American Denial


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
American Denial

There are many people here who are examples of the denial in his film. Now we'll watch people who spend hours watching back to back full seasons of TV shows in one day saying this is too long to watch and it will be too long to watch only because it questions white racism. If we had a 240 hour video on black crime the same people would gladly watch every minute and that thread would be the longest forum thread in world history.

This film is about white denial of racism. That same denial we see here in many of the posts daily coming from whites.

Last week Godboy stated something that surprised me. He said that the reason that they're (I'm guessing Republicans) against illegal immigration is because the illegals will vote Democratic and they (again I'm guessing Republicans) will lose either seats or their majority which allows them to control Congress.

Most people won't come right out and say that it's control they're after - either obtaining or retaining it. Most will dress up their reasoning for their behavior as an opposition to the policies of their opponents or at least come up with reasons why theirs are better or the opponents worse.

The way that some people attribute their so much of their self-worth to their affiliations says a lot in my opinion although in retrospect I guess it shouldn't surprise. There were people who were willing to murder others to keep black people from voting. I guess it always has been about nothing but control.

You can extrapolate this in any way you see fit :)
I was unaware that white people deny racism.

It's like none of us ever went to history class.....
The difference now is Black Supremacy is going mainstream.
What racist blacks used to tell each other on street corners and barbershops is now being taught in our schools.
Eventually they'll be exploring genocide and the benefits it has to any peaceful society.
No surprise that the Democrats, the party that created the KKK and Jim Crow, is behind this.
Soon "No Whites Allowed" signs will be seen everywhere Democrats control.
I was unaware that white people deny racism.

It's like none of us ever went to history class.....
/----/ Chris rock went to history class. Let's see what he has to say.
I was unaware that white people deny racism.

It's like none of us ever went to history class.....
/----/ Chris rock went to history class. Let's see what he has to say.
if that's a quote from his comedy routine, it's not accurate.

it was; black people hate *******

he separated blacks from *******.

i'm sure he's an uncle tom or whatever, but that's the point of the joke.
The South can be a scary place, especially in the late sixties. Change is hard and the South is in many ways the same today. Plantation owners and sharecroppers may be gone but the social infrastructure still exists in other forms. Read 'Deep South: Four Seasons on Back Roads' by Paul Theroux if you doubt that. And Theroux's book is a travel meditation. Excellent read.

Dog Whistle Politics

Another excellent read is 'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg. You'll find there some of the reasons the YouTube above tells truths.

See 'White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide' too. White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

Race is not real: what you see is a power relationship made flesh | Aeon Essays

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
The South can be a scary place, especially in the late sixties. Change is hard and the South is in many ways the same today. Plantation owners and sharecroppers may be gone but the social infrastructure still exists in other forms. Read 'Deep South: Four Seasons on Back Roads' by Paul Theroux if you doubt that. And Theroux's book is a travel meditation. Excellent read.

Dog Whistle Politics

Another excellent read is 'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg. You'll find there some of the reasons the YouTube above tells truths.

See 'White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide' too. White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

Race is not real: what you see is a power relationship made flesh | Aeon Essays

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
This isn't the late 60s.
And now the South has moved to California.
The center of hate is San Francisco.
There is no question that racism exists.

There is no question that when clear examples of overt racism are produced, it should be fought and suppressed.

But there is a very real question of whether racism is a significant factor that explains why so many "Black" people in America are living in poverty and squalor.

It is a statistical and economic FACT that unmarried people who have children will have economic difficulties throughout their lives. This is independent of race. In fact, a "Black" kid in an intact family is more than three times more likely to be "middle class" than a white kid being raised by a single parent (according to the Census Bureau).

It is a statistical and economic FACT that those who fail to take advantage of the free education offered by the states will have far worse employment prospects throughout their lives. It is a FACT that people who engage in illegal behaviors dramatically reduce their economic prospects throughout their lives.

And it is a FACT that Americans of black African ancestry are dramatically more likely to have kids out of wedlock, drop out of school, and engage in criminal behavior than all other demographics (followed closely by "Hispanics").

It is also a fact, but difficult to quantify, that the Government-as-employer, large corporations, foundations, not-for-profits, and many other smaller employers are trying to hire qualified "Blacks" in higher numbers than they exist in the general population. This is the OPPOSITE of racism. And it is a fact that trade schools, colleges and universities are trying to enroll "Blacks" in higher numbers than they exist in the general population. This also is the OPPOSITE of racism.

So one could argue, somewhat forcefully, that RACISM does not explain why "Black" Americans are "sucking on the hind teat," statistically speaking, as this phenomenon is more than adequately explained by cultural factors, as mentioned above. And for "Blacks" to complain that Racism is "holding them back," is nothing more than self-serving nonsense.

And the worst actors of all in this cultural debate are the "Black leaders" and Leftist politicians who seek to profit by spreading the falsehood that racism is "the problem" in the overall "Black" community. That is a LIE.
Racism is a lie. Its used as tool to control, manipulate, and keep people angry.
American Denial

There are many people here who are examples of the denial in his film. Now we'll watch people who spend hours watching back to back full seasons of TV shows in one day saying this is too long to watch and it will be too long to watch only because it questions white racism. If we had a 240 hour video on black crime the same people would gladly watch every minute and that thread would be the longest forum thread in world history.

This film is about white denial of racism. That same denial we see here in many of the posts daily coming from whites.

My ancestors fought and DIED to free yours.

Where is my thank you?
The South can be a scary place, especially in the late sixties. Change is hard and the South is in many ways the same today. Plantation owners and sharecroppers may be gone but the social infrastructure still exists in other forms. Read 'Deep South: Four Seasons on Back Roads' by Paul Theroux if you doubt that. And Theroux's book is a travel meditation. Excellent read.

Dog Whistle Politics

Another excellent read is 'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg. You'll find there some of the reasons the YouTube above tells truths.

See 'White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide' too. White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

Race is not real: what you see is a power relationship made flesh | Aeon Essays

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
American Denial

There are many people here who are examples of the denial in his film. Now we'll watch people who spend hours watching back to back full seasons of TV shows in one day saying this is too long to watch and it will be too long to watch only because it questions white racism. If we had a 240 hour video on black crime the same people would gladly watch every minute and that thread would be the longest forum thread in world history.

This film is about white denial of racism. That same denial we see here in many of the posts daily coming from whites.

Do we get the denial of black people in this? No? What a fecking surprise.
American Denial

There are many people here who are examples of the denial in his film. Now we'll watch people who spend hours watching back to back full seasons of TV shows in one day saying this is too long to watch and it will be too long to watch only because it questions white racism. If we had a 240 hour video on black crime the same people would gladly watch every minute and that thread would be the longest forum thread in world history.

This film is about white denial of racism. That same denial we see here in many of the posts daily coming from whites.

Do we get the denial of black people in this? No? What a fecking surprise.

So what exactly are we blacks denying?
American Denial

There are many people here who are examples of the denial in his film. Now we'll watch people who spend hours watching back to back full seasons of TV shows in one day saying this is too long to watch and it will be too long to watch only because it questions white racism. If we had a 240 hour video on black crime the same people would gladly watch every minute and that thread would be the longest forum thread in world history.

This film is about white denial of racism. That same denial we see here in many of the posts daily coming from whites.

My ancestors fought and DIED to free yours.

Where is my thank you?

Your ancestors established jim crow.

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