After 20 years of failure, kill the TSA.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
One is supposed to add their own take on something they post but it's really hard to top the idea that the TSA is little more than "Security Theater". For a free country we sure put up with a lot of crap. I haven't flown in over 20 years and have no desire to so it really doesn't directly affect me but that so few that does fly doesn't complain does bother me.

They are pretty expensive for failing 95% of the time.

After 20 Years of Failure, Kill the TSA
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One is supposed to add their own take on something they post but it's really hard to top the idea that the TSA is little more than "Security Theater". For a free country we sure put up with a lot of crap. I haven't flown in over 20 years and have no desire to so it really doesn't directly affect me but that so few that does fly doesn't complain does bother me.

They are pretty expensive for failing 95% of the time.

After 20 Years of Failure, Kill the TSA

The article brought up civil forfeiture, as well, which is something else that should probably be done away with.
What ???
Then what will the “Down syndrome/genetically damaged “ creatures do ???

They won’t be able to frisk women and boys
One is supposed to add their own take on something they post but it's really hard to top the idea that the TSA is little more than "Security Theater". For a free country we sure put up with a lot of crap. I haven't flown in over 20 years and have no desire to so it really doesn't directly affect me but that so few that does fly doesn't complain does bother me.

They are pretty expensive for failing 95% of the time.

After 20 Years of Failure, Kill the TSA

It will never go away because the American public will never allow it to. Fear is a powerful motivator. It won't matter how many facts you present to the public. I guarantee you if you polled the American public as to whether or not to disband the TSA an overwhelming majority would be opposed to it.
One is supposed to add their own take on something they post but it's really hard to top the idea that the TSA is little more than "Security Theater". For a free country we sure put up with a lot of crap. I haven't flown in over 20 years and have no desire to so it really doesn't directly affect me but that so few that does fly doesn't complain does bother me.

They are pretty expensive for failing 95% of the time.

After 20 Years of Failure, Kill the TSA
With the self important Prog mandates of the Bills of costing us tens of trillions of dollars to be passed with the House and Senate near 50/50 in everything we can get rid of the TSA now. We can get rid of the Patriot Act now. We can get rid of Homeland Security now! Do it you frigging commie muthas. Do it! Before Hitlers come to power. You have done nothing!
After 20 years of failure, kill the TSA.
Not going to happen.

If it were to happen and there was another 9/11 – hijacked commercial jets flown into buildings – the voters would crucify any elected official who voted to eliminate the TSA.

Elected officials fear the voters far more than the terrorists.

This is also the reason why measures such as the Patriot Act are here to stay.

And yes – no matter how trite it’s nonetheless true: the American people are ultimately to blame for the likes of the TSA and Patriot Act.
Has anybody seen the horror movie "Get Out"? An important character is a TSA employee.

He probably does more to rehabilitate TSA that anyone ever.

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