Ann Coulter: I Want Kyle Rittenhouse To Be President


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Far-right media pundit and best-selling author Ann Coulter faced major backlash on Wednesday, August 26. She tweeted that she wanted Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with shooting three people during a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, August 25, as her president. Responding to a tweet that read, “I want Kyle Rittenhouse as my bodyguard,” Coulter wrote, “I want him as my president.”

I guess Annie is upset that she wasn't asked to speak at the convention this week and needed to some attention -- and what better way to do that than by saying something she already knows will draw criticism and anger -- but as we all know, trolling is big business....

However, she does bring up an interesting point -- Kyle is still very young so obviously he can't be president -- but I do see him having the potential to be a major star in the conservative media complex -- either as a TV personality or possibly something bigger, like a Senator or president -- basically there is a huge opportunity for anyone to make it big by going out and shooting subhuman animals like these rioters and blks....hopefully we see more of it...
A bit premature. He might just be a complete dumbshit who got bullied and fought back.

Ann has her moments, but is not the brightest bulb in the six-pack.
A bit premature. He might just be a complete dumbshit who got bullied and fought back.

Ann has her moments, but is not the brightest bulb in the six-pack.
the kid didn't hesitate to defend himself. I believe that is the point. the fact that he took on ten bullies who wanted to knock the living shit out of him. deterred that effort huh?
Just the hate in people's heart...i mean that just sucks...being a black man in america is not easy
A bit premature. He might just be a complete dumbshit who got bullied and fought back.

Ann has her moments, but is not the brightest bulb in the six-pack.
I wonder who idiotic Ann will be voting for on November 3rd since she's went full blown Never Trumper? :smoke:
I like her, but I never take her seriously anymore. Shes an attention whore

Hopefully she'll help us out and vote Bernie
First, Ann has always been a clown. Not stupid, but a clown. I support her speech and she does from time to time rattle the right cages, but too often she's just hyperbole. That's always the danger of ideology, is putting everything in a nice, neat tidy box:

"all criminals should be locked up for life", "all cops are bad people", "all Trump supporters are racists", "big government is bad (unless it's the government I like)", "citizen vigilantes really make me proud and excited".

This kid wasn't even old enough to own that weapon and carry it in public, if I have been informed correctly. So, if true. Which is it provocateur Ann? Do you get all excited over Law and Order, or, is it only Law and Order when the neurons in your plaque blocked parts of your brain fire off?

This is why I state that Trump should NOT take the bait of these issues. These same people in conservative media made poor, even damaging suggestions to Trump, and I sometimes wonder why. Stick to the logical middle, balancing both sides with the facts.

I heard "conservative media" suggest he fire Mueller (want to talk about the ease of which he could have been impeached, and/or viewed as guilty), Trump wisely didn't do so, it was clearly dangled bait. I heard them advise him to get off of twitter, which makes no sense considering how he got into power to begin with.

Then there are people like Ann who cry when Trump "doesn't go far enough" and build the wall, knowing damn well Paul Ryan was the reason it wasn't built, than when it is built, STILL complaining. Tucker Carlson stating outrage when Trump doesn't block foreign workers from coming into the tech industry, than when Trump does sign an order blocking them, he stays mum on the issue and doesn't raise it again. Why raise it to begin with only to chastise him but not to give credit when he stands up to some in his own party who pushed for it?

Trump needs to listen, to reasonable, thoughtful people in his party who stick to principles but don't fall for the bait and make unnecessarily bad decisions. Just my two cents, from listening, watching and learning over the last four years, he should ask questions from people like Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, John Kennedy, Churck Grassley, among his party. Most of the time, when they speak, they seem to not only make sense, but when the hype of the issue has passed, they were right in their opinion from the start.

That's just my take. Sometimes media figures have their fingers on the pulse, other times they have it on the pulse on the most rabid, or, they themselves express opinions that are off, or, compromised by their own ideology and even the company they keep.

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