Why the Sudden Doubts about the Verdict?







Read it a few more times and reply only when it sinks in.
But we learned it was Cohen who did all that, not Trump.
I normally vote Republican except for 2020, 2022 and 2024 where there are NO real Conservative Republicans running either at the Fed level or even local level. You want my vote, put up a plank that tells us what you are for and what you plan on fixing. Sorry, a one item plank of "Get Rid of Biden" doesn't cut it.

You want to see a decent Republican Plank well here one is from 1956, the last real plank ever offered by the Republicans.

Instead of

What he said
And get rid of Biden
But we learned it was Cohen who did all that, not Trump.

Cohen had no interest to pay off Stormy except for Trump.

Trump's CFO detailed in his notes the pay back.

Trump Co. made payments based on that.

Trump himself personally signed paychecks that have no explanation except NDA pay back.

No sane person familiar with the facts of the case would ever buy the bs you are posting here.
I could care less about Biden. I don't think he's running the country. Half the time I don't think he knows he's President. It's Biden's policies I want to get rid of. He's letting the progressive wing of the Democrat Party run things and they're some of the biggest idiots around!

I care about turning "Merica" into a 1930s Germany or a 1920s Italy. It took a world war to put those back under the rug. Usually, the "Dictator" has to die of old age or be assassinated to get rid of it. We need to stop that trend right now because if it's allowed to take power, it's going to take decades to change it to the better.

Fine, Biden is nothing more than a Ham Sandwich who is controlled by someone else. The ONLY reason he's still in power (come 2025) would be that you helped to elect something that is very, very dangerous. At least with Biden, we can change things in less than 4 years. In tRumps (the t is silent) then it's going to take decades.

Yes, thats illegal, stop posting idiotic nonsense.
Why is it illegal to enter what they did? "Legal expenses" are what were entered for the money that was paid to Cohen who is a lawyer. If they'd entered "Plumbing expenses" or "Catering expenses" then you might have a point! You don't!
Maybe you are fool enough to belive that, but no sane person buys that silly bullshit.

Cohen had no interest to pay off Stormy except for Trump.

Trump's CFO detailed the pay back.

Trump Co. made payments based on that.

Trump himself personally signed paychecks that have no explanation except NDA pay back.

You look like a clown when you are posting what you do here.
Cohen was paying off Daniels to try and get back in Trump's good graces. He'd just found out that he wasn't going to be part of the administration after thinking that he might be Attorney General or Chief of Staff. Trump wasn't going to take him to Washington. Bob Costello testified that Cohen was so upset by that that he was "manic"!
Cohen had no interest to pay off Stormy except for Trump.

Trump's CFO detailed in his notes the pay back.
Trump’s CFO testified those were his notes?
Trump Co. made payments based on that.

Trump himself personally signed paychecks that have no explanation except NDA pay back.
The explanation is Cohen‘s retainer. Cohen should have to return all of that money, since he was working against Trump, and not for him.

Don’t forget that we know - we don’t guess, We don’t assume, we don’t speculate, we KNOW that Cohen stole money from Trump by falsely billing him for his services and for reimbursements.

how do you know that the check Trump signed to Cohen was not another example of that pattern of theft by Cohen?
Cohen got paid by Trump the entirety of NDA, PLUS THE TAXES HE HAD TO PAY ON TRUMP'S PAY BACK, all detailed in Trump's CFOs notes.

Save your bullshit for someone without a clue.
Cohen got paid far more than the amount paid for the NDA...he was a lawyer working for Trump on different issues besides the NDA! Use your head, Anton! If Trump actually HAD been doing something illegal? Cohen would have turned on him in a nanosecond to keep himself out of prison! Bob Costello testified that he told Cohen that if he had anything on Trump that he would be able to have him out of his legal problems by the end of the week. Cohen replied several times that he had "nothing on Trump!"
Yes, the jury found out that the lead investigator, who claimed to have found the most damning evidence had lied under oath, and hated wealthy black men who dated or married white women. They didn’t trust the messenger, so they didn’t trust the message.

The messengers in the Trump trial are even more untrustworthy. A DA who literally ran on a platform of getting Trump for something - anything. A lead prosecutor who left a senior position at DOJ just for the opportunity to get Trump’s scalp on his belt and a star witness who makes his living spewing profanity laced Trump derangement.

Your Bragg claims are a far cry from the actual truth...

And your Colangelo claims are also a far cry from the truth.

And your Cohen claims of making money off of attacking trump, Cohen learned from Trump, quite well!

Cohen would make more future money, if Trump were to be found not guilty or a hung jury, than guilty
Nobody ever refuted it was his handwriting. It's a fact.
Who claimed it for anyone to need to refute it?

And what did it say that was incriminating of Trump?
Retainer for WHAT? There are no invoices or hours or ANYTHING for any work, except this NDA.
Are you suggesting that Arranging an NDA is not legal work?

Are you claiming that arranging the NDA was the only legal work Cohen ever did for Donald Trump?

Whose job was it to bill for legal work, Trump's or Cohen's?

There are exactly ZERO alternate explanations.
So . . . how confident are you of a guilty verdict?
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Flops, you are the one worrying. Antontoo is now worrying.

I can accept either victory or either defeat, in the courtroom and the ballot box.
I normally vote Republican except for 2020, 2022 and 2024 where there are NO real Conservative Republicans running either at the Fed level or even local level. You want my vote, put up a plank that tells us what you are for and what you plan on fixing. Sorry, a one item plank of "Get Rid of Biden" doesn't cut it.

You want to see a decent Republican Plank well here one is from 1956, the last real plank ever offered by the Republicans.

Instead of

What he said
And get rid of Biden
Bullshit. You're to the left of Stalin
Are you suggesting that Arranging an NDA is not legal work?

Are you claiming that arranging the NDA was the only legal work Cohen ever did for Donald Trump?

Are you being serious right now?

NDA $$$$ is not "legal work"
Reebursement for taxes for such pass-thorugh payment is not "legal work"

Yes, ON TOP of that Cohen got paid for arranging it, but the fact of NDA pass-through payment remains.

So . . . how confident are you of a guilty verdict?

I'm confident that Trump will get convicted with only small chance of some completely of-the-wall MAGA nutbag among the jurors hanging the trial.

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