Zone1 Anti-Christian Bigots In Action!

If you had ever read the Bible, you'd know that the only time “spit” was used was when Christ mixed it with soil and healed a man's blindness. Otherwise, Christ tells us to “turn the other cheek” if or when something offends us. If these other “godly” religions practiced “love” like they preach, then they would ignore the sign of the cross and be good examples of their pretend “righteousness.”
the term "spit in the face of...." is an english idiom for an audacious insult. No--according to
the NT Jesus said---when you are struck in the face----just stand your ground and invite
another slap. To what "other godly religions" do you refer? The "sign of the cross"? To
the victims of church oppression of those who carry a family legacy of Church oppression,
a crucifix is something like a swastika to a concentration camp survivor or a confederate
flag to a person carrying a family history of Southern Slavery
breezie----be nice----you have UNIQUE insights----you are "BLESSED" ?? sorta
try to understand that OTHER PEOPLE are-----other than YOU

that's quite a group, the desert religions who may believe they have separate religions but in fact are a group as far the heavens as spiritually possible.
""as far from the heavens as spiritually possible"" <<< can you explain this INTERESTING phrase?

all three desert religions are similarly corrupted by their initial premise provide by mosses - genesis: man instead of life ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the corrected version as taught by jesus in repudiation of judaism ...

- as well the false commandments made up by moses or those that wrote them.
all three desert religions are similarly corrupted by their initial premise provide by mosses - genesis: man instead of life ...

the corrected version as taught by jesus in repudiation of judaism ...

- as well the false commandments made up by moses or those that wrote them.
so what is the "corrected version of genesis provided by Jesus" ??? I missed it. The false
so what is the "corrected version of genesis provided by Jesus" ???

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

* go slow - you may lose your hair-do if you notice the difference from what those others wrote or moses were it their work ... than the heavenly version jesus taught.

the path to hereditary idolatry the jews are drunk with - is what jesus claimed - when the true version was made available ...

- the jews cringed that their one way ticket might be for all beings - than just themselves.
* go slow - you may lose your hair-do if you notice the difference from what those others wrote or moses were it their work ... than the heavenly version jesus taught.

the path to hereditary idolatry the jews are drunk with - is what jesus claimed - when the true version was made available ...

- the jews cringed that their one way ticket might be for all beings - than just themselves.
my hair if fine---what "others"? I have no idea what "what those others wrote or moses were it their work" means. Not do I know what "hereditary idolatry" is? or what "one way ticket..."
my hair if fine---what "others"? I have no idea what "what those others wrote or moses were it their work" means. Not do I know what "hereditary idolatry" is? or what "one way ticket..."
the path to hereditary idolatry the jews are drunk with - is what jesus claimed - when the true version was made available ...

ask jesus maybe again - or, opps - should have before nailing him to a cross ... guess their explanation was not to your liking.

or the apartied heaven jews believe the heavens owe them - might try something else, moses got a lot of things wrong or who wrote in their name ... at any rate they are all in torment, the true believers are just trying to help them out.
ask jesus maybe again - or, opps - should have before nailing him to a cross ... guess their explanation was not to your liking.

or the apartied heaven jews believe the heavens owe them - might try something else, moses got a lot of things wrong or who wrote in their name ... at any rate they are all in torment, the true believers are just trying to help them out.

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