Antarctic Summer Melt At Lowest Levels...


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
Antarctic Ice Melt at Lowest Levels in Satellite Era

Filed under: Antarctic, Climate Changes, Glaciers/Sea Ice, Polar —

Where are the headlines? Where are the press releases? Where is all the attention?

The ice melt across during the Antarctic summer (October-January) of 2008-2009 was the lowest ever recorded in the satellite history.

Such was the finding reported last week by Marco Tedesco and Andrew Monaghan in the journal Geophysical Research Letters:

A 30-year minimum Antarctic snowmelt record occurred during austral summer 2008–2009 according to spaceborne microwave observations for 1980–2009. Strong positive phases of both the El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode (SAM) were recorded during the months leading up to and including the 2008–2009 melt season.

World Climate Report » Antarctic Ice Melt at Lowest Levels in Satellite Era
It's a mystery.
The Piri Reis map shows the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly detailed. The most puzzling however is not so much how Piri Reis managed to draw such an accurate map of the Antarctic region 300 years before it was discovered, but that the map shows the coastline under the ice. Geological evidence confirms that the latest date Queen Maud Land could have been charted in an ice-free state is 4000 BC.
The earth has been warmer in the past, and that includes less ice on both poles.
Man didn't cause polar melting back then, and he isn't causing it now.
APB, where are old rockhead and chrissy ? ...... :eusa_whistle:

Fear not, Old Rocks and Chrissy are hard at work researching their next plausible explanation for having been so gullible as to completely swallow the global warming scam.

Chrissy appears to be utilizing the pinched nips approach to information dissemination, much to Old Rock's approval...

Well if this proves global warming is false then the record open passage in the north proves it is more than true?

What can I say inflammatory or of equal to the picture posting.....

If you don't care about your children and grandchildren keep your wives, daughters and grand daughters smoking while they're pregnant. Don't use fuzzy science to avoid dumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Unless of course you think them gasses don't cause warming in an enclosed environment.....
Well if this proves global warming is false then the record open passage in the north proves it is more than true?

What can I say inflammatory or of equal to the picture posting.....

If you don't care about your children and grandchildren keep your wives, daughters and grand daughters smoking while they're pregnant. Don't use fuzzy science to avoid dumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Unless of course you think them gasses don't cause warming in an enclosed environment.....

If you are concerned with CO2 emissions so much, please stop breathing...
Well if this proves global warming is false then the record open passage in the north proves it is more than true?

What can I say inflammatory or of equal to the picture posting.....

If you don't care about your children and grandchildren keep your wives, daughters and grand daughters smoking while they're pregnant. Don't use fuzzy science to avoid dumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Unless of course you think them gasses don't cause warming in an enclosed environment.....

If you are concerned with CO2 emissions so much, please stop breathing...

Or at least talking... :lol:

/end thread
Bring on the fuzzy science of hope the earth can't be warmed up by humans! I think I can make it make sense to even folks who worship Archie Bunker and voted for "W"
Interestesting. Very interesting.

From The Sunday Times November 29, 2009

The great climate change science scandal
Leaked emails have revealed the unwillingness of climate change scientists to engage in a proper debate with the sceptics who doubt global warming
Jonathan Leake, Environment Editor

The storm began with just four cryptic words. “A miracle has happened,” announced a contributor to Climate Audit, a website devoted to criticising the science of climate change.

“RC” said nothing more — but included a web link that took anyone who clicked on it to another site, Real Climate.

There, on the morning of November 17, they found a treasure trove: a thousand or so emails sent or received by Professor Phil Jones, director of the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia in Norwich.

Jones is a key player in the science of climate change. His department’s databases on global temperature changes and its measurements have been crucial in building the case for global warming.

Related Links
Flushing out the high priests of climate change
Climate change data dumped
What those emails suggested, however, was that Jones and some colleagues may have become so convinced of their case that they crossed the line from objective research into active campaigning.

In one, Jones boasted of using statistical “tricks” to obliterate apparent declines in global temperature. In another he advocated deleting data rather than handing them to climate sceptics. And in a third he proposed organised boycotts of journals that had the temerity to publish papers that undermined the message.

It was a powerful and controversial mix — far too powerful for some. Real Climate is a website designed for scientists who share Jones’s belief in man-made climate change. Within hours the file had been stripped from the site.

Several hours later, however, it reappeared — this time on an obscure Russian server. Soon it had been copied to a host of other servers, first in Saudi Arabia and Turkey and then Europe and America.

What’s more, the anonymous poster was determined not to be stymied again. He or she posted comments on climate-sceptic blogs, detailing a dozen of the best emails and offering web links to the rest. Jones’s statistical tricks were now public property.

Steve McIntyre, a prominent climate sceptic, was amazed. “Words failed me,” he said. Another, Patrick Michaels, declared: “This is not a smoking gun; this is a mushroom cloud.”

Inevitably, the affair became nicknamed Climategate. For the scientists, campaigners and politicians trying to rouse the world to action on climate change the revelations could hardly have come at a worse time. Next month global leaders will assemble in Copenhagen to seek limits on carbon emissions. The last thing they need is renewed doubts about the validity of the science.

The scandal has also had a huge personal and professional impact on the scientists. “These have been the worst few days of my professional life,” said Jones. He had to call on the police for protection after receiving anonymous phone calls and personal threats.

Why should a few emails sent to and from a single research scientist at a middle-ranking university have so much impact? And most importantly, what does it tell us about the quality of the research underlying the science of climate change?

THE hacking scandal is not an isolated event. Instead it is the latest round of a long-running battle over climate science that goes back to 1990.

That was when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — the group of scientists that advises governments worldwide — published its first set of reports warning that the Earth faced deadly danger from climate change. A centrepiece of that report was a set of data showing how the temperature of the northern hemisphere was rising rapidly.

The problem was that the same figures showed that it had all happened before. The so-called medieval warm period of about 1,000 years ago saw Britain covered in vineyards and Viking farmers tending cows in Greenland. For any good scientist this raised a big question: was the recent warming linked to humans burning fossil fuels or was it part of a natural cycle?

The researchers set to work and in 1999 a group led by Professor Michael Mann, a climatologist at Pennsylvania State University, came up with new numbers showing that the medieval warm period was not so important after all.

Some bits of the Atlantic may have been warm for a while, but the records suggested that the Pacific had been rather chilly over the same period — so on average there was little change.

Plotted out, Mann’s data turned into the famous “hockey stick” graph. It showed northern hemisphere temperatures as staying flat for hundreds of years and then rising steeply from 1900 until now. The implication was that this rise would continue, with potentially deadly consequences for humanity.

and this sums it up nicely:
“It seems to me that the scientists have lost touch with what they were up to. They saw themselves as in a battle with the sceptics rather than advancing scientific knowledge.”

and O-MY-GOD!!!

This weekend it emerged that the unit has thrown away much of the data. Tucked away on its website is this statement: “Data storage availability in the 1980s meant that we were not able to keep the multiple sources for some sites ... We, therefore, do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (ie, quality controlled and homogenised) data.”

If true, it is extraordinary. It means that the data on which a large part of the world’s understanding of climate change is based can never be revisited or checked. Pielke said: “Can this be serious? It is now impossible to create a new temperature index from scratch. [The unit] is basically saying, ‘Trust us’.”

Yes, just trust these goons! :eek: :eusa_naughty:
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