Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian

so? of what significance is the fact that there were times and places
in which religion was just as restricted and IMPOSED as it is today
thruout the "Islamic world" ? There were times and places in which
people were cannibals too.

still are cannibals, both out of necessity and choice

I did not want to mention it------today being Good Friday. I often take a look
at recipe sites--------never encountered any human recipes. I have an old copy
of "THE JOY OF COOKING"-------with recipes for squirrel and a complete guide
to the preparation---from newly dead bear------to yummy supper-----but nothing

Dang...not even one for you know..."rocky mountain oysters" of the homosapiens variety?

nope-----I am confident that there is a recipe for SOME types of "oysters" of
the fields-------but not human. ONE COULD ADAPT

About 341,000 results (0.41 seconds)
Search Results
10 Reviews Of Human Flesh By Real Cannibals - Listverse
Jul 1, 2015 - Since it was a beef-like meat, da Silveira said the group had three different recipes for cooking human flesh. The first was carne guisada, which ...
HowTo:Cook A Human - Uncyclopedia - Wikia
Like the tomato, which was once thought to be poisonous, human flesh is .... If you're new to cooking humans, this chart should help you decide what cut you ...
Ancient Mesoamerican Recipe For Cooking Human Flesh ...
May 20, 2015 - Archaeologists working near Mexico City found evidence of cannibalism. Using cutting-edge techniques, they re-created the methods and ...
HowTo: Eat a Human « Meat Recipes
Dec 1, 2010 - Please, DO NOT attempt to eat a human, not matter how clear these instructions are. But, in the event of the apocalypse, now you know: eating ...
Guide to cannibalism suggests ways to eat humans - Dezeen
Dezeen Magazine
Jun 9, 2015 - Graduate shows 2015: intended to promote eating humans, the Guide to Cannibalism provides recipes for cooking meat, and also comes with ...
Cannibalism in the news: What does human flesh taste like?
Jun 4, 2012 - Seabrook noted that, in raw form, human meat looks like beef, but slightly less red, with pale yellow fat. When roasted, the meat turned grayish, ...


Rocky Mountain Oysters Recipe - What's Cooking America
View attachment 69067
Rocky Mountains oysters - also known as prairie oysters, Montana tendergroins, cowboy caviar, swinging beef, and calf fries - are true Western delicacies. ... Like other organ meats, testicles may be cooked in a variety of ways – deep-fried whole, cut into broad, thin slices, or ...
Bull Testicles aka Rocky Mountain Oysters - Why Would You ...
▶ 2:43

Jul 6, 2012 - Uploaded by Tasted
Why would any sane human being ever consume bull testicles? Find out about Rocky Mountain Oysters in this ...
Rocky Mountain oysters are real – and delicious - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 19, 2015 - The Buckhorn Exchange is Denver's oldest restaurant, but more importantly it is the most atmospheric in the city – and maybe the country.
Rocky Mountain Oysters Recipe -
View attachment 69068
Rating: 5 - ‎9 reviews - ‎1 hr 50 min - ‎192 cal
These are made from what is left after many ranchers castrate the spring calves. Many times they are just roasted over a campfire but the recipe below is what is ...
Tasty Testes: On Eating Rocky Mountain Oysters - Modern ...
Modern Farmer
Nov 11, 2013 - Known by a profusion of catchy euphemisms — Rocky Mountain oysters, prairie oysters, calf fries, huevos del toros (which is literally “bulls' ...

thanks------I used to keep recipes on index cards-----before al gore invented the
net-------but all got lost in a move-------I am SO GLAD that I can now file in digital
mode--------and keep your recipes till the end of time------or until the damn machine
crashes. --------~~~~tasty testes.........Tasty Testes on Toast <<<for poetic value
and yet so many have been killed because they convert or believe in the christian faith
churches or the bible is not allowed in most of arabia.
Chritians that word at the pleasure of saudi, live in compounds/ghettos apart from muslims.
Christians in their own homes have been arrested for praying in groups.

What is that about no compulsion of religion???????
Not unique to Islam.

so? of what significance is the fact that there were times and places
in which religion was just as restricted and IMPOSED as it is today
thruout the "Islamic world" ? There were times and places in which
people were cannibals too.

still are cannibals, both out of necessity and choice

I did not want to mention it------today being Good Friday. I often take a look
at recipe sites--------never encountered any human recipes. I have an old copy
of "THE JOY OF COOKING"-------with recipes for squirrel and a complete guide
to the preparation---from newly dead bear------to yummy supper-----but nothing

Maybe you need an Armenian cook book. One of the co-owners of a sub shop here told me (when I mentioned the Middle East market carried them in the meat department) that his mother makes those sheep testicles delicious. She must put in some yummy spices, but I don't think I would be brave enough to try. I don't even like the looks of the cow's tongue at the deli. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that tongue in a long time so maybe people gave up eating it.

you can make almost anything mahshi

I love the lamb balls, and eyes................and the rest of the lamb


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Not unique to Islam.

so? of what significance is the fact that there were times and places
in which religion was just as restricted and IMPOSED as it is today
thruout the "Islamic world" ? There were times and places in which
people were cannibals too.

still are cannibals, both out of necessity and choice

I did not want to mention it------today being Good Friday. I often take a look
at recipe sites--------never encountered any human recipes. I have an old copy
of "THE JOY OF COOKING"-------with recipes for squirrel and a complete guide
to the preparation---from newly dead bear------to yummy supper-----but nothing

Maybe you need an Armenian cook book. One of the co-owners of a sub shop here told me (when I mentioned the Middle East market carried them in the meat department) that his mother makes those sheep testicles delicious. She must put in some yummy spices, but I don't think I would be brave enough to try. I don't even like the looks of the cow's tongue at the deli. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that tongue in a long time so maybe people gave up eating it.

you can make almost anything mahshi

I love the lamb balls, and eyes................and the rest of the lamb

I think, Aris, but I will stick to lamp chops. I did have some lamb shanks in a Middle Eastern restaurant which were quite good.

Your recipes for cannibals reminded me of the Donner Pass and what happened there.

the cave of Patriarchs massacre had nothing to do with destroying a shrine.
Hindus lost lots to the destroy or change into mosque program over the past
thousand years------in fact there were once synagogues in what is now Pakistan
too. --------of course churches too----but I know of no specific cases

Nigeria’s Christians borrow Boko Haram tactics, destroy traditional African religious shrines and art

Violence: Christians Gangs Destroying African Shrines and Culture -

Isis destroys historic Christian and Muslim shrines in northern Iraq

African evangelists destroy artifacts

The Destruction of the Pagan Temples

Jonah's tomb destroyed, officials say -

and on and on and on

the cave of Patriarchs massacre had nothing to do with destroying a shrine.
Hindus lost lots to the destroy or change into mosque program over the past
thousand years------in fact there were once synagogues in what is now Pakistan
too. --------of course churches too----but I know of no specific cases

Nigeria’s Christians borrow Boko Haram tactics, destroy traditional African religious shrines and art

Violence: Christians Gangs Destroying African Shrines and Culture -

Isis destroys historic Christian and Muslim shrines in northern Iraq

African evangelists destroy artifacts

The Destruction of the Pagan Temples

Jonah's tomb destroyed, officials say -

and on and on and on

As hard as you are going to try, Coyote (and it looks like you have been trying all day on several forums), the truth is that most of the incidents of terrorism these days are caused by Muslims.. I can understand why you have never mentioned the Boko Haram and the throats they have slit and the churches they have destroyed. In fact, the other week in an article it stated that the Boko Haram killed more people than ISIS.

Truth is, they mostly kill Muslims. Why would that bother you?

I am reminded of a GOOD FRIDAY-----many decades ago------during which I was
invited to visit a mosque. The Khutbah Jumaat (something like sermon) that
My hosts (two muslim physicians) did not understand why I seemed to be negatively affected to the sermon-------afterall---the genius imam did not even mention jews.

I've hear a few of those (too many)
so? of what significance is the fact that there were times and places
in which religion was just as restricted and IMPOSED as it is today
thruout the "Islamic world" ? There were times and places in which
people were cannibals too.

still are cannibals, both out of necessity and choice

I did not want to mention it------today being Good Friday. I often take a look
at recipe sites--------never encountered any human recipes. I have an old copy
of "THE JOY OF COOKING"-------with recipes for squirrel and a complete guide
to the preparation---from newly dead bear------to yummy supper-----but nothing

Maybe you need an Armenian cook book. One of the co-owners of a sub shop here told me (when I mentioned the Middle East market carried them in the meat department) that his mother makes those sheep testicles delicious. She must put in some yummy spices, but I don't think I would be brave enough to try. I don't even like the looks of the cow's tongue at the deli. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that tongue in a long time so maybe people gave up eating it.

you can make almost anything mahshi

I love the lamb balls, and eyes................and the rest of the lamb

I think, Aris, but I will stick to lamp chops. I did have some lamb shanks in a Middle Eastern restaurant which were quite good.

Your recipes for cannibals reminded me of the Donner Pass and what happened there.

When it comes to destroying religious sites the only two I heard of are Talibon and ISIS, both considered to be extremist groups.

You are going to have to read more about shrines being blown up with pilgrims in them. By the way, did you happen to read the article I posted about a town in Iraq that has a shrine, but the city was originally Christian so they are wiping out the evidence that the Christians were there. I wouldn't call that being tolerant.

Are you talking about the Cave of Patriarchs massacre?

not iraq

the cave of Patriarchs massacre had nothing to do with destroying a shrine.
Hindus lost lots to the destroy or change into mosque program over the past
thousand years------in fact there were once synagogues in what is now Pakistan
too. --------of course churches too----but I know of no specific cases

Nigeria’s Christians borrow Boko Haram tactics, destroy traditional African religious shrines and art

Violence: Christians Gangs Destroying African Shrines and Culture -

Isis destroys historic Christian and Muslim shrines in northern Iraq

African evangelists destroy artifacts

The Destruction of the Pagan Temples

Jonah's tomb destroyed, officials say -

and on and on and on

now two of those are in iraq
Not unique to Islam.

so? of what significance is the fact that there were times and places
in which religion was just as restricted and IMPOSED as it is today
thruout the "Islamic world" ? There were times and places in which
people were cannibals too.

still are cannibals, both out of necessity and choice

I did not want to mention it------today being Good Friday. I often take a look
at recipe sites--------never encountered any human recipes. I have an old copy
of "THE JOY OF COOKING"-------with recipes for squirrel and a complete guide
to the preparation---from newly dead bear------to yummy supper-----but nothing

Maybe you need an Armenian cook book. One of the co-owners of a sub shop here told me (when I mentioned the Middle East market carried them in the meat department) that his mother makes those sheep testicles delicious. She must put in some yummy spices, but I don't think I would be brave enough to try. I don't even like the looks of the cow's tongue at the deli. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that tongue in a long time so maybe people gave up eating it.

long long ago ---when I first ran into jews from Iran -----I got told about how
DELICIOUS---are sheep testicles. ---it gets worse-----SHEEP EYE is a
delicacy amongst Libyan jews. As to tongue----my mom used to do it now and
BUDS------but some people love it------she did brains too----but when I gagged and
upchucked she stopped trying to force it on me

you are missing some of the best parts!
still are cannibals, both out of necessity and choice

I did not want to mention it------today being Good Friday. I often take a look
at recipe sites--------never encountered any human recipes. I have an old copy
of "THE JOY OF COOKING"-------with recipes for squirrel and a complete guide
to the preparation---from newly dead bear------to yummy supper-----but nothing

Maybe you need an Armenian cook book. One of the co-owners of a sub shop here told me (when I mentioned the Middle East market carried them in the meat department) that his mother makes those sheep testicles delicious. She must put in some yummy spices, but I don't think I would be brave enough to try. I don't even like the looks of the cow's tongue at the deli. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that tongue in a long time so maybe people gave up eating it.

you can make almost anything mahshi

I love the lamb balls, and eyes................and the rest of the lamb

I think, Aris, but I will stick to lamp chops. I did have some lamb shanks in a Middle Eastern restaurant which were quite good.

Your recipes for cannibals reminded me of the Donner Pass and what happened there.


Were there cannibals in Sweeney Todd? I don't remember. The Donner Pass is in California, and the survivors ate their dead fellow travelers. Remember the crash in the Andes where the same thing happened?
I don't think I could eat something that was eying me....just saying.

fish eyes, lamb eyes, cow can invite me to dinner anytime

brains, balls (in some species they are the same thing) and just about anything in between...............
so? of what significance is the fact that there were times and places
in which religion was just as restricted and IMPOSED as it is today
thruout the "Islamic world" ? There were times and places in which
people were cannibals too.

still are cannibals, both out of necessity and choice

I did not want to mention it------today being Good Friday. I often take a look
at recipe sites--------never encountered any human recipes. I have an old copy
of "THE JOY OF COOKING"-------with recipes for squirrel and a complete guide
to the preparation---from newly dead bear------to yummy supper-----but nothing

Maybe you need an Armenian cook book. One of the co-owners of a sub shop here told me (when I mentioned the Middle East market carried them in the meat department) that his mother makes those sheep testicles delicious. She must put in some yummy spices, but I don't think I would be brave enough to try. I don't even like the looks of the cow's tongue at the deli. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that tongue in a long time so maybe people gave up eating it.

long long ago ---when I first ran into jews from Iran -----I got told about how
DELICIOUS---are sheep testicles. ---it gets worse-----SHEEP EYE is a
delicacy amongst Libyan jews. As to tongue----my mom used to do it now and
BUDS------but some people love it------she did brains too----but when I gagged and
upchucked she stopped trying to force it on me

you are missing some of the best parts!

I gave them up for Lent------I am an aesthetic-------I LEAVE THE TESTES
to the GOURMANDS along with the eyeballs------and will be satisfied with
the humble burger
I did not want to mention it------today being Good Friday. I often take a look
at recipe sites--------never encountered any human recipes. I have an old copy
of "THE JOY OF COOKING"-------with recipes for squirrel and a complete guide
to the preparation---from newly dead bear------to yummy supper-----but nothing

Maybe you need an Armenian cook book. One of the co-owners of a sub shop here told me (when I mentioned the Middle East market carried them in the meat department) that his mother makes those sheep testicles delicious. She must put in some yummy spices, but I don't think I would be brave enough to try. I don't even like the looks of the cow's tongue at the deli. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that tongue in a long time so maybe people gave up eating it.

you can make almost anything mahshi

I love the lamb balls, and eyes................and the rest of the lamb

I think, Aris, but I will stick to lamp chops. I did have some lamb shanks in a Middle Eastern restaurant which were quite good.

Your recipes for cannibals reminded me of the Donner Pass and what happened there.


Were there cannibals in Sweeney Todd? I don't remember. The Donner Pass is in California, and the survivors ate their dead fellow travelers. Remember the crash in the Andes where the same thing happened?

poor guys------they did not have a complete spice rack. Sweeney Todd was a
barber who used a few victims of his razor for the making of meat pies
I don't think I could eat something that was eying me....just saying.

fish eyes, lamb eyes, cow can invite me to dinner anytime

brains, balls (in some species they are the same thing) and just about anything in between...............

yummy------do you also like PLACENTA?

Eating the Placenta | What to Expect › Pregnancy
Other mothers with stronger stomachs cut the membranes (the thin layer of tissue) away from the placenta, then cook it like any other type of meat: in stews, spaghetti sauces, chili, or patties. Or you can make a smoothie with frozen placenta. Monitor yourself.
Placenta Recipes – The Best Placenta Recipes on the ...
Some use placenta as a substitute for liver or beef. You should treat the placenta as you would an animal meat. You may tenderize or ground it if you wish, or cut it into slices or cubes. However when cooking placenta you must remove the umbilical cord and the membranes.
Human placentophagy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human placentophagy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human placentophagy, or consumption of the placenta, is defined as, “The ... by any person, either in raw or altered (e.g., cooked, dried, steeped in liquid) form.
How To Cook And Eat A Placenta Pizza | Lifehacker Australia
Mar 27, 2013 - I then cooked and ate her placenta for the express purpose of this article. (Never let it be said that Lifehacker journos aren't committed to their ...

in topical creams and even in medicine
I don't think I could eat something that was eying me....just saying.

I don't know how it is served-----and I don't really want to know

OK, I promise I won't invite you for soup night or tuna/salmon (raw and cooked)

Do you eat lobster in the shell? Shrimp? Peking Chicken?

what of potato?

just what is in the "SOUP"------as to the big red bug----hubby won't eat it-----or
the little white bugs-------PEKING CHICKEN??? is that a euphemism for
monkey brain? why would anyone eat a big white starchy root------when there
are piles of oysters out there in the corral?
I don't think I could eat something that was eying me....just saying.

fish eyes, lamb eyes, cow can invite me to dinner anytime

brains, balls (in some species they are the same thing) and just about anything in between...............

yummy------do you also like PLACENTA?

Eating the Placenta | What to Expect › Pregnancy
Other mothers with stronger stomachs cut the membranes (the thin layer of tissue) away from the placenta, then cook it like any other type of meat: in stews, spaghetti sauces, chili, or patties. Or you can make a smoothie with frozen placenta. Monitor yourself.
Placenta Recipes – The Best Placenta Recipes on the ...
Some use placenta as a substitute for liver or beef. You should treat the placenta as you would an animal meat. You may tenderize or ground it if you wish, or cut it into slices or cubes. However when cooking placenta you must remove the umbilical cord and the membranes.
Human placentophagy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human placentophagy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human placentophagy, or consumption of the placenta, is defined as, “The ... by any person, either in raw or altered (e.g., cooked, dried, steeped in liquid) form.
How To Cook And Eat A Placenta Pizza | Lifehacker Australia
Mar 27, 2013 - I then cooked and ate her placenta for the express purpose of this article. (Never let it be said that Lifehacker journos aren't committed to their ...

in topical creams and even in medicine

why the prejudice against umbilical cords? ---------delicious stuffed----kinda like
Maybe you need an Armenian cook book. One of the co-owners of a sub shop here told me (when I mentioned the Middle East market carried them in the meat department) that his mother makes those sheep testicles delicious. She must put in some yummy spices, but I don't think I would be brave enough to try. I don't even like the looks of the cow's tongue at the deli. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that tongue in a long time so maybe people gave up eating it.

you can make almost anything mahshi

I love the lamb balls, and eyes................and the rest of the lamb

I think, Aris, but I will stick to lamp chops. I did have some lamb shanks in a Middle Eastern restaurant which were quite good.

Your recipes for cannibals reminded me of the Donner Pass and what happened there.


Were there cannibals in Sweeney Todd? I don't remember. The Donner Pass is in California, and the survivors ate their dead fellow travelers. Remember the crash in the Andes where the same thing happened?

poor guys------they did not have a complete spice rack. Sweeney Todd was a
barber who used a few victims of his razor for the making of meat pies

everyone in sweety todd were cannibal, even if they did not know it
best pies in London
I don't think I could eat something that was eying me....just saying.

I don't know how it is served-----and I don't really want to know

OK, I promise I won't invite you for soup night or tuna/salmon (raw and cooked)

Do you eat lobster in the shell? Shrimp? Peking Chicken?

what of potato?

just what is in the "SOUP"------as to the big red bug----hubby won't eat it-----or
the little white bugs-------PEKING CHICKEN??? is that a euphemism for
monkey brain? why would anyone eat a big white starchy root------when there
are piles of oysters out there in the corral?

Monkey brains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMonkey_brains
Monkey brains is a dish consisting of, at least partially, the brain of some species of monkey or ape. In Western popular culture, its consumption is repeatedly ...

or a nasty drink

Didn't your mother say to try everything once?
ooops, or was that taste
sorry mom
I don't think I could eat something that was eying me....just saying.

I don't know how it is served-----and I don't really want to know

OK, I promise I won't invite you for soup night or tuna/salmon (raw and cooked)

Do you eat lobster in the shell? Shrimp? Peking Chicken?

what of potato?

just what is in the "SOUP"------as to the big red bug----hubby won't eat it-----or
the little white bugs-------PEKING CHICKEN??? is that a euphemism for
monkey brain? why would anyone eat a big white starchy root------when there
are piles of oysters out there in the corral?

Monkey brains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMonkey_brains
Monkey brains is a dish consisting of, at least partially, the brain of some species of monkey or ape. In Western popular culture, its consumption is repeatedly ...

or a nasty drink

Didn't your mother say to try everything once?
ooops, or was that taste
sorry mom

no "tasting"-------everything that touches your plate MUST
end up in your stomach--------no choices---DIETARY TOTALITARIANISM
I don't think I could eat something that was eying me....just saying.

fish eyes, lamb eyes, cow can invite me to dinner anytime

brains, balls (in some species they are the same thing) and just about anything in between...............

yummy------do you also like PLACENTA?

Eating the Placenta | What to Expect › Pregnancy
Other mothers with stronger stomachs cut the membranes (the thin layer of tissue) away from the placenta, then cook it like any other type of meat: in stews, spaghetti sauces, chili, or patties. Or you can make a smoothie with frozen placenta. Monitor yourself.
Placenta Recipes – The Best Placenta Recipes on the ...
Some use placenta as a substitute for liver or beef. You should treat the placenta as you would an animal meat. You may tenderize or ground it if you wish, or cut it into slices or cubes. However when cooking placenta you must remove the umbilical cord and the membranes.
Human placentophagy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human placentophagy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human placentophagy, or consumption of the placenta, is defined as, “The ... by any person, either in raw or altered (e.g., cooked, dried, steeped in liquid) form.
How To Cook And Eat A Placenta Pizza | Lifehacker Australia
Mar 27, 2013 - I then cooked and ate her placenta for the express purpose of this article. (Never let it be said that Lifehacker journos aren't committed to their ...

in topical creams and even in medicine

why the prejudice against umbilical cords? ---------delicious stuffed----kinda like

Can you eat an umbilical cord? | Yahoo Answers
Home | Yahoo Answers...
Oct 2, 2009 - Stir in chopped umbilical cord, and cook until the umbilical cord browns. Stir in ginger, bok choy, chicken stock, sherry, soy sauce, and hoisin ...

Should You Eat Your Baby's Placenta? - Organic Authority
May 1, 2012 - Attached via the umbilical cord to the fetus' navel, the placenta is a unique organ and the foremost physical bond between mother and offspring ...
Why New Mothers Are Choosing To Eat Their Own Placenta ...
New York Magazine
Aug 21, 2011 - And in modern medicine, doctors often bank umbilical-cord blood to treat genetic diseases with harvested stem cells. According to Kristal, the ...

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