Are the protests significant ? Whats the plan ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?
Yes, it’s called vote all Democrats out of office. All the piece of shit mayors, sheriffs, and governors that are allowing it all to happen. Vote out all the Democrat leaders calling for more violence.

This shit isn’t happening in red states and cities, because we believe in law and order. All they have to do is round up and arrest the rioters, and charge them. It can end just like that, but Dems of course want the violence in order to make President Trump look bad. It’s literally their only hope in winning the election. That’s how desperate they are.

Of course it’s backfiring now, as the American public isn’t quite as stupid as they hoped.
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?

There is no real issue........police killing blacks is a lie......if you look at the suspects all but a handful are violent criminals who refused to comply with the lawful orders of the police and their escalation resulted in their getting killed.....jason blake, the latest, was a convicted felon, with a current warrant for felony sexual assault, who fought the police then reached into his car, allegedly stating to the police he was getting a knife.....

The burning, looting, beating and killing by joe biden voters has been organized, funded, coordinated by allies of the democrat party....the joe biden voters in antifa and black lives matter are doing what they are doing in the hopes it will hurt Trump for the election, they do not care about actual black Americans....since the majority of the murder, violence, burning and looting is happening in black neighborhoods to black Americans.....just before an election.

Tommy....if you care about actual facts....look up police statistics in the U.S.....there is no systemic racism......and the fact is that the problem in black communities are a direct result of democrat party policies in those cities.......the very political party over 90% of black Americans vote for every election.........

This is not a White/Black issue...this is a democrat party issue.
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

From that statement it becomes obvious you don't know what you are talking have taken your cue from the democrat party controlled press in the United States......again, George Floyd was not killed by the cop who held him down with his knee on his neck.......he died from a massive over dose of fentanyl......he was dead and still walking when the police showed up....

jason black was a violent felon with a current warrant for his arrest for a felony sexual assault....he did not comply with the lawful orders of the police, fought the police, then reached into his car with the intent of getting a weapon.....

You don't understand that actual facts involved in these riots.......

We are in an election year and the democrats and joe biden voters are acting in coordination with the democrat party.....the facts, truth and reality do not support the claims of the democrat party......but facts, truth and reality don't win elections when the democrat party has destroyed the cities they control.
Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?
There are no “police executions”. Every single one of the incidents these lefties use to stir up anger is based on lies. Only about a dozen “unarmed” blacks are killed by cops every year, in a nation of 330 million. Most of those cases are justified as the perp was disobeying police orders.

The Breanna Taylor case is a bad one, based on bad police policy. Everyone was outraged by that one. Plain clothed police served a no-knock warrant at an apartment to find a drug dealer, it wasn’t even his place I think, it was his brother’s. The guy inside thought it was a home invasion and opened fired on the cops. Huge gun battle, his girlfriend was caught in the crossfire.

Rand Paul, a Republican, authored the Justice for Breanna Taylor Bill to stop such practices of warrants. Yet he was attacked last night by BLM on the streets of Washington after the RNC. Previously a Bernie Sanders maniac tried to kill him too. This is the Democrat Party, domestic terrorists that attack actual civil rights leaders making a difference for black people.
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?

Truth and facts...get some.....

“Many people ask whether black or white citizens are more likely to be shot and why. We found that violent crime rates are the driving force behind fatal shootings,” Cesario said.

“Our data show that the rate of crime by each racial group correlates with the likelihood of citizens from that racial group being shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of white people committing crimes, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of black people committing crimes, black people are more likely to be shot. It is the best predictor we have of fatal police shootings.”

By connecting the findings of police officer race, victim race and crime rates, the research suggests that the best way to understand police shootings isn’t racial bias of the police officer; rather, by the exposure to police officers through crime.

The vast majority – between 90% and 95% – of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot.

The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare, Cesario said.

Although white officers are not more likely than black officers to shoot black citizens when looking at all fatal shootings, the data are too uncertain to draw firm conclusions once different subtypes of shootings, such as shootings of unarmed citizens, are examined.

This is because these types of shootings are too rare for strong conclusions to be drawn.

They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?

Trumps support is growing ....also support for local and state Republicans

the New York times has jumped on the uh oh the peaceful protests viloent left wing riots may not be helping the democrats in swing states

Seattle is now being sued for 3 billion dollars ...3 billion no shit
Some father is pissed his kid died and is suing the shit out of the government for letting this spiral out of control

Please see delegitimized government/ government deligitimizing itself for a clue

In nyc no rodny king riots ...squashed before they could spread or do any real damage

Boston bombing ? City locked down at and incredibly speedy rate

Burn loot murder could of been quelled anywhere they broke pretty easily
The kenosha kids legal team will be bouncing that around the state could of prevented the riots ..thenstate of Wisconsin and municipality of Kenosha is negligent

Normies and indies ...the bourgeoisie theyre picking up on how the left is erasing the violent leftist past lol making them out into saints

Its disturbing
Whats sad and pathetic progressives believe nothing was being washed

I'm surprised people aren't hanging local and state democrats yet
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?

A breakdown of the jason blake shooting...

The major problem is that the major problems are not dealt with because the minor problems are taking all the attention and energy.
The major problem is that the major problems are not dealt with because the minor problems are taking all the attention and energy.
I understand that the plan for dealing with Covid is still being formulated ?

Covid cases across the country are down....Trump handled it well......he made sure the Governors had everything they wanted and needed and now we are on the down side of the virus.......deaths and hospitalizations are down.......
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?

America is not under threat. A few cities are having riots because the local governments, mayors and governors are allowing. Portland and Seattle being two of the cities that don’t seem to care and those rioting are wanting the mayors to recall the mayors that are allowing them to riot, which makes no sense whatsoever. The police shooting blacks because of race has been disproven by many studies however the perception is entirely different. The more these riots are allowed to continue and the violence continues, the more I believe it will help Trump get re-elected. Trump moved federal forces to the cities however the mayors and governors were outraged and the feds left, leaving the cities to deal with looting, businesses being shut down, violence to continue and mayhem. Biden came out Wednesday saying the riots were wrong and both sides need to talk it out. He is pretty late in his stance.

The subject is not too big to tackle, it’s that the rioters are taking advantage of the opportunity to riot and they have no intention of talking. I believe that strong leadership in the BLM movement could force city governments to sit down and address the issues and work to a solution, however as long as the violence is allowed to continue there is no hope to solve anything.

I believe that after the election, it will all disappear in a week or two and won’t resurface until 2024.
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?

America is not under threat. A few cities are having riots because the local governments, mayors and governors are allowing. Portland and Seattle being two of the cities that don’t seem to care and those rioting are wanting the mayors to recall the mayors that are allowing them to riot, which makes no sense whatsoever. The police shooting blacks because of race has been disproven by many studies however the perception is entirely different. The more these riots are allowed to continue and the violence continues, the more I believe it will help Trump get re-elected. Trump moved federal forces to the cities however the mayors and governors were outraged and the feds left, leaving the cities to deal with looting, businesses being shut down, violence to continue and mayhem. Biden came out Wednesday saying the riots were wrong and both sides need to talk it out. He is pretty late in his stance.

The subject is not too big to tackle, it’s that the rioters are taking advantage of the opportunity to riot and they have no intention of talking. I believe that strong leadership in the BLM movement could force city governments to sit down and address the issues and work to a solution, however as long as the violence is allowed to continue there is no hope to solve anything.

I believe that after the election, it will all disappear in a week or two and won’t resurface until 2024.

The blm movement is a is nothing more than a democrat party attack group......created by marxists, it is simply used to attack the enemies of the democrat party, black lives have nothing to do with black lives matter as a group.
Has Biden spoken about this ?
Biden has said nothing for months now. But since the polls are turning on him, he finally gave out a wimpy blurb about wanting to end the violence from his basement. He’s pathetic.
Actually Biden has made thinly veiled threats that the riots and violence will continue unless he is elected president.

I don't think trying to intimidate Americans into voting for him is going to work. It's going to backfire. I even know Democrat voters who resent it.
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?
I think this stuff is helping Trump in two ways.

First, Americans still just aren't keen on violence for any reason, thankfully.

Second, and more importantly, it's allowing Trump and his obedient Trumpsters to keep the focus on the violence and ignore/avoid the underlying issues behind the violence. Point out any injustices or bigotry or shooting, and all they have to do is say "BLM! Antifa! The country is burning!" and avoid an honest conversation.

These people know they can't discuss anything deeper, because their media ignores it, too. And since talk radio doesn't tell them what to say and think on those things, they have to avoid discussing them (outside of just summarily denying everything). But screaming and pointing like children can be effective in many cases.

If Trump wins, this will be a significant reason why.
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They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?

America is not under threat. A few cities are having riots because the local governments, mayors and governors are allowing. Portland and Seattle being two of the cities that don’t seem to care and those rioting are wanting the mayors to recall the mayors that are allowing them to riot, which makes no sense whatsoever. The police shooting blacks because of race has been disproven by many studies however the perception is entirely different. The more these riots are allowed to continue and the violence continues, the more I believe it will help Trump get re-elected. Trump moved federal forces to the cities however the mayors and governors were outraged and the feds left, leaving the cities to deal with looting, businesses being shut down, violence to continue and mayhem. Biden came out Wednesday saying the riots were wrong and both sides need to talk it out. He is pretty late in his stance.

The subject is not too big to tackle, it’s that the rioters are taking advantage of the opportunity to riot and they have no intention of talking. I believe that strong leadership in the BLM movement could force city governments to sit down and address the issues and work to a solution, however as long as the violence is allowed to continue there is no hope to solve anything.

I believe that after the election, it will all disappear in a week or two and won’t resurface until 2024.

The blm movement is a is nothing more than a democrat party attack group......created by marxists, it is simply used to attack the enemies of the democrat party, black lives have nothing to do with black lives matter as a group.
Exactly. The Democrats formed BLM to protest Florida's stand your ground law after Trayvon Martin got shot while attempting to murder George Zimmerman.
They are obviously providing Trump with a few talking points in a bid to win support. Which is odd really when it is happening on his watch. I read thread after thread on "riots" on this board but not one of our news outlets, left or right, has much to say about them.

It looks like a localised thing rather than the whole US is on fire.

But lets accept the premise that America is under threat. What is the plan for dealing with the symptoms ?

Did Trump unveil a national strategy for dealing with this so called threat? People riot when they are pissed off. How is that to be addressed ?

Has Biden spoken about this ?

Will something be done to stop all of these police executions ?

Or is the subject too big to tackle ?

I think the police have an awful time of it. But they do not help themselves. Who is looking to sort this out ?
/——/ And Tommy Taint smacks a line drive into left field— it’s going - it’s going— ahhh, another foul ball by Tommy.
Yet another uninformed failed Foreigner whites are killed by cops more than blacks
And since Hispanics are racially identified as Caucasian whites are killed at an even higher rate.

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