After-Election Prediction


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If the Dems hold the Senate, there will be an immediate stock market crash.

If the GOP takes the Senate, there will be a 2-6 month period of euphoria before the crash.

In either event, we will be in deep doo doo by the end of 2015.
That Obama is incompetent does not imply that the GOP is competent or can pass anything competent that will be signed.
Why would there be euphoria over a GOP victory?

Unrealistic expectations that a GOP Congress can somehow undo our structural financial problems. This will soon give way to the realization that the federal government is committed to spend much more than it takes in for the foreseeable future.
anyone who seriously believes "their" party is "better" than the other one is a useful idiot.

We can't "vote" our way out of the dysfunctional mess that is our gvmt. by "electing" some more career politicians.

Both parties and all three branches of government are corrupt beyond redemption and the only way to fix this is a complete re set...and it's coming.
anyone who seriously believes "their" party is "better" than the other one is a useful idiot.

We can't "vote" our way out of the dysfunctional mess that is our gvmt. by "electing" some more career politicians.

Both parties and all three branches of government are corrupt beyond redemption and the only way to fix this is a complete re set...and it's coming.

Your point is well taken, but there is one glimmer of hope: A Constitutional Convention called by 2/3 of the States to rein them in.
anyone who seriously believes "their" party is "better" than the other one is a useful idiot.

We can't "vote" our way out of the dysfunctional mess that is our gvmt. by "electing" some more career politicians.

Both parties and all three branches of government are corrupt beyond redemption and the only way to fix this is a complete re set...and it's coming.

Your point is well taken, but there is one glimmer of hope: A Constitutional Convention called by 2/3 of the States to rein them in.

If only...but do you really think you can get that many governors to agree? I don't see it.
My prediction is that those who have inside information will profit greatly by this semi-crash in the markets. They sold high, and will buy back low. And, they won't go to prison for it like Martha Stewart did.

My prediction is this: decade long bull market retroactive to 2010. The game is rigged. We're the last superpower, and any sickness in the global economy will only give the USA pause for a week or a month at a time.

We have a total corporate takeover of the economy ( ain't no Mom and Pop stores listed on the S@P 500). We have stagnated wages, and conversely, wages are rising in the developing economies. We have natural resources. We have a population that is numbed by Netflix, and will never rebel in any meaningful way. Relatively, we have few environmental problems. The brain drain is flowing toward the USA. I could go on, but whatever... decade long bull market. It's in the Elliot Wave, the super-cycle is far from cresting.
If the Dems hold the Senate, there will be an immediate stock market crash.

If the GOP takes the Senate, there will be a 2-6 month period of euphoria before the crash.

In either event, we will be in deep doo doo by the end of 2015.

Doesn't matter who is in power, Dems or Republicans, we are set for long term economic growth for the next twenty years.
If the Dems hold the Senate, there will be an immediate stock market crash.

If the GOP takes the Senate, there will be a 2-6 month period of euphoria before the crash.

In either event, we will be in deep doo doo by the end of 2015.

Doesn't matter who is in power, Dems or Republicans, we are set for long term economic growth for the next twenty years.

Based on?
anyone who seriously believes "their" party is "better" than the other one is a useful idiot.

We can't "vote" our way out of the dysfunctional mess that is our gvmt. by "electing" some more career politicians.

Both parties and all three branches of government are corrupt beyond redemption and the only way to fix this is a complete re set...and it's coming.
The only thing that will save us fiscally is for Americans to realize they voted in idiots who have run us into this debt, and we must pay a penance for our ignorance, and that is increased taxation on all of us.

The Bush cuts were a disaster across the board, and it is time ALL of us got skin in the game.

We also must face the fact that we have to wean the dependent class off the Federal tit BY ANY MEANS NECCESARY!
If the Dems hold the Senate, there will be an immediate stock market crash.

If the GOP takes the Senate, there will be a 2-6 month period of euphoria before the crash.

In either event, we will be in deep doo doo by the end of 2015.

Doesn't matter who is in power, Dems or Republicans, we are set for long term economic growth for the next twenty years.

Based on?

Based on the coming baby boom which has already begun. Many people have put off having kids due to uncertainties in the economy, and now time is running out. If they want families, they need to start them soon. With the economy picking up pace, those who are younger are also likely to start having kids much sooner. This will lead to a very large baby boom. When we consider that there are about 75 million aged 18 to 34. As they increase the number of kids they have, they will need bigger homes and bigger cars. When you have kids, you just have to spend more. Consumer spending is what fuels our economy more so than anything else. With this will come sustained growth for the US economy, and it won't matter whether it's Republicans or Democrats leading the way.
If the Dems hold the Senate, there will be an immediate stock market crash.

If the GOP takes the Senate, there will be a 2-6 month period of euphoria before the crash.

In either event, we will be in deep doo doo by the end of 2015.

Doesn't matter who is in power, Dems or Republicans, we are set for long term economic growth for the next twenty years.

Based on?

Based on the coming baby boom which has already begun. Many people have put off having kids due to uncertainties in the economy, and now time is running out. If they want families, they need to start them soon. With the economy picking up pace, those who are younger are also likely to start having kids much sooner. This will lead to a very large baby boom. When we consider that there are about 75 million aged 18 to 34. As they increase the number of kids they have, they will need bigger homes and bigger cars. When you have kids, you just have to spend more. Consumer spending is what fuels our economy more so than anything else. With this will come sustained growth for the US economy, and it won't matter whether it's Republicans or Democrats leading the way.

The biggest increase in our population is coming from greater numbers of low skill/low education individuals who are unlikely to afford the big homes of the retiring Baby Boomers (who will be reducing their consumer spending). Sorry, but I don't share your optimism.

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