Tommy Tainant
Diamond Member
Texas school district pulls 400 books from libraries after state GOP lawmaker’s inquiry
A Texas school district has flagged more than 400 library books for review following an inquiry from state Rep. Matt Krause (R). North East Independent School District in San An…
A novel based on the life of Nat Turner is one of 400 novels banned in a Texas School District. No specific reason is given for this.
I wonder if Americans are starting to re-evaluate the legacy of this historic freedom fighter ?
At one time I discussed this on here and a wave of right wingers condemned the man. However we live in changing times. The mask and vax mandates may have changed attitudes amongst this demographic. Folk who protest about wearing a mask must surely recognise a fellow freedom fighter, albeit one who was only railing against the benign institution of slavery not the full blown horror of face masks.
I believe that Mr Turner is an authentic folk hero for a nation lacking in these. Do my right wing brothers and sisters now feel the same ?