trump, he has always said that he never emails and has never emailed, anyone!

So, there will not be any communications between the two.
Would it not be wonderful to see the looks on the faces of these libs if they somehow manage to impeach Trump and remove him from office and Pence takes the oath of office right before Vice President Ryan?


Sure. A neutered Pence with a Democratic congress would be an aggravation, but no where near the source of embarrassment world disruption that Trump is.
Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

Ah, another delusional TDS BUFFOON crawls out from under the kitchen stove. The first 1,473 predictions that Trump would never run for office, would never make it through the primaries, would never get the RNC nomination, would certainly never beat Hillary, and would never see the end of 2017 still in office unimpeached, finally thinks we are at the "end stage" of Trump and his days left are written on the wall. How original. Cry, baby, cry.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
I dunno really.....

From all that I know about President Trump, he has always said that he never emails and has never emailed, anyone!

So, there will not be any communications between the two.

Michael Cohn taped his conversations. Plus they have documents, and he has already lied to investigators about a trip to Prague.

Scoll to post # 28 on this thread--it's all explained there.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker

He will not be removed from office. He will serve out his term, and depending on who the DNC decides to nominate (we all know they don’t leave that decision to the voters), and who knows what the disfunctional RNC will do, he may when a second term.
Are you at the end stage of your grief over Hillary's loss yet? Nope Still mired in Anger and Denial.

No one has ever convened a Federal Grand Jury on Hillary Clinton. To date we have 5 guilty plea's, and another 90+ Federal Grand Jury indictments and criminal charges, that are certain to produce more.

Trump surrogates were being picked up in routine daily spying operations by several different foreign countries since 2015.

GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June, 2016

If I have got your interest yet scroll back up to post # 28 on this thread and you'll see another video and links with the issues with Michael Cohen getting raided--along with an explanation of what is currently going on. Just being in denial isn't going to save Trump. He's not going to make it until the end of 1st term--guaranteed.
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We know that the Left Wingers are fanatical knuttjobs, but their attacks on Trump are actually an attack on our democracy. They are at the dangerous stage of fanatical knuttjobs.

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