An open letter to The People of Afganistan.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Dudes..... :wtf: ?

It's a BOOK!

And it's not like what got burned was a one year supply of 'em or your last fucking copy.

As stupid as Western 'Civilization' and its quirky gods continue to make this planet look from space, today's deadly protests over the accidental burning of a couple of copies of a book you have billions of copies of is the kind of shit that's really keeping the interplanetary tourists away.

It's a story book - information storage technology has improved since the first hand-written copies... Lighten up, eh?

:eusa_think: I suppose in retrospect this rant should be directed instead to all people who are willing to kill for what they believe happens at death, not The People of Afghanistan....

:eusa_think: Sorry dudes... I'm keeping the title 'cause it's topic specific to current events​

What happens when we die?

The Great Unknown......

Seems an interesting topic for discussion but a strange topic for debate, let alone war.
:rolleyes: Humans
All religions treat their scriptures with respect.
And why not burn the Bible in return? When the Gainesville pastor burned the Koran, an image of HIM was burned in effigy, not a Bible:


Jesus Christ and mother Mary are considered holy and highly revered by every Muslim. This is the missing link here. Westerners should know that Islam is not some local cult like Buddhism or Hinduism which i personally respect. It is a universal faith stemming from the same origins of the Judeo-Christian faith which along with Islam are recognized as Abrahamic religions. so, burning the Quran would be like consequently throwing the Bible and Torah in the same bonfire.
This is mainly why Muslims cannot retaliate against burning al Quran by burning any copy of the Bible because Islam decrees that Muslims should respect and honor the Bible and Torah as well.
I have a family member in Afghanistan, in one of the bases where the protest is at.
She said that she is in the safest part of the base, so I hope she has the authority to shoot and kill when needed. Or the US Servicemen will do if needed.
All religions treat their scriptures with respect.

To the point of murdering their detractors is way over the line.

If you have to murder some people to make all people respect your God, how weak is your God? :dunno:

If someone burns a copy of a book with stories that are sacred to you, does that make them any less sacred?

Killing each other over differences of opinion with regards to what happens at the point of death, a question with an unknowable answer, makes us ALL look stupid from space.

Stop that shit.

P.S. - Sky, The moderation line above was not directed towards you, but to those still willing to kill for their religion.
Sometimes I just want to Moderate the whole fucking planet from a post.
I have a family member in Afghanistan, in one of the bases where the protest is at.
She said that she is in the safest part of the base, so I hope she has the authority to shoot and kill when needed. Or the US Servicemen will do if needed.

What a meat grinder. I want to tell their neighbors to prepare for refugees, go on the highest DEFCON alert there is over there for 7 days to give the smart and the wealthy a chance to flee, and pull out, letting the sects go to town on one another.

Peace would eventually evolve... it would have to.

Of course I'd tell them that if there was an inkling of a feeling that they might be preparing for something out side their border that we'll light 'em up like the 4th of July.... fool me twice, shame on me.

Not exactly the same thing... It wasn't an intentional book burning. It was a couple of soldiers who fucked up after months of having their sphincters tight enough to crack walnuts.

Lighten up. It was just a lane change.
All religions treat their scriptures with respect.
And why not burn the Bible in return? When the Gainesville pastor burned the Koran, an image of HIM was burned in effigy, not a Bible:


Jesus Christ and mother Mary are considered holy and highly revered by every Muslim. This is the missing link here. Westerners should know that Islam is not some local cult like Buddhism or Hinduism which i personally respect. It is a universal faith stemming from the same origins of the Judeo-Christian faith which along with Islam are recognized as Abrahamic religions. so, burning the Quran would be like consequently throwing the Bible and Torah in the same bonfire.
This is mainly why Muslims cannot retaliate against burning al Quran by burning any copy of the Bible because Islam decrees that Muslims should respect and honor the Bible and Torah as well.

Why impose violence of any kind on those who disagree with us? :dunno:
All religions treat their scriptures with respect.
And why not burn the Bible in return? When the Gainesville pastor burned the Koran, an image of HIM was burned in effigy, not a Bible:


Jesus Christ and mother Mary are considered holy and highly revered by every Muslim. This is the missing link here. Westerners should know that Islam is not some local cult like Buddhism or Hinduism which i personally respect. It is a universal faith stemming from the same origins of the Judeo-Christian faith which along with Islam are recognized as Abrahamic religions. so, burning the Quran would be like consequently throwing the Bible and Torah in the same bonfire.
This is mainly why Muslims cannot retaliate against burning al Quran by burning any copy of the Bible because Islam decrees that Muslims should respect and honor the Bible and Torah as well.

Why impose violence of any kind on those who disagree with us? :dunno:

Muslims respect and honor the Bible? And Christians who believe the Bible?


Who knew?
And why not burn the Bible in return? When the Gainesville pastor burned the Koran, an image of HIM was burned in effigy, not a Bible:


Jesus Christ and mother Mary are considered holy and highly revered by every Muslim. This is the missing link here. Westerners should know that Islam is not some local cult like Buddhism or Hinduism which i personally respect. It is a universal faith stemming from the same origins of the Judeo-Christian faith which along with Islam are recognized as Abrahamic religions. so, burning the Quran would be like consequently throwing the Bible and Torah in the same bonfire.
This is mainly why Muslims cannot retaliate against burning al Quran by burning any copy of the Bible because Islam decrees that Muslims should respect and honor the Bible and Torah as well.

Why impose violence of any kind on those who disagree with us? :dunno:

Muslims respect and honor the Bible? And Christians who believe the Bible?


Who knew?

Dying for what you believe in?
:thup: :clap2: and "Oh, the profound sacrifice." :(

Killing for what you believe in?
:evil: and "Shaaaaaaaaaame!" :eusa_naughty:

The first generation who 'gets it' that part of the contract that life has with Sentience includes sharing their world with people who're different from themselves gets to watch their grandchildren reach for the stars.

We're close Future Humanity..... Is this post finally being read in a history class by a truly free and Sentient generation of Planet Earth Humans?

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