Are Republican Partisans Crossing Over to Vote for Sanders?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.
If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.
Setting Sanders up for the fall if Republican's are secretly voting for Sanders somehow, because who best to be defeated by Trump than the socialist communist Sanders ?? Rotflmbo.

It don't matter anyways, because Trump will defeat anybody on that democrat debate stage with ease.
If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.
And this is why one of the best messages to beat Trump is to remind people that their votes are secret. Especially people living in trump country and trumpkin families.
If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.

No. However, if I were the easily humored type, I'd have just propelled some fine bourbon from my nostrils. More than anything else, in that ad plastered all across You Tube where he's walking toward the camera, Bernie reminds me of a zombie Fozzie Bear. It's quite traumatizing really, when sober.
Where I come from, you can vote in whichever party primary you want, for whatever reason you want. If there is nobody to worry about in the party you support and therefore need to put your vote on to insure their place on the ticket, voting in the other party's primary to try to get the easiest to beat is not an uncommon tactic. You do not have to register to a party here to vote in the primary. You just can't vote in both primaries. Obviously your vote for the person or party you choose in the General. Is this unusual in the rest of the country?
And this is why one of the best messages to beat Trump is to remind people that their votes are secret. Especially people living in trump country and trumpkin families.

The only way to beat Trump is for the Democrats to come up with a candidate that isn't a complete loser. Someone who can appeal to mainstream American voters, and not just to the extreme degenerate fringes.

So far, not a hint that the Democrats are even thinking of this approach, much less doing anything about it.
The bulk of Sanders supporters are 20 to 40 and drowning in debt. Bernie's message is:
Bernie is a dipshit. I hope he is not the nominee in November.
The only way to beat Trump is for the Democrats to come up with a candidate that isn't a complete loser. Someone who can appeal to mainstream American voters, and not just to the extreme degenerate fringes.
So far, not a hint that the Democrats are even thinking of this approach, much less doing anything about it.
Because they are all losers who lie constantly not only to the public but to themselves as well.
If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.

I rather like the idea of a Sanders presidency if Trump is to lose, Jim.

It'll be the final nail in the coffin to prove once and for all to the nation the flaws and fallacies of Progressive leftist socialism, when Sander's ideas are attempted implemented and utterly blow up in the Left's face.
If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.

I rather like the idea of a Sanders presidency if Trump is to lose, Jim.

It'll be the final nail in the coffin to prove once and for all to the nation the flaws and fallacies of Progressive leftist socialism, when Sander's ideas are attempted implemented and utterly blow up in the Left's face.
Dangerous was to prove a point.
I rather like the idea of a Sanders presidency if Trump is to lose, Jim.

It'll be the final nail in the coffin to prove once and for all to the nation the flaws and fallacies of Progressive leftist socialism, when Sander's ideas are attempted implemented and utterly blow up in the Left's face.

Those who didn't learn that lesson during the Obama administration won't learn it under Sanders, either.

Some forms of ignorance are incurable.
I rather like the idea of a Sanders presidency if Trump is to lose, Jim.

It'll be the final nail in the coffin to prove once and for all to the nation the flaws and fallacies of Progressive leftist socialism, when Sander's ideas are attempted implemented and utterly blow up in the Left's face.

Those who didn't learn that lesson during the Obama administration won't learn it under Sanders, either.

Some forms of ignorance are incurable.

Oh no. Bernie is Obama on STEROIDS! If Obama was a thief creeping in the shadows, Bernie is like an old man flasher ripping his raincoat open before school children to show his pasty white, naked wrinkled little 4-inch penis!
If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.

As an independent in Colorado, I can either vote in the Republican or Democrat primary. I filled out my ballot for Bernie, because he will be the easiest to beat in the general. There’s a very good chance we will slip into recession (coronavirus) before November, so Trump wont be so strong, but I can’t imagine this country would elect a Commie. I didn’t think they’d elect an Orange clown either though, for what it is worth.
Is this unusual in the rest of the country?
It's unusual in NY...when I primary, democrats are all I can vote for because there is no republican to vote for, they hold their primary separately and I don't think independents get to vote at all in primaries in NY...I know that's how it was when I first voted in NY, but things could have changed without my knowledge so if anyone else knows differently I would welcome an update.

If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.
I don't see it as a big thing because many primaries are "closed." Bernie has that suburban liberal white vote and that is his base. Outside that perimeter he is toast.
Is this unusual in the rest of the country?
It's unusual in NY...when I primary, democrats are all I can vote for because there is no republican to vote for, they hold their primary separately and I don't think independents get to vote at all in primaries in NY...I know that's how it was when I first voted in NY, but things could have changed without my knowledge so if anyone else knows differently I would welcome an update.
Interesting. I just picked up on this recently, when I read of someone changing their party registration to vote in a primary, planning to change back after election. Seems more trouble than it is worth. Easier to understand how some people can end up with a party affiliation more important the the quality or the person they vote for. Not the best practice for the health of the country, but great for team sports politics, but that is just my opinion.

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