After Trump's N. Korea debacle, Obama's Iran deal looks wildly successful.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".
Been all of 4 weeks,

Damn, I hate the 'instant gratification' generation
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."
President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."
The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."
Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."
The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."

"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."
Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."
Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."
Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."
So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".
The Iran deal was very successful. And this deal? OMG, what a screw up.
Been all of 4 weeks,

Damn, I hate the 'instant gratification' generation
I know, right?

Trump did all that damage in just four weeks.

Let me guess...

the morning after you have sex, you rush the girl to the hospital to wait for the baby to arrive?

and Trump hasn't fucked Korea nearly as much as he's fucked up you.
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Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
I can't believe how you just make up so much bullsh!t. Unbelievable.

Humanize a despot who ordered the execution of over 300 people?
Who's own soldiers have worms?

N Korea defector has 'enormous parasites'

L'l Kim has his own family member brutally murdered.

And you think he has been "HUMANIZED"?


  • Thread starter
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  • #8
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
This one comment is stunningly amazingly ignorant:

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

Being a veteran, I know the value of military exercises. Clearly, you are not now and have never been in the military. In fact, do you even know anyone who was in the military?

It might be a good idea, if you know someone who had been in the military, the purpose of doing those military exercises. I don't think I could explain it to a close mind. It's very, very difficult for the close minded to learn anything of value.

Dale Smith

And you get at least two equally ignorant people to agree with you? How is that possible? Even the USMB has standards. I'm pretty sure.
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
I can't believe how you just make up so much bullsh!t. Unbelievable.

Humanize a despot who ordered the execution of over 300 people?
Who's own soldiers have worms?

N Korea defector has 'enormous parasites'

L'l Kim has his own family member brutally murdered.

And you think he has been "HUMANIZED"?


Kim Jong-un is indeed a murderous despot. He is also a human being--same as any other drawing breath. In order to negotiate a peace, human beings must first better understand each other, rather operate from popular assumption and easily misinformed opinion. The other option of course, was for War and the deaths following. That suit you better?

Yes, I have no doubt Kim Jong-un is a human. Is he a good man? I think we can agree evidence of his actions proves otherwise.
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
This one comment is stunningly amazingly ignorant:

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

Being a veteran, I know the value of military exercises. Clearly, you are not now and have never been in the military. In fact, do you even know anyone who was in the military?

It might be a good idea, if you know someone who had been in the military, the purpose of doing those military exercises. I don't think I could explain it to a close mind. It's very, very difficult for the close minded to learn anything of value.

Dale Smith

And you get at least two equally ignorant people to agree with you? How is that possible? Even the USMB has standards. I'm pretty sure.

Retired after 20+ years, rookie

The exercises aren't nearly as important as maintaining the border.
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

Gee, do you think? And NOW PUTIN!!
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
I can't believe how you just make up so much bullsh!t. Unbelievable.

Humanize a despot who ordered the execution of over 300 people?
Who's own soldiers have worms?

N Korea defector has 'enormous parasites'

L'l Kim has his own family member brutally murdered.

And you think he has been "HUMANIZED"?


Kim Jong-un is indeed a murderous despot. He is also a human being--same as any other drawing breath. In order to negotiate a peace, human beings must first better understand each other, rather operate from popular assumption and easily misinformed opinion. The other option of course, was for War and the deaths following. That suit you better?

Yes, I have no doubt Kim Jong-un is a human. Is he a good man? I think we can agree evidence of his actions proves otherwise.

Then why would a dunce try to humanize him?
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
This one comment is stunningly amazingly ignorant:

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

Being a veteran, I know the value of military exercises. Clearly, you are not now and have never been in the military. In fact, do you even know anyone who was in the military?

It might be a good idea, if you know someone who had been in the military, the purpose of doing those military exercises. I don't think I could explain it to a close mind. It's very, very difficult for the close minded to learn anything of value.

Dale Smith

And you get at least two equally ignorant people to agree with you? How is that possible? Even the USMB has standards. I'm pretty sure.

Retired after 20+ years, rookie

The exercises aren't nearly as important as maintaining the border.
You're a liar.

Military exercises are for military preparedness. If you aren't prepared, you might as well just turn over the keys to the car. Cuz they will be taken.
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
This one comment is stunningly amazingly ignorant:

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

Being a veteran, I know the value of military exercises. Clearly, you are not now and have never been in the military. In fact, do you even know anyone who was in the military?

It might be a good idea, if you know someone who had been in the military, the purpose of doing those military exercises. I don't think I could explain it to a close mind. It's very, very difficult for the close minded to learn anything of value.

Dale Smith

And you get at least two equally ignorant people to agree with you? How is that possible? Even the USMB has standards. I'm pretty sure.

Always waters down to personal attacks with you, does it not?

Exercises hone readiness. Failing to perform an annual exercise for one cycle is not going to remove the efficacy of years of prior, nearly identical maneuvers. Nor will current rapid reaction protocols be modified at division, brigade combat team or individual regimental level--force ready orders that provide for immediate response to N. Korean incursion scenarios. What suspending these exercises does do is save money, and offer a concession--a reward for Kim to comply with his stand-down.

At any rate, in addition to many rotations to the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin from Ft. Hood, I was stationed there in the early 90's on an OPFOR unit tasked with training rotating divisons. You know, pretending to be a Soviet soldier as opposed to being Russian GRU? So yeah, I've a good sense of both division on division training scenarios and small unit tactics against much larger conventional forces.
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
This one comment is stunningly amazingly ignorant:

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

Being a veteran, I know the value of military exercises. Clearly, you are not now and have never been in the military. In fact, do you even know anyone who was in the military?

It might be a good idea, if you know someone who had been in the military, the purpose of doing those military exercises. I don't think I could explain it to a close mind. It's very, very difficult for the close minded to learn anything of value.

Dale Smith

And you get at least two equally ignorant people to agree with you? How is that possible? Even the USMB has standards. I'm pretty sure.

Retired after 20+ years, rookie

The exercises aren't nearly as important as maintaining the border.
You're a liar.

Military exercises are for military preparedness. If you aren't prepared, you might as well just turn over the keys to the car. Cuz they will be taken.

and you're a foole.

the exercises were only postponed, just like they have been postponed before.

They pulled, to my knowledge, no troops off the border, the exercises will be rescheduled.

(and deans head will explode.)

just took another look at your OP, deanie.

You claim Obama made Iran give up all fusionable materials.

Was Obama the only one involved in that deal?

did it happen in a month? 2 months? 6 months?
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
This one comment is stunningly amazingly ignorant:

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

Being a veteran, I know the value of military exercises. Clearly, you are not now and have never been in the military. In fact, do you even know anyone who was in the military?

It might be a good idea, if you know someone who had been in the military, the purpose of doing those military exercises. I don't think I could explain it to a close mind. It's very, very difficult for the close minded to learn anything of value.

Dale Smith

And you get at least two equally ignorant people to agree with you? How is that possible? Even the USMB has standards. I'm pretty sure.

Always waters down to personal attacks with you, does it not?

Exercises hone readiness. Failing to perform an annual exercise for one cycle is not going to remove the efficacy of years of prior, nearly identical maneuvers. Nor will current rapid reaction protocols be modified at division, brigade combat team or individual regimental level--force ready orders that provide for immediate response to N. Korean incursion scenarios. What suspending these exercises does do is save money, and offer a concession--a reward for Kim to comply with his stand-down.

At any rate, in addition to many rotations to the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin from Ft. Hood, I was stationed there in the early 90's on an OPFOR unit tasked with training rotating divisons. You know, pretending to be a Soviet soldier as opposed to being Russian GRU? So yeah, I've a good sense of both division on division training scenarios and small unit tactics against much larger conventional forces.
Always waters down to personal attacks with you, does it not?
this poster has been here for a few weeks and already has you figured out
Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal.

But look at Trump's disaster.

L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool.

Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression.

Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage.

Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal.

Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle.


NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level.

L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump.

And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb.

So much for the Great Negotiator.

Hilarious that Trump's cult sees this debacle as "wildly successful".

"But look at Trump's disaster."

"L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool."

President Trump's meeting with Kim humanized the both of them in each other's eyes: first step toward lasting peace. Meeting Kim in person has elevated our President to historical levels of respect in the eyes of many heads of state around the world.

"Trump stopped training exercises all across Asia that protects South Korea from North Korean aggression."

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

"Trump made L'l Kim a player on the world stage."

Kim made himself a "Player" by launching missiles and testing nuclear weapons. Our President has offered the entire world an out from many decades of North Korean aggression.

"Trump made North Korea equal to the United States by making our flags equal."

The leaders of the two nations met on neutral ground. A courtesy, a tradition do not equate desecration. Negotiations are just that. Why inflame a volatile personality with semantic asininity?

"Cleaning up after Trump's North Korea debacle."


"NFL players only knelt. Trump dragged our flag down to North Korea's level."

Kneeling NFL players demonstrated extreme disrespect for their nation. Worse, a bad example for tens of millions of other Americans--namely kids--who worship football players. Deport them.

"L'l Kim has the entire world laughing at Trump."

Again, while many little fish such as Sadiq Khan mock our POTUS, the rest of world leaders who matter in the grand scheme, tremble. They must see our President as the greatest threat to their one down from oligarchical socialism since the Declaration of Independence.

"And L'l Kim has given up nothing, not even a single bomb."

Says who? The MSM speaking on behalf of our military? Lol at armchair Defense Intelligence satellites. We'll see, won't we?

"So much for the Great Negotiator."

So much for lack of respect for God, Country and Commander-in-Chief
This one comment is stunningly amazingly ignorant:

The military exercises do not protect anything; the 2nd Infantry Division along with the rest of US and South Korean forces stationed there, does. South Korean and American forces deterred Kim along with the entire might of US global military capability.

Being a veteran, I know the value of military exercises. Clearly, you are not now and have never been in the military. In fact, do you even know anyone who was in the military?

It might be a good idea, if you know someone who had been in the military, the purpose of doing those military exercises. I don't think I could explain it to a close mind. It's very, very difficult for the close minded to learn anything of value.

Dale Smith

And you get at least two equally ignorant people to agree with you? How is that possible? Even the USMB has standards. I'm pretty sure.

Always waters down to personal attacks with you, does it not?

Exercises hone readiness. Failing to perform an annual exercise for one cycle is not going to remove the efficacy of years of prior, nearly identical maneuvers. Nor will current rapid reaction protocols be modified at division, brigade combat team or individual regimental level--force ready orders that provide for immediate response to N. Korean incursion scenarios. What suspending these exercises does do is save money, and offer a concession--a reward for Kim to comply with his stand-down.

At any rate, in addition to many rotations to the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin from Ft. Hood, I was stationed there in the early 90's on an OPFOR unit tasked with training rotating divisons. You know, pretending to be a Soviet soldier as opposed to being Russian GRU? So yeah, I've a good sense of both division on division training scenarios and small unit tactics against much larger conventional forces.
There you go, saying something really stupid.

Yea, one year matters a lot to an all volunteer force that's cycled out every 18 months or so.

I don't like to say to anyone, you are stupid. But come on. Sometimes you just can't hold back when someone says something so stupid. It's like people defending Trump when he says something racist. Or defending Trump when he attacks women protesting sexual assault. Even after he boasts about doing to women. And what did right wingers call it? Oh, that's right, a "Mulligan". It means they don't give a fuk and even support him in his exploits.
After Trump's N. Korea debacle, Obama's Iran deal looks wildly successful
WHAT N. Korea Debacle? What do you do Dean, take psychotics to get to these conclusions? I would need a frontal lobotomy and about 200 hits of acid not to realize that in Kim's case, Trump tried and Kim maybe lied. Nothing is done yet, and Trump can come back meaner than a polecat. Whereas in Iran's case, they told the truth and Obama and Kerry bent over backwards kissing their ass to get nothing in return. A TRAIN WRECK would be 10X more wildly successful than THAT.

Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb..

Dream on, Farm Boy. You're nothing but an idiot LIAR. Left alone, Iran will still have the bomb in less than ten years and they got everything else they could have dreamed of! The Nork's missile tests have STOPPED. Threats to Japan STOPPED. Threats to S. Korea STOPPED. If Little Kim now tries a sneaky end around, Trump's going to slap him down harder than squished bug.

As usual, your anti-Trump claims and rhetoric are about 190° off from the truth. Your OP OUGHT to read: After Obama's Iran Debacle, even Trump's missteps and N. Korea's Lies make the Nork efforts appear WILDLY SUCCESSFUL!!!
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