Alt Right

the alt right just ooozes with the likes of steve bannon & stephen miller...


So fucking liar, Steve Bannon is outspokenly Pro-Israel and favorable to Jews.

You on the other hand are an Antisemite,

WHO is the Nazi - you pig?

lol... ^^^ fake news ^^^

No fucking liar, it is not fake.

“Bannon is the opposite of an anti-Semite. Every article about Israel and the Palestinian Arabs he has published are all supportive of Israel. He’s had articles complaining about campus anti-Semitism at CUNY, and required his Breitbart reporters to call CUNY officials and Gov. Cuomo aides urging them to do something about it,” Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told The Post.

Klein, a German-born economist, also blasted other Jewish organizations for slamming Bannon, and defended Brietbart News, which Bannon headed up before joining Team Trump.}

You on the other hand are a full on pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah Nazi fuck.
the alt right just ooozes with the likes of steve bannon & stephen miller...


So fucking liar, Steve Bannon is outspokenly Pro-Israel and favorable to Jews.

You on the other hand are an Antisemite,

WHO is the Nazi - you pig?

lol... ^^^ fake news ^^^

No fucking liar, it is not fake.

“Bannon is the opposite of an anti-Semite. Every article about Israel and the Palestinian Arabs he has published are all supportive of Israel. He’s had articles complaining about campus anti-Semitism at CUNY, and required his Breitbart reporters to call CUNY officials and Gov. Cuomo aides urging them to do something about it,” Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told The Post.

Klein, a German-born economist, also blasted other Jewish organizations for slamming Bannon, and defended Brietbart News, which Bannon headed up before joining Team Trump.}

You on the other hand are a full on pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah Nazi fuck.

who cares whether that human sausage casing is anti semitic or not.... i never said he was. i said he was a fucking racist. sooooooooooooo that makes what you posted fake news AND you said i was too... which is also FAKE NEWS. & the other crap you just spewed is just plain stupid.
I would have been a dupe, if I believed your lie.

Instead I called you on it. YOu are busted, liar.

Why are you trying to divide the American people?



steve bannon

stephen miller

sebastian gorka

retweeting the racist rhetoric of others....


So, now you are trying to cover up your lie, with guilt by association?

Pretty pathetic, you race baiting asshole.

you wanna see a 'lie' when it is fact.

poor duped you.
Do you support the New York Times?

i support freedom of the press.
Define “the press”.


steve bannon

stephen miller

sebastian gorka

retweeting the racist rhetoric of others....


So, now you are trying to cover up your lie, with guilt by association?

Pretty pathetic, you race baiting asshole.

you wanna see a 'lie' when it is fact.

poor duped you.
Do you support the New York Times?

i support freedom of the press.
Define “the press”.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition
Fourth estate refers to journalistic professionals and the press. The press is designated as fourth estate because they influence the politics of a country. The press includes: photographers, journalists, television broadcasters, and radio announcers. The fourth estate has immense political and social power. The press has an important role in shaping a society. Many nations framed laws protecting the rights of the press and ensuring that citizens have access to reporting on matters of public interest.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
the alt right just ooozes with the likes of steve bannon & stephen miller...


So fucking liar, Steve Bannon is outspokenly Pro-Israel and favorable to Jews.

You on the other hand are an Antisemite,

WHO is the Nazi - you pig?

lol... ^^^ fake news ^^^

No fucking liar, it is not fake.

“Bannon is the opposite of an anti-Semite. Every article about Israel and the Palestinian Arabs he has published are all supportive of Israel. He’s had articles complaining about campus anti-Semitism at CUNY, and required his Breitbart reporters to call CUNY officials and Gov. Cuomo aides urging them to do something about it,” Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told The Post.

Klein, a German-born economist, also blasted other Jewish organizations for slamming Bannon, and defended Brietbart News, which Bannon headed up before joining Team Trump.}

You on the other hand are a full on pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah Nazi fuck.

who cares whether that human sausage casing is anti semitic or not.... i never said he was. i said he was a fucking racist. sooooooooooooo that makes what you posted fake news AND you said i was too... which is also FAKE NEWS. & the other crap you just spewed is just plain stupid.

Fucking liar.

Alt Right
the alt right just ooozes with the likes of steve bannon & stephen miller...


So fucking liar, Steve Bannon is outspokenly Pro-Israel and favorable to Jews.

You on the other hand are an Antisemite,

WHO is the Nazi - you pig?

lol... ^^^ fake news ^^^

No fucking liar, it is not fake.

“Bannon is the opposite of an anti-Semite. Every article about Israel and the Palestinian Arabs he has published are all supportive of Israel. He’s had articles complaining about campus anti-Semitism at CUNY, and required his Breitbart reporters to call CUNY officials and Gov. Cuomo aides urging them to do something about it,” Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told The Post.

Klein, a German-born economist, also blasted other Jewish organizations for slamming Bannon, and defended Brietbart News, which Bannon headed up before joining Team Trump.}

You on the other hand are a full on pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah Nazi fuck.

who cares whether that human sausage casing is anti semitic or not.... i never said he was. i said he was a fucking racist. sooooooooooooo that makes what you posted fake news AND you said i was too... which is also FAKE NEWS. & the other crap you just spewed is just plain stupid.

Fucking liar.

Alt Right

lol... hitler went after more than just the jews little doggie; which is why dead eyes miller is part of that movement.

try again.
So fucking liar, Steve Bannon is outspokenly Pro-Israel and favorable to Jews.

You on the other hand are an Antisemite,

WHO is the Nazi - you pig?

lol... ^^^ fake news ^^^

No fucking liar, it is not fake.

“Bannon is the opposite of an anti-Semite. Every article about Israel and the Palestinian Arabs he has published are all supportive of Israel. He’s had articles complaining about campus anti-Semitism at CUNY, and required his Breitbart reporters to call CUNY officials and Gov. Cuomo aides urging them to do something about it,” Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told The Post.

Klein, a German-born economist, also blasted other Jewish organizations for slamming Bannon, and defended Brietbart News, which Bannon headed up before joining Team Trump.}

You on the other hand are a full on pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah Nazi fuck.

who cares whether that human sausage casing is anti semitic or not.... i never said he was. i said he was a fucking racist. sooooooooooooo that makes what you posted fake news AND you said i was too... which is also FAKE NEWS. & the other crap you just spewed is just plain stupid.

Fucking liar.

Alt Right

lol... hitler went after more than just the jews little doggie; which is why dead eyes miller is part of that movement.

try again.

That's nice, fucking liar.

You were again exposed as the lying fuck that you are.

Such is the way of you Marxists.
lol... ^^^ fake news ^^^

No fucking liar, it is not fake.

“Bannon is the opposite of an anti-Semite. Every article about Israel and the Palestinian Arabs he has published are all supportive of Israel. He’s had articles complaining about campus anti-Semitism at CUNY, and required his Breitbart reporters to call CUNY officials and Gov. Cuomo aides urging them to do something about it,” Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told The Post.

Klein, a German-born economist, also blasted other Jewish organizations for slamming Bannon, and defended Brietbart News, which Bannon headed up before joining Team Trump.}

You on the other hand are a full on pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah Nazi fuck.

who cares whether that human sausage casing is anti semitic or not.... i never said he was. i said he was a fucking racist. sooooooooooooo that makes what you posted fake news AND you said i was too... which is also FAKE NEWS. & the other crap you just spewed is just plain stupid.

Fucking liar.

Alt Right

lol... hitler went after more than just the jews little doggie; which is why dead eyes miller is part of that movement.

try again.

That's nice, fucking liar.

You were again exposed as the lying fuck that you are.

Such is the way of you Marxists.

lol... spin away... it's all you got. enjoy your DC march.
No fucking liar, it is not fake.

“Bannon is the opposite of an anti-Semite. Every article about Israel and the Palestinian Arabs he has published are all supportive of Israel. He’s had articles complaining about campus anti-Semitism at CUNY, and required his Breitbart reporters to call CUNY officials and Gov. Cuomo aides urging them to do something about it,” Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told The Post.

Klein, a German-born economist, also blasted other Jewish organizations for slamming Bannon, and defended Brietbart News, which Bannon headed up before joining Team Trump.}

You on the other hand are a full on pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah Nazi fuck.

who cares whether that human sausage casing is anti semitic or not.... i never said he was. i said he was a fucking racist. sooooooooooooo that makes what you posted fake news AND you said i was too... which is also FAKE NEWS. & the other crap you just spewed is just plain stupid.

Fucking liar.

Alt Right

lol... hitler went after more than just the jews little doggie; which is why dead eyes miller is part of that movement.

try again.

That's nice, fucking liar.

You were again exposed as the lying fuck that you are.

Such is the way of you Marxists.

lol... spin away... it's all you got. enjoy your DC march.

"Lying Marxist" is redundant; hence I simply term you what you are, a "fucking liar."
So, now you are trying to cover up your lie, with guilt by association?

Pretty pathetic, you race baiting asshole.

you wanna see a 'lie' when it is fact.

poor duped you.
Do you support the New York Times?

i support freedom of the press.
Define “the press”.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition
Fourth estate refers to journalistic professionals and the press. The press is designated as fourth estate because they influence the politics of a country. The press includes: photographers, journalists, television broadcasters, and radio announcers. The fourth estate has immense political and social power. The press has an important role in shaping a society. Many nations framed laws protecting the rights of the press and ensuring that citizens have access to reporting on matters of public interest.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In other words, Breitbart is just as much the press as CNN. Rush Limbaugh is as much the press as The New York Times.

You are guilty of what you are accusing others of.
you wanna see a 'lie' when it is fact.

poor duped you.
Do you support the New York Times?

i support freedom of the press.
Define “the press”.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition
Fourth estate refers to journalistic professionals and the press. The press is designated as fourth estate because they influence the politics of a country. The press includes: photographers, journalists, television broadcasters, and radio announcers. The fourth estate has immense political and social power. The press has an important role in shaping a society. Many nations framed laws protecting the rights of the press and ensuring that citizens have access to reporting on matters of public interest.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In other words, Breitbart is just as much the press as CNN. Rush Limbaugh is as much the press as The New York Times.

You are guilty of what you are accusing others of.

I would have been a dupe, if I believed your lie.

Instead I called you on it. YOu are busted, liar.

Why are you trying to divide the American people?



steve bannon

stephen miller

sebastian gorka

retweeting the racist rhetoric of others....


So, now you are trying to cover up your lie, with guilt by association?

Pretty pathetic, you race baiting asshole.

you wanna see a 'lie' when it is fact.

poor duped you.

I have previous established, FOR YOU PERSONALLY, that Trump was referring to both sides of the issues of historical statues with the "very fine people" comment,

and the he SPECIFICALLY stated that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists there.

YOu are a liar and a fool.

That your response to be called on your vile, divisive lie, is to spout more bullshit accusations and smears, just compounds what a race baiting asshole you are.

Do you want to see the transcripts AGAIN? Or do you want to try to deflect some more? Maybe turn up the personal attacks?

Because you, being a liberal, do not have a shred of honesty or decency to admit that you were lying so that we can move on.

i am not a liberal.

my god, how many times can one duped poster fail? with guess is there isn't a finite number.

Got it, simple deflection.

I have previous established, FOR YOU PERSONALLY, that Trump was referring to both sides of the issues of historical statues with the "very fine people" comment,

and the he SPECIFICALLY stated that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists there.

YOu are a liar and a fool.

That your response to be called on your vile, divisive lie, is to spout more bullshit accusations and smears, just compounds what a race baiting asshole you are.

Do you want to see the transcripts AGAIN? Or do you want to try to deflect some more? Maybe turn up the personal attacks?

Because you, being a liberal, do not have a shred of honesty or decency to admit that you were lying so that we can move on.
Do you support the New York Times?

i support freedom of the press.
Define “the press”.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition
Fourth estate refers to journalistic professionals and the press. The press is designated as fourth estate because they influence the politics of a country. The press includes: photographers, journalists, television broadcasters, and radio announcers. The fourth estate has immense political and social power. The press has an important role in shaping a society. Many nations framed laws protecting the rights of the press and ensuring that citizens have access to reporting on matters of public interest.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In other words, Breitbart is just as much the press as CNN. Rush Limbaugh is as much the press as The New York Times.

You are guilty of what you are accusing others of.


Dude, he just kicked your ass, and your stonewalling, just shows that you are a liar.


steve bannon

stephen miller

sebastian gorka

retweeting the racist rhetoric of others....


So, now you are trying to cover up your lie, with guilt by association?

Pretty pathetic, you race baiting asshole.

you wanna see a 'lie' when it is fact.

poor duped you.

I have previous established, FOR YOU PERSONALLY, that Trump was referring to both sides of the issues of historical statues with the "very fine people" comment,

and the he SPECIFICALLY stated that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists there.

YOu are a liar and a fool.

That your response to be called on your vile, divisive lie, is to spout more bullshit accusations and smears, just compounds what a race baiting asshole you are.

Do you want to see the transcripts AGAIN? Or do you want to try to deflect some more? Maybe turn up the personal attacks?

Because you, being a liberal, do not have a shred of honesty or decency to admit that you were lying so that we can move on.

i am not a liberal.

my god, how many times can one duped poster fail? with guess is there isn't a finite number.

Got it, simple deflection.

I have previous established, FOR YOU PERSONALLY, that Trump was referring to both sides of the issues of historical statues with the "very fine people" comment,

and the he SPECIFICALLY stated that he was NOT referring to the white supremacists there.

YOu are a liar and a fool.

That your response to be called on your vile, divisive lie, is to spout more bullshit accusations and smears, just compounds what a race baiting asshole you are.

Do you want to see the transcripts AGAIN? Or do you want to try to deflect some more? Maybe turn up the personal attacks?

Because you, being a liberal, do not have a shred of honesty or decency to admit that you were lying so that we can move on.

blah blah fucking blah. i don't admit to falsehoods so it makes a dupe feel better.
however the irony dripping from that post of yours did give me a giggle, cartoon boy.
i support freedom of the press.
Define “the press”.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition
Fourth estate refers to journalistic professionals and the press. The press is designated as fourth estate because they influence the politics of a country. The press includes: photographers, journalists, television broadcasters, and radio announcers. The fourth estate has immense political and social power. The press has an important role in shaping a society. Many nations framed laws protecting the rights of the press and ensuring that citizens have access to reporting on matters of public interest.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In other words, Breitbart is just as much the press as CNN. Rush Limbaugh is as much the press as The New York Times.

You are guilty of what you are accusing others of.


Dude, he just kicked your ass, and your stonewalling, just shows that you are a liar.

breitbart is considered 'press'.... no matter how low their standards are meeting facts & sources & is subject to libel laws. oxy boy isn't because he isn't a journalist; just a talking head.

but you keep on keepin' on with the delusionals you hold so near & dear to your duped little heart.
So, now you are trying to cover up your lie, with guilt by association?

Pretty pathetic, you race baiting asshole.

you wanna see a 'lie' when it is fact.

poor duped you.
Do you support the New York Times?

i support freedom of the press.
Define “the press”.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition
Fourth estate refers to journalistic professionals and the press. The press is designated as fourth estate because they influence the politics of a country. The press includes: photographers, journalists, television broadcasters, and radio announcers. The fourth estate has immense political and social power. The press has an important role in shaping a society. Many nations framed laws protecting the rights of the press and ensuring that citizens have access to reporting on matters of public interest.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Playtime...when a liberal asks for a definition understand that it is for the purpose of restricting communication. Not expanding it.
you wanna see a 'lie' when it is fact.

poor duped you.
Do you support the New York Times?

i support freedom of the press.
Define “the press”.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition
Fourth estate refers to journalistic professionals and the press. The press is designated as fourth estate because they influence the politics of a country. The press includes: photographers, journalists, television broadcasters, and radio announcers. The fourth estate has immense political and social power. The press has an important role in shaping a society. Many nations framed laws protecting the rights of the press and ensuring that citizens have access to reporting on matters of public interest.

Fourth Estate Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Playtime...when a liberal asks for a definition understand that it is for the purpose of restricting communication. Not expanding it.

ptbw forever is a liberal? lol, that's news to me....

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