An American Coup


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
An American Coup
An American Coup > Daniel Mallock (
January 2021 ~~ By Daniel Mallock

Thoughtful, decent people across the country and around the world are trying to make sense of what is happening in the United States. This is a difficult thing to accomplish because 98% of everything in the American press is misleading, slanted to confuse and obstruct, or an outright lie. Parsing the truth from all of the falsehoods and propaganda dumped upon the public 24-hours a day is not easy.
A coup is underway in the United States.​
President Donald Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide just as he says he did.​
It is clear that fraudulent votes were counted in their tens of thousands, some counted multiple times, "pristine" ballots accepted as legitimate (they're not), and tens of thousands and more votes flipped via voting tabulation software systems. Elements of the fraud were so blatant as to be almost comical—who knew before this election that so many people born on 01/01/1900 vote Democrat? More importantly, who knew that so many people in the United States are 120 years old?
It was obvious to any reasonable person that the process of tabulating and reporting of votes on election night was seriously flawed, and much worse. It also quickly became apparent that vote dumping was occurring on a massive scale with early morning truck arrivals at counting stations full of ballots (most all of which were Biden votes), and poll watchers obstructed, and prevented from watching in numerous (that is, only in Democrat-controlled) jurisdictions. The only conclusion is that a coup is now underway via a falsified election, significantly aided by the collusion of a profoundly corrupt and revolutionized/activist fraudulent media. This is an unprecedented situation in American national life.
While it is true that the press has always been under the protection of the Constitution (due to its “watchdog” role in American politics and society) its track record in fulfilling its duties is spotty at best. Political players with dubious ethics have always understood the power of the press and the benefits to be had by corrupting and controlling it. Thomas Jefferson, like Donald Trump today, was no stranger to a false, lying, corrupt press. Jefferson wrote during his first term that the press had,
The country today has never been so divided since 1860.
Today the issues of division are the Constitution and the Republic itself. That is, will the Constitution and the Republic continue? Will the concepts of freedom, justice, decency, tolerance, God, E Pluribus Unum, and a government in service to and under the control of the people rather than a government that controls the people—concepts upon which the Constitution and Republic are built—be overturned?
IF no institution will speak the truth and take action to save the country from a coup now underway via a fraudulent election what can or might the president do to fulfill his oath?
The coup underway in the American Republic is so far denied and ignored by the corrupt media, denied and ignored by the Democrat politicians for whose benefit the coup was done; denied, ignored, and dismissed by fellow traveler failed Republicans, and the propagandized, the corrupt, the foolish, the blinkered revolutionary, the hyper-partisan, the ignorant. Around the country and the world decent people are enraged and distraught at the potential collapse of the “shining city on the hill.”
President Trump, like Lincoln, knows his duty—and he will do it.
In the near future “when it is all over,” as President Trump recently wrote, “and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history," the moment will arrive to mend broken fences, reconstruct ruined bridges, and build friendships among the opposition where now good will is in short supply.
In 1864, President Lincoln “. . . once dropped a few kind words about the enemy. They were human beings—were they not? One could not be completely remorseless, even in war. The line must be drawn somewhere. His remarks to this effect were overheard by an elderly woman in the reception room. She flashed forth a question of how he could speak kindly of his enemies when he should rather destroy them. ‘What, madam?’ slowly as he gazed into her face, ‘do I not destroy them when I make them my friends?’”[*]

The treatise has multiple factual evident proof. The fact that the media IGNORES evidence and that courts have refused to HEAR the evidence does not at all JUSTIFY the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left's position. It justifies the author's position.
The coup happened on January 20, 2009 when ALL of our elected and appointed clapped like trained seals for an ineligible Kenyan from Indonesia. It has culminateed in the fraudulent election of Joseph Xi Biden and his criminal family.
Our military has been thoroughly compromised, and will follow orders from the puppet president whose strings are controlled by the Chinese CCP.
This is the second 21st Century coup in four years. The first failed four years ago.
The fight isn’t so much between political differences between citizens as it is - Washington DC politicians and Big Tech against the American people.
There will be no mending or re-building this time. Our treasonous government is playing for keeps. Kill or be killed.
Their goal is to enslavement of America and it's citizens. Permanently.
From what I’ve seen, we only have ONE man on the inside who is fighting on our behalf. And they want him DEAD. Now. (No, I’m not talking about Joey Xi; Th PMS/DSA Left totally control him..)
I'm waiting for the book and movie based on court cases before I decide what is truth and what is fiction regarding the 2020 election.
Maybe Dinesh D'souza can make sense of it, legally. Then again, he probably wants to avoid more prison time...

I do know from another thread that Nancy Pelosi tried to stage a "military coup" against Trump?! How is that not news?

Someone needs to follow-up on all those affidavits of "whistleblowers"....
Keep telling people the truth...never let up on China Joe and the dirty dems like they did to Trump for 4 years....tell anyone that will listen that we know the election was stolen....
Too many election anomalies took place...Trump kicked Joe's ass all over the nation in over 90% of all US counties....but still lost??? no fucking way....

Not only to have allegedly over voted Obama by 4 million votes when he hardly ever campaigned from his basement hole....
Too many election anomalies took place...Trump kicked Joe's ass all over the nation in over 90% of all US counties....but still lost??? no fucking way....

who gives a fuck of what a moronic retardican like you think, what matters id that Biden is president and the cuntgrabber was dishonorably discharged, will be only one in history impeached twice, Haaaaaa ha ha ha ha...

Too many election anomalies took place...Trump kicked Joe's ass all over the nation in over 90% of all US counties....but still lost??? no fucking way....

who gives a fuck of what a moronic retardican like you think, what matters id that Biden is president and the cuntgrabber was dishonorably discharged, will be only one in history impeached twice, Haaaaaa ha ha ha ha...

View attachment 440264View attachment 440265

It is so odd how you lefties gleefully elected a President on the payroll of the CCP. Why is that?
An American Coup
An American Coup > Daniel Mallock (
January 2021 ~~ By Daniel Mallock

Thoughtful, decent people across the country and around the world are trying to make sense of what is happening in the United States. This is a difficult thing to accomplish because 98% of everything in the American press is misleading, slanted to confuse and obstruct, or an outright lie. Parsing the truth from all of the falsehoods and propaganda dumped upon the public 24-hours a day is not easy.
A coup is underway in the United States.​
President Donald Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide just as he says he did.​
It is clear that fraudulent votes were counted in their tens of thousands, some counted multiple times, "pristine" ballots accepted as legitimate (they're not), and tens of thousands and more votes flipped via voting tabulation software systems. Elements of the fraud were so blatant as to be almost comical—who knew before this election that so many people born on 01/01/1900 vote Democrat? More importantly, who knew that so many people in the United States are 120 years old?
It was obvious to any reasonable person that the process of tabulating and reporting of votes on election night was seriously flawed, and much worse. It also quickly became apparent that vote dumping was occurring on a massive scale with early morning truck arrivals at counting stations full of ballots (most all of which were Biden votes), and poll watchers obstructed, and prevented from watching in numerous (that is, only in Democrat-controlled) jurisdictions. The only conclusion is that a coup is now underway via a falsified election, significantly aided by the collusion of a profoundly corrupt and revolutionized/activist fraudulent media. This is an unprecedented situation in American national life.
While it is true that the press has always been under the protection of the Constitution (due to its “watchdog” role in American politics and society) its track record in fulfilling its duties is spotty at best. Political players with dubious ethics have always understood the power of the press and the benefits to be had by corrupting and controlling it. Thomas Jefferson, like Donald Trump today, was no stranger to a false, lying, corrupt press. Jefferson wrote during his first term that the press had,
The country today has never been so divided since 1860.
Today the issues of division are the Constitution and the Republic itself. That is, will the Constitution and the Republic continue? Will the concepts of freedom, justice, decency, tolerance, God, E Pluribus Unum, and a government in service to and under the control of the people rather than a government that controls the people—concepts upon which the Constitution and Republic are built—be overturned?
IF no institution will speak the truth and take action to save the country from a coup now underway via a fraudulent election what can or might the president do to fulfill his oath?
The coup underway in the American Republic is so far denied and ignored by the corrupt media, denied and ignored by the Democrat politicians for whose benefit the coup was done; denied, ignored, and dismissed by fellow traveler failed Republicans, and the propagandized, the corrupt, the foolish, the blinkered revolutionary, the hyper-partisan, the ignorant. Around the country and the world decent people are enraged and distraught at the potential collapse of the “shining city on the hill.”
President Trump, like Lincoln, knows his duty—and he will do it.
In the near future “when it is all over,” as President Trump recently wrote, “and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history," the moment will arrive to mend broken fences, reconstruct ruined bridges, and build friendships among the opposition where now good will is in short supply.
In 1864, President Lincoln “. . . once dropped a few kind words about the enemy. They were human beings—were they not? One could not be completely remorseless, even in war. The line must be drawn somewhere. His remarks to this effect were overheard by an elderly woman in the reception room. She flashed forth a question of how he could speak kindly of his enemies when he should rather destroy them. ‘What, madam?’ slowly as he gazed into her face, ‘do I not destroy them when I make them my friends?’”[*]

The treatise has multiple factual evident proof. The fact that the media IGNORES evidence and that courts have refused to HEAR the evidence does not at all JUSTIFY the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left's position. It justifies the author's position.
The coup happened on January 20, 2009 when ALL of our elected and appointed clapped like trained seals for an ineligible Kenyan from Indonesia. It has culminateed in the fraudulent election of Joseph Xi Biden and his criminal family.
Our military has been thoroughly compromised, and will follow orders from the puppet president whose strings are controlled by the Chinese CCP.
This is the second 21st Century coup in four years. The first failed four years ago.
The fight isn’t so much between political differences between citizens as it is - Washington DC politicians and Big Tech against the American people.
There will be no mending or re-building this time. Our treasonous government is playing for keeps. Kill or be killed.
Their goal is to enslavement of America and it's citizens. Permanently.
From what I’ve seen, we only have ONE man on the inside who is fighting on our behalf. And they want him DEAD. Now. (No, I’m not talking about Joey Xi; Th PMS/DSA Left totally control him..)
Indeed.this is nov 22nd 1963 all over again when the elite knew Johnson unlike kennedy,would be their willing puppet for them and serve them instead of the people,history repeats itself.
Indeed.this is nov 22nd 1963 all over again when the elite knew Johnson unlike kennedy,would be their willing puppet for them and serve them instead of the people,history repeats itself.


Hey, hey, LBJ
How many kids
Did you kill today?
Too many election anomalies took place...Trump kicked Joe's ass all over the nation in over 90% of all US counties....but still lost??? no fucking way....

who gives a fuck of what a moronic retardican like you think, what matters id that Biden is president and the cuntgrabber was dishonorably discharged, will be only one in history impeached twice, Haaaaaa ha ha ha ha...

View attachment 440264View attachment 440265

It is so odd how you lefties gleefully elected a President on the payroll of the CCP. Why is that?

who cares? as long as you losers keep boiling in anger, I'm happy, jaaa ja ja ja ja...

Too many election anomalies took place...Trump kicked Joe's ass all over the nation in over 90% of all US counties....but still lost??? no fucking way....

who gives a fuck of what a moronic retardican like you think, what matters id that Biden is president and the cuntgrabber was dishonorably discharged, will be only one in history impeached twice, Haaaaaa ha ha ha ha...

View attachment 440264View attachment 440265
What really matters is that our greatness as a nation does not exist in the manner you so love to spout to others. We are a high taxed nation that has people voting for people who promise them everything. We can not compete with other nations and you are blind to that. So the globalists divided us into different cultures for the major parties as they used our frustrations against us,
I'm waiting for the book and movie based on court cases before I decide what is truth and what is fiction regarding the 2020 election.
Maybe Dinesh D'souza can make sense of it, legally. Then again, he probably wants to avoid more prison time...

I do know from another thread that Nancy Pelosi tried to stage a "military coup" against Trump?! How is that not news?

Someone needs to follow-up on all those affidavits of "whistleblowers"....

The FACT is there is simply not enough time between election day and certifying the election to properly investigate and litigate PLANNED, ORGANIZED ELECTION FRAUD.
Keep telling people the truth...never let up on China Joe and the dirty dems like they did to Trump for 4 years....tell anyone that will listen that we know the election was stolen....

The only way we were ever going to right this situation—the 2020 election fraud coup d'état—was to take up arms and fight. No fighting, no winning and no justice for the American people. Problem is, with fighting, there were no commanders leading the charge for people to join up with and follow. The information Age, among other things, has neutered the American fighting spirit. So it goes without saying that if none of us take up arms and fight the bad guys in a highly organized manner and drive them from out government and nation with extreme prejudice then Hell on Earth is what we shall suffer for the foreseeable amount of time the human race has left above ground. Let me say it again: no fight, no freedom. No fight, no liberty. No fight, no justice.
An American Coup
An American Coup > Daniel Mallock (
January 2021 ~~ By Daniel Mallock

Thoughtful, decent people across the country and around the world are trying to make sense of what is happening in the United States. This is a difficult thing to accomplish because 98% of everything in the American press is misleading, slanted to confuse and obstruct, or an outright lie. Parsing the truth from all of the falsehoods and propaganda dumped upon the public 24-hours a day is not easy.
A coup is underway in the United States.​
President Donald Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide just as he says he did.​
It is clear that fraudulent votes were counted in their tens of thousands, some counted multiple times, "pristine" ballots accepted as legitimate (they're not), and tens of thousands and more votes flipped via voting tabulation software systems. Elements of the fraud were so blatant as to be almost comical—who knew before this election that so many people born on 01/01/1900 vote Democrat? More importantly, who knew that so many people in the United States are 120 years old?
It was obvious to any reasonable person that the process of tabulating and reporting of votes on election night was seriously flawed, and much worse. It also quickly became apparent that vote dumping was occurring on a massive scale with early morning truck arrivals at counting stations full of ballots (most all of which were Biden votes), and poll watchers obstructed, and prevented from watching in numerous (that is, only in Democrat-controlled) jurisdictions. The only conclusion is that a coup is now underway via a falsified election, significantly aided by the collusion of a profoundly corrupt and revolutionized/activist fraudulent media. This is an unprecedented situation in American national life.
While it is true that the press has always been under the protection of the Constitution (due to its “watchdog” role in American politics and society) its track record in fulfilling its duties is spotty at best. Political players with dubious ethics have always understood the power of the press and the benefits to be had by corrupting and controlling it. Thomas Jefferson, like Donald Trump today, was no stranger to a false, lying, corrupt press. Jefferson wrote during his first term that the press had,
The country today has never been so divided since 1860.
Today the issues of division are the Constitution and the Republic itself. That is, will the Constitution and the Republic continue? Will the concepts of freedom, justice, decency, tolerance, God, E Pluribus Unum, and a government in service to and under the control of the people rather than a government that controls the people—concepts upon which the Constitution and Republic are built—be overturned?
IF no institution will speak the truth and take action to save the country from a coup now underway via a fraudulent election what can or might the president do to fulfill his oath?
The coup underway in the American Republic is so far denied and ignored by the corrupt media, denied and ignored by the Democrat politicians for whose benefit the coup was done; denied, ignored, and dismissed by fellow traveler failed Republicans, and the propagandized, the corrupt, the foolish, the blinkered revolutionary, the hyper-partisan, the ignorant. Around the country and the world decent people are enraged and distraught at the potential collapse of the “shining city on the hill.”
President Trump, like Lincoln, knows his duty—and he will do it.
In the near future “when it is all over,” as President Trump recently wrote, “and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history," the moment will arrive to mend broken fences, reconstruct ruined bridges, and build friendships among the opposition where now good will is in short supply.
In 1864, President Lincoln “. . . once dropped a few kind words about the enemy. They were human beings—were they not? One could not be completely remorseless, even in war. The line must be drawn somewhere. His remarks to this effect were overheard by an elderly woman in the reception room. She flashed forth a question of how he could speak kindly of his enemies when he should rather destroy them. ‘What, madam?’ slowly as he gazed into her face, ‘do I not destroy them when I make them my friends?’”[*]

The treatise has multiple factual evident proof. The fact that the media IGNORES evidence and that courts have refused to HEAR the evidence does not at all JUSTIFY the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left's position. It justifies the author's position.
The coup happened on January 20, 2009 when ALL of our elected and appointed clapped like trained seals for an ineligible Kenyan from Indonesia. It has culminateed in the fraudulent election of Joseph Xi Biden and his criminal family.
Our military has been thoroughly compromised, and will follow orders from the puppet president whose strings are controlled by the Chinese CCP.
This is the second 21st Century coup in four years. The first failed four years ago.
The fight isn’t so much between political differences between citizens as it is - Washington DC politicians and Big Tech against the American people.
There will be no mending or re-building this time. Our treasonous government is playing for keeps. Kill or be killed.
Their goal is to enslavement of America and it's citizens. Permanently.
From what I’ve seen, we only have ONE man on the inside who is fighting on our behalf. And they want him DEAD. Now. (No, I’m not talking about Joey Xi; Th PMS/DSA Left totally control him..)
The problem is twofold. First is the Democrats who are chronic liars and selfish bastards.
Second is the Liberal media who give the Dems propaganda.

We fix the first by not voting for Democrats anymore. Join the Walkaway Campaign. They have a website where you can sign up. We fix the second by boycotting CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, The NY Times and The Washington Post. Electronic journalism depends on advertising for their revenue. If you don't look at their crap, they lose advertisers and revenue.
We should boycott Twitter and Facebook, too for the same reason. Social media is nice but you can do without it easily.
Too many election anomalies took place...Trump kicked Joe's ass all over the nation in over 90% of all US counties....but still lost??? no fucking way....

who gives a fuck of what a moronic retardican like you think, what matters id that Biden is president and the cuntgrabber was dishonorably discharged, will be only one in history impeached twice, Haaaaaa ha ha ha ha...

View attachment 440264View attachment 440265
What really matters is that our greatness as a nation does not exist in the manner you so love to spout to others. We are a high taxed nation that has people voting for people who promise them everything. We can not compete with other nations and you are blind to that. So the globalists divided us into different cultures for the major parties as they used our frustrations against us,
Out of all the countries I have visited and lived I still like this one the best..
I'm waiting for the book and movie based on court cases before I decide what is truth and what is fiction regarding the 2020 election.
Maybe Dinesh D'souza can make sense of it, legally. Then again, he probably wants to avoid more prison time...

I do know from another thread that Nancy Pelosi tried to stage a "military coup" against Trump?! How is that not news?

Someone needs to follow-up on all those affidavits of "whistleblowers"....

The FACT is there is simply not enough time between election day and certifying the election to properly investigate and litigate PLANNED, ORGANIZED ELECTION FRAUD.
Plus the "Keystone Cops" don't even want to investigate. The FBI and NSA don't want to investigate. The MSM's journalists and investigative reporters do not want to investigate.
So who should do the voter fraud investigation to corroborate or discredit the evidence???

IMHO it needs to be the FBI or a special counsel, like the Mueller Investigation, only better.

Agreed there isn't enough time to investigate right after the election, so the states need to be forced to make their voting systems more bullet-proof, like FL.
1. No blanket mail-ins, only absentee ballots as requested.
2. Scrub voter rolls
3. Citizens only with photo ID or passport
4. Verify signatures on absentee ballots
5. Be consistent with fixing incorrect or incomplete ballots, either everyone can, or no one can.
6. Set hard deadlines for receiving mail ins, no extensions.
7. All voting machines need to be tested and approved by government experts (TX rejected Dominion machines)
8. any others?
Last edited:
An American Coup
An American Coup > Daniel Mallock (
January 2021 ~~ By Daniel Mallock

Thoughtful, decent people across the country and around the world are trying to make sense of what is happening in the United States. This is a difficult thing to accomplish because 98% of everything in the American press is misleading, slanted to confuse and obstruct, or an outright lie. Parsing the truth from all of the falsehoods and propaganda dumped upon the public 24-hours a day is not easy.
A coup is underway in the United States.​
President Donald Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide just as he says he did.​
It is clear that fraudulent votes were counted in their tens of thousands, some counted multiple times, "pristine" ballots accepted as legitimate (they're not), and tens of thousands and more votes flipped via voting tabulation software systems. Elements of the fraud were so blatant as to be almost comical—who knew before this election that so many people born on 01/01/1900 vote Democrat? More importantly, who knew that so many people in the United States are 120 years old?
It was obvious to any reasonable person that the process of tabulating and reporting of votes on election night was seriously flawed, and much worse. It also quickly became apparent that vote dumping was occurring on a massive scale with early morning truck arrivals at counting stations full of ballots (most all of which were Biden votes), and poll watchers obstructed, and prevented from watching in numerous (that is, only in Democrat-controlled) jurisdictions. The only conclusion is that a coup is now underway via a falsified election, significantly aided by the collusion of a profoundly corrupt and revolutionized/activist fraudulent media. This is an unprecedented situation in American national life.
While it is true that the press has always been under the protection of the Constitution (due to its “watchdog” role in American politics and society) its track record in fulfilling its duties is spotty at best. Political players with dubious ethics have always understood the power of the press and the benefits to be had by corrupting and controlling it. Thomas Jefferson, like Donald Trump today, was no stranger to a false, lying, corrupt press. Jefferson wrote during his first term that the press had,
The country today has never been so divided since 1860.
Today the issues of division are the Constitution and the Republic itself. That is, will the Constitution and the Republic continue? Will the concepts of freedom, justice, decency, tolerance, God, E Pluribus Unum, and a government in service to and under the control of the people rather than a government that controls the people—concepts upon which the Constitution and Republic are built—be overturned?
IF no institution will speak the truth and take action to save the country from a coup now underway via a fraudulent election what can or might the president do to fulfill his oath?
The coup underway in the American Republic is so far denied and ignored by the corrupt media, denied and ignored by the Democrat politicians for whose benefit the coup was done; denied, ignored, and dismissed by fellow traveler failed Republicans, and the propagandized, the corrupt, the foolish, the blinkered revolutionary, the hyper-partisan, the ignorant. Around the country and the world decent people are enraged and distraught at the potential collapse of the “shining city on the hill.”
President Trump, like Lincoln, knows his duty—and he will do it.
In the near future “when it is all over,” as President Trump recently wrote, “and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history," the moment will arrive to mend broken fences, reconstruct ruined bridges, and build friendships among the opposition where now good will is in short supply.
In 1864, President Lincoln “. . . once dropped a few kind words about the enemy. They were human beings—were they not? One could not be completely remorseless, even in war. The line must be drawn somewhere. His remarks to this effect were overheard by an elderly woman in the reception room. She flashed forth a question of how he could speak kindly of his enemies when he should rather destroy them. ‘What, madam?’ slowly as he gazed into her face, ‘do I not destroy them when I make them my friends?’”[*]

The treatise has multiple factual evident proof. The fact that the media IGNORES evidence and that courts have refused to HEAR the evidence does not at all JUSTIFY the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left's position. It justifies the author's position.
The coup happened on January 20, 2009 when ALL of our elected and appointed clapped like trained seals for an ineligible Kenyan from Indonesia. It has culminateed in the fraudulent election of Joseph Xi Biden and his criminal family.
Our military has been thoroughly compromised, and will follow orders from the puppet president whose strings are controlled by the Chinese CCP.
This is the second 21st Century coup in four years. The first failed four years ago.
The fight isn’t so much between political differences between citizens as it is - Washington DC politicians and Big Tech against the American people.
There will be no mending or re-building this time. Our treasonous government is playing for keeps. Kill or be killed.
Their goal is to enslavement of America and it's citizens. Permanently.
From what I’ve seen, we only have ONE man on the inside who is fighting on our behalf. And they want him DEAD. Now. (No, I’m not talking about Joey Xi; Th PMS/DSA Left totally control him..)

This is what's commonly known as Magical Thinking. If you can say it, it's clearly true.

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