Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

Let's hope so!

Of course you hope so.

You lost over a year ago and are still major butt-hurt.

You'd love to see Trump's presidency fail....because you really don't give a fuck about America.

It's just what you want.

You pathetic weasel.

Go ahead and go after him. If it gets serious, lots of people are going to die.
I know how it feels when the majority doesn't rule and have to put up with the stupidity of the minority and their clown. I didn't vote last elections. But those who are pissed at the current event, I completly understand them. The minority should have no say in electing a president, it's not democratic by any means.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
It's amazing that the majority have elected a 1%er. knowing these wall streeters have zero allegiance to anything American except the American dollar

And knowing how they roll , we're not talking some meritocracy where the best or smartest get to the top, nothing would be further from the truth

I guess we didn't learn much from Reagan's trickle down , because that's what we essentially have, a reaganista potus ....again


This will still go on after Trump is well into his second term.

It will go on well after he completes his two terms. Just like Bush was blamed for everything during the Hussein era.
You mean how Republicans have for 30+ years & are still investigating the Clinton's! You chumps still investigate & campaign against the Kennedy's with 2 more new movies this month.
Trump is already talking to Emmet T. Flood , Clinton's 'impeachment lawyer'

So Trump, like Clinton ,may be impeached, but not removed from office is a distinct possibility

Would it not be wonderful to see the looks on the faces of these libs if they somehow manage to impeach Trump and remove him from office and Pence takes the oath of office right before Vice President Ryan?



The first policy to come down the pipe would have them jumping out of windows!

Trump wasn't stupid when he picked Mike Pence, baby.
OP is asking if Trump is done. Personally i doubt it, he'll pull a Clinton

That said, the GOP is imploding , the rats have been jumping ship for a while and now that Ryan's hung it up haven't much of a November to count on

This is due to Trump's radicalized picks, mostly right of right

It's also in step with public gestalt , partisanship always being a political pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other, fueled by our discontent

It's a shame in the sense that Trump HAD a very strong house & senate

I'd expect far more of his 'those da*n Dem's' tweets this fall , especially in that a record number of women are running , who already view him as a slimeball

What we know is that Mueller is almost ready to release an initial set of recommendations having to do with Obstruction of Justice charges.

Like all investigations having to do with organized crime syndicates, they start at the bottom and work their way up, flipping people in exchange for plea deals and reduced sentences if they co-operate w/the investigation.

Beyond that, the financial crimes would be the next big thing, as a few states have already gotten the ball rolling on that stuff.

On the biggest charge of Conspiracy Against the United States, which is legalese for "collusion", it'll be interesting to see if Mueller has the specific evidence for it, or if it will remain circumstantial.

A refresher on collusion: Remember how this started? If you guessed "at the Republican convention", you'd be right. Republican bigwigs independently formulated their party's platform, sent it to the Trump campaign for their input, and the Trump camp rubber-stamped the entire platform word for word EXCEPT one detail: The U.S. will no longer be obliged to help Ukraine in the event of a Russian incursion.

Naturally, the obvious question arose: Why did the Trump camp make a move favorable to Russia in their party's platform, and what did they get for giving Russia that concession?

As those two questions were asked, Trump and his ENTIRE circle began denying ever having met with any Russians EVER, even though NO ONE had asked that yet.

Over the course of the last 20 months, we've gone from "none of us EVER met w/Russians EVER" to proof of several dozen meetings between Trump's closest lackeys and Putin's closest lackeys. We have Trump on camera asking Russia to attack their opponent. We know from the Trump Tower meeting that Don Jr's email about what that meeting was really about is as close as anything that's been released to the public that rubs right up against that big conspiracy charge.

If they have another email here and a piece of a phone conversation there from one side and the other, Mueller will go for the big charge, and I think that only then will we really sense the ending of the Trump presidency.

I don't see how Trump could survive a charge that grave. On the other hand, if all the other stuff sticks but there isn't enough of a smoking gun for collusion and Trump tries to weather it, I think public exhaustion with him could end up being the thing that does him in. He runs an admittedly chaotic administration. The news is big and crazy like every day. And between the money laundering stuff and the porn stars and the obstruction of justice, I could see the public wanting in 2020 to go back to a default setting of having a more boring, normal administration. I do see Trump as a one-termer.
This will still go on after Trump is well into his second term.

It will go on well after he completes his two terms. Just like Bush was blamed for everything during the Hussein era.
You mean how Republicans have for 30+ years & are still investigating the Clinton's! You chumps still investigate & campaign against the Kennedy's with 2 more new movies this month.

Yes, when you commit actual crimes and get away with it, people care.
What we know is that Mueller is almost ready to release an initial set of recommendations having to do with Obstruction of Justice charges.

Like all investigations having to do with organized crime syndicates, they start at the bottom and work their way up, flipping people in exchange for plea deals and reduced sentences if they co-operate w/the investigation.

Beyond that, the financial crimes would be the next big thing, as a few states have already gotten the ball rolling on that stuff.

On the biggest charge of Conspiracy Against the United States, which is legalese for "collusion", it'll be interesting to see if Mueller has the specific evidence for it, or if it will remain circumstantial.

A refresher on collusion: Remember how this started? If you guessed "at the Republican convention", you'd be right. Republican bigwigs independently formulated their party's platform, sent it to the Trump campaign for their input, and the Trump camp rubber-stamped the entire platform word for word EXCEPT one detail: The U.S. will no longer be obliged to help Ukraine in the event of a Russian incursion.

Naturally, the obvious question arose: Why did the Trump camp make a move favorable to Russia in their party's platform, and what did they get for giving Russia that concession?

As those two questions were asked, Trump and his ENTIRE circle began denying ever having met with any Russians EVER, even though NO ONE had asked that yet.

Over the course of the last 20 months, we've gone from "none of us EVER met w/Russians EVER" to proof of several dozen meetings between Trump's closest lackeys and Putin's closest lackeys. We have Trump on camera asking Russia to attack their opponent. We know from the Trump Tower meeting that Don Jr's email about what that meeting was really about is as close as anything that's been released to the public that rubs right up against that big conspiracy charge.

If they have another email here and a piece of a phone conversation there from one side and the other, Mueller will go for the big charge, and I think that only then will we really sense the ending of the Trump presidency.

I don't see how Trump could survive a charge that grave. On the other hand, if all the other stuff sticks but there isn't enough of a smoking gun for collusion and Trump tries to weather it, I think public exhaustion with him could end up being the thing that does him in. He runs an admittedly chaotic administration. The news is big and crazy like every day. And between the money laundering stuff and the porn stars and the obstruction of justice, I could see the public wanting in 2020 to go back to a default setting of having a more boring, normal administration. I do see Trump as a one-termer.

Gee, maybe Trump thought that our meddling in the Ukraine was wrong and we shouldn’t support the Nazi regime that Soros and the Hussein installed? He was the only one willing to stand up and say that no, we aren’t going to war for a bunch of Nazi thugs that overthrew a legitimate government.
History books may end up showing that Trump represented a destructive last gasp that actually hastened and intensified the arrival of the Regressive Left as the dominant political movement in the country, as I predicted in August: My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

To wit:


"Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

"In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

"But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

"Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared."

We'd still be better off with a religious whack job like Pence then we would be with an incompetent fool like Trump.

Is that a case of "takes one to know one" or do you have any examples for us to consider?

Read the story I so kindly provided you. It lists many examples of the Trump crime family, and here are a few to ponder:

However, I am unaware of anybody who has taken a serious look at Trump’s business who doesn’t believe that there is a high likelihood of rampant criminality. In Azerbaijan, he did business with a likely money launderer for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. In the Republic of Georgia, he partnered with a group that was being investigated for a possible role in the largest known bank-fraud and money-laundering case in history. In Indonesia, his development partner is “knee-deep in dirty politics”; there are criminal investigations of his deals in Brazil; the F.B.I. is reportedly looking into his daughter Ivanka’s role in the Trump hotel in Vancouver, for which she worked with a Malaysian family that has admitted to financial fraud. Back home, Donald, Jr., and Ivanka were investigated for financial crimes associated with the Trump hotel in SoHo—an investigation that was halted suspiciously. His Taj Mahal casino received what was then the largest fine in history for money-laundering violations.

Listing all the financial misconduct can be overwhelming and tedious.
It's a typical snowflake pile of shit. It's all innuendo, rumour and six-degrees-from-kevin-bacon type stuff.
What we know is that Mueller is almost ready to release an initial set of recommendations having to do with Obstruction of Justice charges.

Like all investigations having to do with organized crime syndicates, they start at the bottom and work their way up, flipping people in exchange for plea deals and reduced sentences if they co-operate w/the investigation.

Beyond that, the financial crimes would be the next big thing, as a few states have already gotten the ball rolling on that stuff.

On the biggest charge of Conspiracy Against the United States, which is legalese for "collusion", it'll be interesting to see if Mueller has the specific evidence for it, or if it will remain circumstantial.

A refresher on collusion: Remember how this started? If you guessed "at the Republican convention", you'd be right. Republican bigwigs independently formulated their party's platform, sent it to the Trump campaign for their input, and the Trump camp rubber-stamped the entire platform word for word EXCEPT one detail: The U.S. will no longer be obliged to help Ukraine in the event of a Russian incursion.

Naturally, the obvious question arose: Why did the Trump camp make a move favorable to Russia in their party's platform, and what did they get for giving Russia that concession?

As those two questions were asked, Trump and his ENTIRE circle began denying ever having met with any Russians EVER, even though NO ONE had asked that yet.

Over the course of the last 20 months, we've gone from "none of us EVER met w/Russians EVER" to proof of several dozen meetings between Trump's closest lackeys and Putin's closest lackeys. We have Trump on camera asking Russia to attack their opponent. We know from the Trump Tower meeting that Don Jr's email about what that meeting was really about is as close as anything that's been released to the public that rubs right up against that big conspiracy charge.

If they have another email here and a piece of a phone conversation there from one side and the other, Mueller will go for the big charge, and I think that only then will we really sense the ending of the Trump presidency.

I don't see how Trump could survive a charge that grave. On the other hand, if all the other stuff sticks but there isn't enough of a smoking gun for collusion and Trump tries to weather it, I think public exhaustion with him could end up being the thing that does him in. He runs an admittedly chaotic administration. The news is big and crazy like every day. And between the money laundering stuff and the porn stars and the obstruction of justice, I could see the public wanting in 2020 to go back to a default setting of having a more boring, normal administration. I do see Trump as a one-termer.
Wow, I've never seen so much hysterical bullshit in a single post before. You can congratulate yourself on a totally fact free post. That was a stunning performance. The paranoia and delusion reach hieghts I never dreamed to be possible.
History books may end up showing that Trump represented a destructive last gasp that actually hastened and intensified the arrival of the Regressive Left as the dominant political movement in the country, as I predicted in August: My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

To wit:


"Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

"In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

"But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

"Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared."


Bullshit. President Trump isn’t responsible for the regressive left and their obsession to destroy this country. Did you really think these un-American traitors would ever self evaluate and change? They are desperate now and will not stop trying to destroy our country. President Trump has been great, it’s been the treasonous RINOs in the GOP that have failed to enact most of his agenda. The only reason Dems may regain power in Congress is because of the failure of the GOP.

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