I found this article on Ann Coulter interesting

I don't trust Man Coulter. Never have, never will. I think she's a moron. However, I certainly agree with her about Trump dying.
Not trusting any pundit is a good thing.:cool:

I’m laughing because I believe he will be.
  • probably because somebody paid her......These fuckers are all "...involved in the Deep State. Nothing but a bunch of back-stabbing assholes that only care about making themselves rich."
  • "He'll deport a shitload of those fuckers, and the Democrats will be crying crock tears........Wray and Garland will be lucky if he doesn't have them taken out back and shot."
Well, there was a discussion earlier in the thread about how MAGA's public identity had been sadly misinterpreted as angry grievance filled ne'er-do-wells......and that they weren't that at all.
OK, let's go with that.


"....there is a distinct difference between conservatives and followers of Trump."

Can we use this observation to identify which is which? --- " Nothing but a bunch of back-stabbing assholes......"
He'll deport a shitload of those fuckers, and the Democrats will be crying crock tears because of it.

Wray and Garland will be lucky if he doesn't have them taken out back and shot.
Why? Trump gave everyone a pass for spying on him, what makes you think he’s going to do that? That’s what would save the Republic, but seems that Trumps first term tells us what to expect in his second term….if there’s even an election in November
Not surprising. Overall, I liked Reagan and George HW Bush, and glad I voted for them, even after Iran/Contra and also the taxes, Republican crucifie daddy Bush for and the excellent job on defeating Saddam, and kicking their asses back to Bahdad. Can anybody blame anybody for dissatisfaction with W?
Yes George W did a good job with 9/11 initially and a reasonably good job with the economy. But on immigration, environment, education and such he was far more leftist Democrat than right wing.
Not surprising. Overall, I liked Reagan and George HW Bush, and glad I voted for them, even after Iran/Contra and also the taxes, Republican crucifie daddy Bush for and the excellent job on defeating Saddam, and kicking their asses back to Bahdad. Can anybody blame anybody for dissatisfaction with W?
Yes. All had their strengths and all had their mistakes. But despite an excellent job initially dealing with 9/11 and a decent job on the economy, on immigration, environment, education and other issues, George W. Bush was pretty left of center. Probably more old fashioned Democrat at heart than Republican. All water under the bridge but leaving histories and some legacies that carry on.
George W. Bush was pretty left of center.
That even Bush's PNAC administration , (Policy for the New American Century), which was seen as neo-con at the time is now seen on the left is evident of the entire political spectrum's shift FF

That even Bush's PNAC administration , (Policy for the New American Century), which was seen as neo-con at the time is now seen on the left is evident of the entire political spectrum's shift FF

I honestly wasn't as aware of that as I was focused on the actual policies involving immigration, education, environment etc. and not liking any of it. Bush 43 was neither great nor terrible as a President, but generally pretty mediocre and uninspired. He and Clinton shared that in common I think.
Coulter seems to realize that it's not the issue or the goal, it's the WAY the issue or goal is ADDRESSED.

It's certainly fine to argue for the general policies the MAGA crowd is arguing, and they have merit like any other major position. But the MAGA caveman approach is not built to last, because it forces others to comply. "Beating" your "enemy" is not the way to conduct an advanced republic. You most effectively address and MAINTAIN policy when as many people as possible have skin in the game. Otherwise, we get EXACTLY what we're seeing: Wild, angry, temporary swings back and forth.

It's not the issue or the goal, it's the WAY the issue or goal is ADDRESSED.
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Ann Coulter, used to be pure Maga, now simply Conservative. It is interesting how firebrand Maga-People, can see the light, retaining their conservatism, but no longer on the Trump Train. I have read her, off and on for years, even in her Pro-Trump devotion period, as she is often insightful. I found this an appealing article, and it gives hope, actual conservative Republicans can come around to accepting facts and logic, again.

She's a fraud. I used to read her a long time ago, even her books. But she lost me entirely when she said she wouldn't care if Trump "committed abortions on the White House lawn if he would stop illegal immigration".

No pro-life person says that, ever. Not for any political position.

I knew then she was a fake, and I haven't been proven wrong.
Ann Coulter, used to be pure Maga, now simply Conservative. It is interesting how firebrand Maga-People, can see the light, retaining their conservatism, but no longer on the Trump Train. I have read her, off and on for years, even in her Pro-Trump devotion period, as she is often insightful. I found this an appealing article, and it gives hope, actual conservative Republicans can come around to accepting facts and logic, again.

Ann Coulter is a nativist and a racist who only dislikes Trump because she recognizes him for the ineffectual grifter that he is. Like MAGA she wanted him to build the wall and a mote guarded by alligators but unlike the morons who make up his base she was at least intelligent enough to figure out, eventually, that he had no intention of actually doing anything in office beyond enriching himself. If he could of managed to do that and build the wall she'd still be on board.
Ann Coulter is a nativist and a racist who only dislikes Trump because she recognizes him for the ineffectual grifter that he is. Like MAGA she wanted him to build the wall and a mote guarded by alligators but unlike the morons who make up his base she was at least intelligent enough to figure out, eventually, that he had no intention of actually doing anything in office beyond enriching himself. If he could have managed to do that and build the wall she'd still be on board.
You are a perfect example of why progressives must be beat at every level.

Dear me. I have not heard from this Christian lady for some time.
It must be difficult to be a controversialist on the age of Trump.
No doubr the great man will reflect on her honeyed wprds as he smites all his enemies like so muxh chaff.
She is in danger of turning politics into a circus.
America will not stand for that.

The catch phrase is innocuous at worst. But, the meaning behind it is and has always been clear. Put it this way:

Who the fuck wouldn’t want to make us a “more perfect union?”

White: I get it. You dislike Trump on multiple levels for a variety of reasons. And you know what? That’s fine. Don’t vote for him. Advocate for some other candidate. It’s all good.

While I recognize that, like all other humans, Trump has his faults and foibles, I do support Trump. And I happen to believe that the best way for the GOP to reclaim a bit of its bona fides is for the electorate to get behind Trump and put into office the most stalwart true conservative Republicans we can get.
The catch phrase is insulting, period. "Make America Great AGAIN". WTF you mean "again"? When did America not become great? We are now, like we have been since the end of WWII, the greatest nation on earth. Honestly, probably been the greatest nation on earth since the turn of the 20th century. Even though the troops we provided for WWI were minimal, and mostly from Harlem, aptly named the Harlem Hellfighters, they were some bigass MOFO's. They virtually towered above the Europeans. I would be happy to explain why but I don't think you would listen.

And I really got to wonder, just what is your idea of a more perfect union? But maybe before that I will just cut to the chase and tell you when MAGA supporters believed America was no longer great. When we elected a black president. There, I said it, and that is at the core of the whole damn message.

For more than two hundred years this country has attained greatness by constantly moving forward. Just how to you expect to maintain that greatness by going backwards? You think closing the border is going to make us great? Tell me, name a single country with a closed border that is "great". North Korea? They probably have the most secure border on the planet and yep, Trump thinks they are great, but they are damn near starving to death. I mean from the international space station the entire country stands out at night, BECAUSE IT IS DARK.

This ain't rocket science. Every economist worth two shits will tell you, immigrants, both legal and illegal, give more to this country than they take. Sorry the same can't be said for redneck dipshits collecting their disability benefits. Without immigration, both legal and illegal, this country would be facing a negative population growth, and with an aging population that is a recipe for disaster. Ask Japan. Look at China.

I am tempted to wail about how Trump is the antithesis of a conservative. Perhaps another day. Suffice it to say one cannot call themselves a conservative and support Trump. A white supremist, well yeah, they can certainly be both. Trump doesn't even attempt to hide it very well.

I will close this thread speaking of immigration. Few people know, but in the early 1700's North Carolina open the doors to anyone and everyone. I know, the statue of liberty says something about bringing your downtrodden and yada yada, but at the time North Carolina said, bring me your murderers, robbers, and criminals of all types. Get a fresh start in North Carolina. I mean they even gave Blackbeard a reprieve. Gave him citizenship and a fresh start, it just didn't work out for him. But for others, it did work out. They came and settled in the highlands of North Carolina and scratched out a living.

There was real thought behind that policy of allowing anyone and everyone in. Mostly due to the Indian Wars, again something they just don't seem to teach in High School history. Before 1700 hundreds of colonists lived in western North Carolina, by 1720 you could count them on your hands. But then, they opened the doors and let anyone in.

And that is just it. Alexander Hamilton was Washington's Aid de Camp. He was tasked with visiting North Carolina to ascertain how many volunteers for the army could be counted on from North Carolina. He returned and told Washington, ZERO. But Butcher Tarleton showed up, the Massacre at Waxhaw, and that pissed off those first generation descendants of all those criminals that came to live in the highlands.

In the end, North Carolina gave more lives in the creation of this nation during the Revolutionary War than any other state. And for me, it was King's Mountain that turned the tide. Those overmountain men, showing up in Morganton in what is now a mobile home dealership, got together and marched to King's Mountain. With their Cherokee wives, baby in a sling under their chest, reloading the muskets, they decimated Fergunson and his army of loyalists.

They stripped Fergunson of everything he had. Pissed on his body, and damn fatass Benjamin Cleveland got his horse. Poor horse. That was the pivotal moment in the American Revolution, and two days later, in Biggerstaff fields, what America was to become was defined. The hanging tree, at Biggerstaff fields, was cut away a few years ago. There is no marker, I don't even think there is one of those placards about American history posted. And that is really sad.

America is great, and it is not because of a bunch of racist white asshats that are consumed with fear about losing their privileged status. It never has been. It is due to acceptance, it is due to diversity, it is due to understanding that everyone is equal, and everyone deserves equal opportunity. That is a message that can resonate with the American people,
The catch phrase is insulting, period. "Make America Great AGAIN". WTF you mean "again"? When did America not become great? We are now, like we have been since the end of WWII, the greatest nation on earth. Honestly, probably been the greatest nation on earth since the turn of the 20th century. Even though the troops we provided for WWI were minimal, and mostly from Harlem, aptly named the Harlem Hellfighters, they were some bigass MOFO's. They virtually towered above the Europeans. I would be happy to explain why but I don't think you would listen.

And I really got to wonder, just what is your idea of a more perfect union? But maybe before that I will just cut to the chase and tell you when MAGA supporters believed America was no longer great. When we elected a black president. There, I said it, and that is at the core of the whole damn message.

For more than two hundred years this country has attained greatness by constantly moving forward. Just how to you expect to maintain that greatness by going backwards? You think closing the border is going to make us great? Tell me, name a single country with a closed border that is "great". North Korea? They probably have the most secure border on the planet and yep, Trump thinks they are great, but they are damn near starving to death. I mean from the international space station the entire country stands out at night, BECAUSE IT IS DARK.

This ain't rocket science. Every economist worth two shits will tell you, immigrants, both legal and illegal, give more to this country than they take. Sorry the same can't be said for redneck dipshits collecting their disability benefits. Without immigration, both legal and illegal, this country would be facing a negative population growth, and with an aging population that is a recipe for disaster. Ask Japan. Look at China.

I am tempted to wail about how Trump is the antithesis of a conservative. Perhaps another day. Suffice it to say one cannot call themselves a conservative and support Trump. A white supremist, well yeah, they can certainly be both. Trump doesn't even attempt to hide it very well.

I will close this thread speaking of immigration. Few people know, but in the early 1700's North Carolina open the doors to anyone and everyone. I know, the statue of liberty says something about bringing your downtrodden and yada yada, but at the time North Carolina said, bring me your murderers, robbers, and criminals of all types. Get a fresh start in North Carolina. I mean they even gave Blackbeard a reprieve. Gave him citizenship and a fresh start, it just didn't work out for him. But for others, it did work out. They came and settled in the highlands of North Carolina and scratched out a living.

There was real thought behind that policy of allowing anyone and everyone in. Mostly due to the Indian Wars, again something they just don't seem to teach in High School history. Before 1700 hundreds of colonists lived in western North Carolina, by 1720 you could count them on your hands. But then, they opened the doors and let anyone in.

And that is just it. Alexander Hamilton was Washington's Aid de Camp. He was tasked with visiting North Carolina to ascertain how many volunteers for the army could be counted on from North Carolina. He returned and told Washington, ZERO. But Butcher Tarleton showed up, the Massacre at Waxhaw, and that pissed off those first generation descendants of all those criminals that came to live in the highlands.

In the end, North Carolina gave more lives in the creation of this nation during the Revolutionary War than any other state. And for me, it was King's Mountain that turned the tide. Those overmountain men, showing up in Morganton in what is now a mobile home dealership, got together and marched to King's Mountain. With their Cherokee wives, baby in a sling under their chest, reloading the muskets, they decimated Fergunson and his army of loyalists.

They stripped Fergunson of everything he had. Pissed on his body, and damn fatass Benjamin Cleveland got his horse. Poor horse. That was the pivotal moment in the American Revolution, and two days later, in Biggerstaff fields, what America was to become was defined. The hanging tree, at Biggerstaff fields, was cut away a few years ago. There is no marker, I don't even think there is one of those placards about American history posted. And that is really sad.

America is great, and it is not because of a bunch of racist white asshats that are consumed with fear about losing their privileged status. It never has been. It is due to acceptance, it is due to diversity, it is due to understanding that everyone is equal, and everyone deserves equal opportunity. That is a message that can resonate with the American people,
Well, look. If they ever award verbosity, you’re in contention

Does the Constitutional phrase “to create a more perfect union” also make you wet your panties? If something is perfect, it literally cannot get more perfect. But we all know that the phrase isn’t literal.

Similarly, “Make America Great Again” only suggests that we have slipped. We have. And we need to correct where we have gone off. We do.

Other than that, I (of course) didn’t read the vast majority of your bloviating bullshit. 👍
Ann Coulter, used to be pure Maga, now simply Conservative. It is interesting how firebrand Maga-People, can see the light, retaining their conservatism, but no longer on the Trump Train. I have read her, off and on for years, even in her Pro-Trump devotion period, as she is often insightful. I found this an appealing article, and it gives hope, actual conservative Republicans can come around to accepting facts and logic, again.

Make no mistake Coulter is still a horrific "human being".

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