America and Nat Turner

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

A novel based on the life of Nat Turner is one of 400 novels banned in a Texas School District. No specific reason is given for this.

I wonder if Americans are starting to re-evaluate the legacy of this historic freedom fighter ?

At one time I discussed this on here and a wave of right wingers condemned the man. However we live in changing times. The mask and vax mandates may have changed attitudes amongst this demographic. Folk who protest about wearing a mask must surely recognise a fellow freedom fighter, albeit one who was only railing against the benign institution of slavery not the full blown horror of face masks.

I believe that Mr Turner is an authentic folk hero for a nation lacking in these. Do my right wing brothers and sisters now feel the same ?
Nat Turner's Rebellion, also known as the Southampton Insurrection, was a rebellion of enslaved Virginians that took place in Southampton County, Virginia, in August 1831,[3] led by Nat Turner. The rebels killed between 55 and 65 people, at least 51 of whom were White.[4] The rebellion was effectively suppressed within a few days, at Belmont Plantation on the morning of August 23, but Turner survived in hiding for more than two months afterwards.[5][dead link]

There was widespread fear in the aftermath, and militias organized in retaliation to the rebels. Approximately 120 enslaved people and free African Americans were killed by militias and mobs in the area.[1][2] The Commonwealth of Virginia later executed an additional 56 enslaved people accused of being part of the rebellion, including Turner himself; many Black people who had not participated were also persecuted in the frenzy. Because Turner had been educated and literate as well as a popular preacher, state legislatures subsequently passed new laws prohibiting education of enslaved people and free Black people,[6] restricting rights of assembly and other civil liberties for free Black people, and requiring White ministers to be present at all worship services.

An American exercising his Second Amendment rights even though it was against the law for him to own a gun.
Wonder if Tammy Faye is saving up to pay his share of reparations to all the ancestors of British slaves he and his people bought and shipped to America? Slavery is one of the legacies the British left us, as did France and Spain, the Dutch, and of course the 'native Americans' themselves, and don't forget the Africans; they bought them from Africans.

Nat Turner is popular with black racists because it's about hate crimes against whites, promoting mass murders of people because of their skin color, always appealing to black people.
Wonder if Tammy Faye is saving up to pay his share of reparations to all the ancestors of British slaves he and his people bought and shipped to America? Slavery is one of the legacies the British left us, as did France and Spain, the Dutch, and of course the 'native Americans' themselves, and don't forget the Africans; they bought them from Africans.

Nat Turner is popular with black racists because it's about hate crimes against whites, promoting mass murders of people because of their skin color, always appealing to black people.
Hmmm. What steps would you suggest that he could have taken to secure his freedom ?
Surely fighting for freedom is what the Patriots were doing on Jan 6th ?
Hmmm. What steps would you suggest that he could have taken to secure his freedom ?
Surely fighting for freedom is what the Patriots were doing on Jan 6th ?

They should have taken everything your ancestors had and you as well, right up to the present day, along with shipping them all back you at your expense. They belong to you and Europe. Your Mom could have made ole Nat breakfast and given him your room in the basement.
They should have taken everything your ancestors had and you as well, right up to the present day, along with shipping them all back you at your expense. They belong to you and Europe. Your Mom could have made ole Nat breakfast and given him your room in the basement.
So you have nothing to add on this subject.
Well, banning books from school libraries isn't the right thing to do if you want the pupils to be grown up as free and open-minded people.
A novel based on the life of Nat Turner is one of 400 novels banned in a Texas School District. No specific reason is given for this
Btw, what the things are in Britain with this regard? Do you have the list of forbidden books in you school libraries there?
You deflect because you have no answer. Pitiful.

Deflect from what? You not taking responsibility and denying your white privilege, and refusing to own up to your debts to black people in your former colonies??? Show some leadership here, Tammy; donate all your assets to a needy black person, like Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson.
I am just curious. So, a library can have books say about white supremacy or Holocaust deniers?
There has to be some merit in the book. The type of work you are describing has no merit or literary value. Unless you can name a book that might fall under this description that may be omitted.
Deflect from what? You not taking responsibility and denying your white privilege, and refusing to own up to your debts to black people in your former colonies??? Show some leadership here, Tammy; donate all your assets to a needy black person, like Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson.
Start a thread and stop trolling.
There has to be some merit in the book. The type of work you are describing has no merit or literary value. Unless you can name a book that might fall under this description that may be omitted.
So, you agree that for some kind of books there isn't place in school libraries. How your stance then is any different than that one of the school district in the OP?
So, you agree that for some kind of books there isn't place in school libraries. How your stance then is any different than that one of the school district in the OP?
Name a "white supremacist " or "holocaust" text that you think should be in a school library ?
Not all viewpoints are valid. Books that are just about hating are not valid.

"All men are created equal" is a good starting point for any society. Why would you argue against that ?

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