And So It Begins

In this sermon he posted today entitled, "And so It Begins".... we see once again the fulfillment of truth - such as why the god of Islam is not the God of the bible and why preachers who told you Muslims served the same God the Christians served were telling you a bold - faced lie.

I'm going to disagree on this one, Jeri...

The God of Abraham as described in The Torah is the inspiration for both The New Testament and later The Koran. That's a historic fact.

Both books were created for the sole purpose of giving non-Jews access to The God of The Jews.

Few in either religion will deny that Abraham, and the history of his family recorded in The Torah, is first and oldest communication from the one and only God.

One God, three ways to access Him - one for those connected physically to the blood-line of Abraham, and two for the rest of us to choose from, ass-u-me-ing that a relationship with Abraham's God is the goal of an average gentile.

You can call The Koran bullshit, but the God it promotes is the same one described in The New Testament.
They may have the same God, but not the Holy Spirit. Beheading innocent women is not an indication of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

I tell you the truth, Mudwhistle. Jesus Christ is God. If you ask a Muslim, is Jesus Christ God? They will tell you no. Therefore, the Christian doesn't follow the god of Islam which denies Jesus is the Son of God and God is is Father - and is identified in scripture as the spirit of anti -Christ. Look at this scripture!

It is written:

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-Christ that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father, [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. - 1 John 2:22

Islam is an anti-Christ spirit that denies Jesus is the Son and God is His Father. As Jim Jones taught another Jesus and another God but used the name of God and the name of Jesus was he speaking for God or for Jesus when he persuaded all those people to commit suicide? No. He was not a follower of Christ - he was a communist who deceived the people and even deceived himself - he was full of demons. You could encounter a demon in your room tomorrow telling you he was an angel and telling you to write down verses he gave you and you could do all this believing you had encountered an angel yet it was a demon. You could gain many followers - perhaps even 1 billion and it would not change the lie into the truth -you would still be following a false god. Not everyone who says LORD belongs to Jesus. Jesus warned of this. Those who obey Jesus and keep his commandments love him. He said, If you love me you will keep my commandments. He said in order to enter heaven you must be born again. How can a man be born again? We are born of the flesh but we must be born of the spirit. How can a man be born again? By believing in their heart and confessing with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. By believing that He died on the cross for our sins - to pardon our sins completely - that we may be forgiven and reconciled back to the Father - whom we were separated from by Adam's sin in the garden - this is why Jesus is referred to as the second Adam - we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose on the 3rd day and is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven.

Muslims do not believe Jesus died on the cross. Mohammad did not believe in his heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins and rose on the 3rd day and was ascended up to heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father. Mohammad taught Jesus did not die on the cross which means there is no salvation in Islam - no salvation in their god - allah - although Mohammad taught later that Muslims could wage jihad against Christians and Jews and non - Muslims and gain paradise and a reward of 72 virgins for continual sexual pleasure along with a few boys - who would serve their desires as well - this is blasphemy - Mudwhistle - this is a lie from the pits of hell because heaven is not a brothel and Jesus said we would not be married in heaven - there would not be those types of relationships - in heaven - so how is what Mohammad taught possible? It isn't. It is a doctrine of devils and should not be acknowledged as having been taught from a Holy God - the God of Israel who sent his messenger John the Baptist which he told he told the Hebrew - Malachi - to tell the Jews - his last message for 400 yrs - it is in Malachi 3:1 - he would send his messenger to prepare the way of the LORD - which John did do and then Jesus appeared before him and he baptized him - this was the one who John spoke of who came from heaven - this is the one - read John Chapter 3 and John Chapter 4 - this is the Jesus who came to redeem mankind and Mohammad plagiarized Scriptures - presenting himself as a prophet - but he was not a prophet and when the Jews heard him and recognized this man is not of God and does not speak of God and is a false prophet teaching false teachings they refused him as a genuine prophet and then Mohammad in his rage had those 900 Jews ( approx no. according to historical account ) beheaded. When has a prophet of God of Israel ever had 900 Holy Jews beheaded? When has God of Israel ever told idol worshipers they were his new holy children and they should ( who are known in scripture as praying towards the east ) murder his children in scripture?
What does the bible say, Mudwhistle? The bible says that the wicked are Gods sword. Which means these followers are wicked and God uses the wicked as his sword to bring chastisement, correction, judgment on a nation - but these ones are still wicked and although he may use such vile idolators as his rod of correction he will in the end destroy those ones - their destiny is not a brothel in the clouds with 72 virgins and a few young boys - their destiny is hell and they should be warned to fear the Lord and depart from evil - call upon the name of the LORD and be saved.

There is only one Holy Spirit. He is known by the Jews as the Spirit of the LORD. The Spirit of the LORD is Holy. He is Holy. He is our teacher when we receive Jesus. The unction of the Spirit of God is what men need to know the truth. The Spirit of the LORD teaches us all truth. We need no man to teach us - as the Spirit of God teaches us as the bible teaches us this is true. It is in scripture. If it isn't in scripture it isn't the truth.

What did Jesus say? Love your enemies, bless those who curse you. Jesus Christ is God - in Romans 11:8 say? GOD HATH GIVEN THEM A SPIRIT OF SLUMBER, EYES THAT THEY SHOULD NOT SEE, EARS THAT THEY SHOULD NOT HEAR, UNTO THIS DAY.
- ROMANS 11:8
For our salvation - In Chapter 4 of John Jesus told the woman at the well that Salvation is of the Jews. If Salvation is of the Jews who wants to destroy the Jews and wipe them off the face of the earth? The devil. Who serves the devil? Islam among others. There are many.

Will the Jews always be blinded from the truth that Jesus is Yeshua HaMachiah? No. Many Jews have already received Christ as Messiah. They are known as Messianic Jews.

What does the scriptures say about salvation for the Jews and the promise of Israel's restoration?

It is written:
For I would not brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits: that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written: THERE SHALL COME OUT OF SI'ON A DELIVERER, AND SHALL TURN AWAY UNGODLINESS FROM JACOB: FOR THIS IS MY COVENANT UNTO THEM, WHEN I SHALL TAKE AWAY THEIR SIN.
-Romans 11:25-27

and again it is written:
For the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: Even so have these also now not believed: that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.
- Romans 11:29-32

What tremendous mercy and love we should feel towards the Jews who have been blinded for a time that we might be graffed in to the family of Abraham! What great love and compassion we should have for the Jews such as Guno who do not at this time "See" the truth, see the Messiah - understand this great plan of salvation which Jesus clearly identified is as of them! Salvation is of the Jews! It is written!

It is written:
Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. - John 4:22, 23

Who said this? Jesus! Jesus who loves his brethren! Jesus is not coming back to hunt down Christians and Jews to slaughter them as Muslims believe. Jesus is not Issa. Issa is a false Jesus who has absolutely no mention of himself in the Old testament nor the New testmant. Mohammad is never mentioned in the Old testament not the New - neither is this pre-islam moon god allah and his teachings to not trust the Christians and the Jews who befriend one another. It is the rantings of a paranoid man who knew the Jews and Christians did not receive him as a prophet or as one who taught of the God of the bible.

Final response. I am now going back to finish typing up John 4 today - God willing - Read the thread the Gospel of John and realize that salvation is a free gift. We cannot earn it. We do not earn it by good works. We must repent of our sins and decide to follow Christ and he will receive us and save us if we follow how to be born again according to Scriptures written in Romans 10:9,10 - this is the only way to Salvation - through Jesus Christ shed blood on the cross and resurrection on the the third day - if we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth this is true then we shall be saved.

Muslims cannot do this because they have been taught that Jesus didn't die on the cross. The Scriptures identify such teachers/ prophets as false and tell us what they teach is doctrines of devils. From the fruit of ISIL and ISIS we can see what Islam is not. It is not of God. At all. Scripture proves it. Jesus own Words prove it. What did Jesus say? By their fruits ye shall know them. Beheading Christians and Jews? Crucifying Christians to trees? Beheading children, abduction, rape of five yr old girls and cutting off their heads? Muslim women offering these murderers their own bodies for sexual pleasure and calling it "Sexual Jihad"? What filth of sin is this and to say that this is of my God? It is of hell! These people serve Satan and their book is inspired of hell! It is a teaching of hell - it is not anything taught by My God in the Torah - Tanach - or New Testament. Do not believe such a thing as this Islam follows God is the God of Jews and Christians. That is a lie of the highest order.

- Jeri
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In this sermon he posted today entitled, "And so It Begins".... we see once again the fulfillment of truth - such as why the god of Islam is not the God of the bible and why preachers who told you Muslims served the same God the Christians served were telling you a bold - faced lie.

I'm going to disagree on this one, Jeri...

The God of Abraham as described in The Torah is the inspiration for both The New Testament and later The Koran. That's a historic fact.

Both books were created for the sole purpose of giving non-Jews access to The God of The Jews.

Few in either religion will deny that Abraham, and the history of his family recorded in The Torah, is first and oldest communication from the one and only God.

One God, three ways to access Him - one for those connected physically to the blood-line of Abraham, and two for the rest of us to choose from, ass-u-me-ing that a relationship with Abraham's God is the goal of an average gentile.

You can call The Koran bullshit, but the God it promotes is the same one described in The New Testament.
They may have the same God, but not the Holy Spirit. Beheading innocent women is not an indication of the presence of the Holy Spirit.


It's the indication of a psychopathic asshole whose behavior requires that he be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible under our Civil Laws, no matter what he believes about any or all of the ancient stories.
Dr. Robert Morey won a debate on the discussion many years ago and established the truth and for that they threw acid on a vehichle he was traveling in.
Who awarded it?......Did he get a trophy?? ... :lol:
Saying it's the same God is meaningless if you have wildly different interpretations on what it means.

Possibly, possibly not. It depends on the context of the conversation. That's why step one in any productive religious conversation is for the participants to name their God(s).

Responding to your other post, Joe - but I'll use this one for convenience.........

One final response and that goes out to Joe. Joe my bible does not tell me to keep my tongue silent in public and in public forums and to only speak of Christ in my home or church. That is what Satan would have Christians to do. That is actually what Muslims tell Christians to do - be quiet in public and do not challenge our doctrines or how we use them politically - you may only talk about the Gospel in your church and in your private homes. That's Sharia and I do not live under Sharia.

I do not obey Muslims and / or Satan, Joe.

I obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ that told me to speak out against evil and expose the hidden works of darkness - to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations - to go out to the highways and the byways and compel them to come in that His house may be full.

That is exactly what I intend to do because as a Christian I have just as much right to follow my faith as anyone else here does. Especially on this religion forum!!

The USMB is part of the internet highway - many here are listening to the truth about Islam and the true Gospel of Jesus Christ - not the Gospel of Hedonism you see by false preachers whose only interest is in the pleasures of this world and how to get more. If a Muslim claims their god is my God I have every right to challenge that lie and provide the evidence that exposes it as a lie. Removing the disagree button option on USMB in no way impedes my ability to disagree! I'm well able!

There is an audience here who does desire to know the truth about why Islam's god is not the God of the Bible or Torah and those are the people I am speaking to. If there are others who do not like that they have the freedom not to read my threads but they do not have the freedom to silence me. I do not care who they are although I already know who they are! They do not have that right. I believe that is about as clear as I can state that fact. This board either advertises correctly that this is a place of freedom of speech - where our voice counts or they didn't. I believe they have made it clear it is a place that will permit freedom of speech for all people even when that speech does not agree with their own personal beliefs. That is my final response on this matter. Have a nice day.
Jeremiah said: ↑

Islam is not an alternate path to God any more than driving towards California is an alternate path for getting to NYC, Joe.

The planet's a sphereoid shape. Go in any direction and you'll return to your starting point. Go far enough past California you'll see NYC ahead of you. :)
I obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ that told me to speak out against evil and expose the hidden works of darkness - to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations - to go out to the highways and the byways and compel them to come in that His house may be full.

And this right here is why more and more American Christians will be having issues with The US Constitution as America continues to diversify away from its white, Anglo Saxon, Protestant and Catholic roots. As more and more minority beliefs successfully use The Constitution to establish their rights to equal protection under the law, more and more American Christians will need to just suck it up and understand that they don't live in "one nation, under Jesus", they live in "one nation under the freedom to choose which, if any, Deities to subject their lives to", and to mind their own business if asked to.

As a Christian you may very well be called upon by The God of Abraham to see to it that everyone around you lives a good Christian life by any means at your disposal, but as Americans you are required by The Constitution to live and let live in religious liberty, and, in our community, that takes precedence over all religious dogma, including yours.

Your speech, of course, is protected and you are welcome to preach in public any message that you want to as long as you remember that no means no, and that you understand that the minute that any band of believers feels that they have enough political clout to try and legislate their morality, there's going to be a problem.
Joe, let's try a different approach.
Which one is not like the other:
Santa -- Kris Kringle -- Jeffrey Dahmer
mule--donkey-- shoe
Republican--Grand Old Party--Democrat
What makes one different than the other, is their function. If we rename Jeffrey Dahmer Santa, is he the same as the others now? Why not?

If we rename Democrats Republicans, does that make same Party, different title? It does not.

If dialect confuses the issue go to the functions. Which of these is not like the other:
Jesus-function>forgive and unite
Christ-function>forgive and unite
Jesus-function>return and kill

Just because the Qu'ran refers to Christ does not mean that Islam has anything in common with Christianity, or Judaism. Simply because Yah means God, and Allah means God does not mean they are referring to the same entity.

Your schizophrenic concept of God eludes reason. What you are suggesting is that in the morning God is Yahweh protector of the Jews, at lunch He's Allah helping Muslims kill Jews, and at dinner He's blessing those who follow His Son.

God's Son Jesus, is coming to give everlasting life to us. Allah's prophet Jesus is coming to kill everyone except Muslims. Are they the same because of the name? Are two Jesus' coming?

Are you and Joe DiMaggio the same person? You're both called Joe.........

2 people have been accused of robbing you. One suspect dropped his son off at Kiddy Kare daycare before the robbery. At the crime scene they find a nap mat from Kiddy Kare left behind with the name of the son of one of the suspects on it. The other suspect has no son and has never been to Kiddy Kare.
Both suspects are called man, but only one is responsible for your loss. Which man do you think robbed you? Or should they both be sentenced because they both are called man, so they are obviously the same MAN?

Kennedy was shot by a man. You are a man. You shot Kennedy. That is the logic you are using.
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Jeremiah said: ↑

Islam is not an alternate path to God any more than driving towards California is an alternate path for getting to NYC, Joe.

The planet's a sphereoid shape. Go in any direction and you'll return to your starting point. Go far enough past California you'll see NYC ahead of you. :)

Not true. Keep driving and you'll end up in the ocean, Delta. Your theory fails.
Dr. Robert Morey won a debate on the discussion many years ago and established the truth and for that they threw acid on a vehichle he was traveling in.
Who awarded it?......Did he get a trophy?? ... :lol:
Saying it's the same God is meaningless if you have wildly different interpretations on what it means.

Possibly, possibly not. It depends on the context of the conversation. That's why step one in any productive religious conversation is for the participants to name their God(s).

Responding to your other post, Joe - but I'll use this one for convenience.........

One final response and that goes out to Joe. Joe my bible does not tell me to keep my tongue silent in public and in public forums and to only speak of Christ in my home or church. That is what Satan would have Christians to do. That is actually what Muslims tell Christians to do - be quiet in public and do not challenge our doctrines or how we use them politically - you may only talk about the Gospel in your church and in your private homes. That's Sharia and I do not live under Sharia.

I do not obey Muslims and / or Satan, Joe.

I obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ that told me to speak out against evil and expose the hidden works of darkness - to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations - to go out to the highways and the byways and compel them to come in that His house may be full.

That is exactly what I intend to do because as a Christian I have just as much right to follow my faith as anyone else here does. Especially on this religion forum!!

The USMB is part of the internet highway - many here are listening to the truth about Islam and the true Gospel of Jesus Christ - not the Gospel of Hedonism you see by false preachers whose only interest is in the pleasures of this world and how to get more. If a Muslim claims their god is my God I have every right to challenge that lie and provide the evidence that exposes it as a lie. Removing the disagree button option on USMB in no way impedes my ability to disagree! I'm well able!

There is an audience here who does desire to know the truth about why Islam's god is not the God of the Bible or Torah and those are the people I am speaking to. If there are others who do not like that they have the freedom not to read my threads but they do not have the freedom to silence me. I do not care who they are although I already know who they are! They do not have that right. I believe that is about as clear as I can state that fact. This board either advertises correctly that this is a place of freedom of speech - where our voice counts or they didn't. I believe they have made it clear it is a place that will permit freedom of speech for all people even when that speech does not agree with their own personal beliefs. That is my final response on this matter. Have a nice day.

And this right here is why more and more American Christians will be having issues with The US Constitution as America continues to diversify away from its white, Anglo Saxon, Protestant and Catholic roots. As more and more minority beliefs successfully use The Constitution to establish their rights to equal protection under the law, more and more American Christians will need to just suck it up and understand that they don't live in "one nation, under Jesus", they live in "one nation under the freedom to choose which, if any, Deities to subject their lives to", and to mind their own business if asked to.

As a Christian you may very well be called upon by The God of Abraham to see to it that everyone around you lives a good Christian life by any means at your disposal, but as Americans you are required by The Constitution to live and let live in religious liberty, and, in our community, that takes precedence over all religious dogma, including yours.

Your speech, of course, is protected and you are welcome to preach in public any message that you want to as long as you remember that no means no, and that you understand that the minute that any band of believers feels that they have enough political clout to try and legislate their morality, there's going to be a problem.

My God - Jesus Christ - is big enough to handle any problem that comes my way, Joe. I've seen him handle far more than you could imagine. Truly. You'd be amazed. - Jeri
Joe, let's try a different approach.
Which one is not like the other:
Santa -- Kris Kringle -- Jeffrey Dahmer
mule--donkey-- shoe
Republican--Grand Old Party--Democrat
What makes one different than the other, is their function. If we rename Jeffrey Dahmer Santa, is he the same as the others now? Why not?

If we rename Democrats Republicans, does that make same Party, different title? It does not.

If dialect confuses the issue go to the functions. Which of these is not like the other:
Jesus-function>forgive and unite
Christ-function>forgive and unite
Jesus-function>return and kill

Just because the Qu'ran refers to Christ does not mean that Islam has anything in common with Christianity, or Judaism. Simply because Yah means God, and Allah means God does not mean they are referring to the same entity.

Your schizophrenic concept of God eludes reason. What you are suggesting is that in the morning God is Yahweh protector of the Jews, at lunch He's Allah helping Muslims kill Jews, and at dinner He's blessing those who follow His Son.

God's Son Jesus, is coming to give everlasting life to us. Allah's prophet Jesus is coming to kill everyone except Muslims. Are they the same because of the name? Are two Jesus' coming?

Are you and Joe DiMaggio the same person? You're both called Joe.........

2 people have been accused of robbing you. One suspect dropped his son off at Kiddy Kare daycare before the robbery. At the crime scene they find a nap mat from Kiddy Kare left behind with the name of the son of one of the suspects on it. The other suspect has no son and has never been to Kiddy Kare.
Both suspects are called man, but only one is responsible for your loss. Which man do you think robbed you? Or should they both be sentenced because they both are called man, so they are obviously the same MAN?

Kennedy was shot by a man. You are a man. You shot Kennedy. That is the logic you are using.

Outstanding analogy, Irish Ram. You've definitely made your point. Well done!
That's just silly. I'm not the one who wrote The Koran - If you have issues about the name of the Deity discussed within its pages, take it up with the author, not me.

The God with whom Abraham, patriarch to The Jews, had a relationship with, as it is described in The Torah, is the same Deity that the Muslims are trying to get with via The Koran. That remains a historic fact.

You can say that you don't recognize The God of Abraham as He is described in The Koran, but that's your problem, not mine. Not having the filter of Jesus, I reckon that He does come off a bit more "Old Testament" in The Koran than He does in The New Testament. Besides, The New Testament focuses not so much on The God of Abraham as described in The Torah, but on a new character in Deities, The Son of The God of Abraham as described in The Torah. If anything, it's The New Testament that introduces additional Gods to the story line.

Noteworthy at this moment may be my admission that when I finally wrapped my head around the actual history of those three ancient stories about Abraham and his God is when I concluded that if God is, She's WAY bigger than ALL of the ancient stories, let alone any one of them.

I also believe with all my heart, soul and mind that there was NOTHING special about Abraham, there is nothing special about Abraham's descendents, and that if God is, any of us and all of us are perfectly capable of having just as deep a relationship with The God of (insert your name here), without any need to filter it through ANY of the ancient stories based on Abraham's relationship with The God of Abraham.
Joe, Abraham was justified by faith and if you will by faith come to Jesus believing on His death, His shed blood for the pardon of your sins, his resurrection - then you too can be justified by faith! If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord the word of God says we shall be saved. We must repent in our hearts of our sins - all have sinned and come short of the glory of God - Abraham sinned! Abraham needed salvation! By faith he was justified and by faith he believed God and was saved! Moses wrote about Jesus Christ! It is written:

Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father, there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? - John 5: 45,46,47

Who said this? Jesus Christ. Moses wrote of Jesus - so did Isaiah - Malachi - David - the prophets - they were speaking of Jesus Christ. There is one Lord and One God - not many, Joe. What does John 1:1 identify Jesus as? The creator who created all that is seen. Amen? Look at Isaiah 45:15 - 18

Verily, thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Savior. They shall be ashamed, and also confounded, all of them: they shall go to confusion together that are makers of idols. But Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation; ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.
For thus sayeth the LORD that created the heavens: God himself formed the earth and made it: he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited, I am the LORD, and there is none else.
- Isaiah 45: 15 - 18
You should receive that as from the LORD, Joe and realize he is the LORD. Jesus Christ is Lord and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess he is the LORD including everyone on the earth, under the earth ( in hell ) and in heaven. All shall confess Jesus Christ is LORD and bow their knee to acknowledge Him as such.
God's Son Jesus, is coming to give everlasting life to us. Allah's prophet Jesus is coming to kill everyone except Muslims. Are they the same because of the name? Are two Jesus' coming?
I have caught you in several lies in the past but this is your biggest lie ever. ...... :eusa_liar:

"I swear by Him in Whose hand is my soul: the son of Mary shall descend among you as a just ruler. Then he will break the Cross, and kill the swine and put an end to war."

It's in your book.
My book says Mary's son is going to return as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
One book is not like the other.........
I thought they wrote about Immanuel? Apart from Malachi who was a bit younger than hesus!

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