American education has given us Joe Biden.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Donald Trump certainly shook up the world. He came out of nowhere with a slogan about making America great again. This made him the most dangerous person in politics since George Washington. America was founded on the principle of people controlling government not the other way around. The United States and its constitution have been around for less than a quarter of the time of the Roman Empire lasted and it appears its accelerated demise is all but guaranteed.

It took Roman aristocracy a thousand years to lower the intelligence of its citizens to levels where they would throw away everything unique and emblematic about their civilization; American elites have done it in less than 250. The actual mean IQ of about half of US residents appears to be at pre-WW1 levels with a marked difference. American civilians prior to 1914 were aware they did not know much. Today much of the culturally and intellectually deprived have been through the indoctrinating ringer of American Liberal Arts instruction and they believe they are educated.

Mark Twain is purported to have said it’s a lot easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled. So, the brainwashed are never going to admit they went into debt and left stupid while their pockets were picked by tax-supported charlatans who promised to give them an advantage when actually they just sold them worthless shares in the Brooklyn Bridge.

Spoiler alert: All the money ends up in the hands of the charlatans selling education-the bill is the door prize. Hating Donald Trump is certainly an option, but he had nothing to do with stealing the money and leaving liberal arts graduates unable to meaningfully contribute to society. It was the government getting involved with student loans that did that. It was only a matter of time before Liberal Arts education became a brainwashing arm of the government and now Women’s Studies, black history, and Critical Race Theory are producing Whoopi Goldberg citizens who believe Dr. Jill Biden should be the next Surgeon General.

Donald Trump was elected by the remaining elements of US society that still have normal brain function. This is why it was necessary to rig the election with fraud. Unfortunately perceptions and observations of many US citizens are so damaged that they really believe stammering Joe Biden got more votes than any US presidential candidate in history.
Lol. Ray’s threads are always a hoot.

Don will go down in history as the dumbest man to be potus. A total fuck up. As bad as Joe is, it’s unlikely he’s as dumb as Don.
So standing up to China and bringing half a million manufacturing jobs back to the US is “dumb”?

Not starting any stupid new wars in the Middle East (or anywhere else) and instead signing Middle East peace deals is “dumb”?

Not bending the knee to Social Justice Terrorists is “dumb”?

I’d hate to know what you think a “smart” President would do.
your side is constantly berating conservatives as stupid
Lol. Ray’s threads are always a hoot.

Don will go down in history as the dumbest man to be potus. A total fuck up. As bad as Joe is, it’s unlikely he’s as dumb as Don.
And forever lay to rest the businessman as president myth.
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Ray is right. It's fitting that our dumbest President ever would be (elected?) by the dumbest people ever, many of whom are members of our dumbest generation ever. And the establishment elitists who are controlling Biden's strings are laughing all the way to the bank. His inauguration would be one of our countries darkest days ever.
And yet here you guys are, acting just like them.
As usual you are a day late and a dollar short

you should have been lecturing your buddies on the left all this time before suddenly discovering the problem when our side gets in on the act
And yet here you guys are, acting just like them.
As usual you are a day late and a dollar short

you should have been lecturing your buddies on the left all this time before suddenly discovering the problem when our side gets in on the act
"...act". Yeah. Good word. That's what I think of nutters on both ends.
Donald Trump certainly shook up the world. He came out of nowhere with a slogan about making America great again. This made him the most dangerous person in politics since George Washington. America was founded on the principle of people controlling government not the other way around. The United States and its constitution have been around for less than a quarter of the time of the Roman Empire lasted and it appears its accelerated demise is all but guaranteed.

It took Roman aristocracy a thousand years to lower the intelligence of its citizens to levels where they would throw away everything unique and emblematic about their civilization; American elites have done it in less than 250. The actual mean IQ of about half of US residents appears to be at pre-WW1 levels with a marked difference. American civilians prior to 1914 were aware they did not know much. Today much of the culturally and intellectually deprived have been through the indoctrinating ringer of American Liberal Arts instruction and they believe they are educated.

Mark Twain is purported to have said it’s a lot easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled. So, the brainwashed are never going to admit they went into debt and left stupid while their pockets were picked by tax-supported charlatans who promised to give them an advantage when actually they just sold them worthless shares in the Brooklyn Bridge.

Spoiler alert: All the money ends up in the hands of the charlatans selling education-the bill is the door prize. Hating Donald Trump is certainly an option, but he had nothing to do with stealing the money and leaving liberal arts graduates unable to meaningfully contribute to society. It was the government getting involved with student loans that did that. It was only a matter of time before Liberal Arts education became a brainwashing arm of the government and now Women’s Studies, black history, and Critical Race Theory are producing Whoopi Goldberg citizens who believe Dr. Jill Biden should be the next Surgeon General.

Donald Trump was elected by the remaining elements of US society that still have normal brain function. This is why it was necessary to rig the election with fraud. Unfortunately perceptions and observations of many US citizens are so damaged that they really believe stammering Joe Biden got more votes than any US presidential candidate in history.
Biden did get more votes than Trump and accusations of voter fraud is a figment of Trump's imagination. He is pompous, narcissistic, and psychologically challenged.
And talk
about controlling the government? trump is the chief cook and bottle washer when it comes to putting our government under the control of one person. Trump was elected by the remaining elements of society that still do NOT have normal brain function.
Education is crucial for mental and social growth, with few exceptions. Nobody dislikes trump just because. He is disliked because of his divisive, fraudulent behavior, and lack of moral fiber.
I personally dont think there is anything wrong with the IQ of liberals or conservatives

but there are fundamental differences in how we view the world

and those differences are shaped by education and the influence of pop culture and peer pressure

which seems to affect libs more than conservatives

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