Adam Schiff’s Staff Directly Involved In Burisma

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
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Adam Schiff’s Staff had involvement in Burisma. His dog and pony show was nothing but slight of hand to distract from that fact.

Pelosi, Biden, and Kerry all took money fro Burisma. So did Schiff’s staff.

Adam Schiff Connected to Both Companies Named in $7.4 Billion Burisma-US-Ukraine Corruption Case - LewRockwell

Another Schiff Staffer Found With Ties to Burisma-funded Think Tank

Hunter Biden hired because of his name: Burisma board member
This gives proof of Schiff's conflict of interest. Schiff should never have been allowed to chair the inquiry. This is about to bite democrats very hard in the ass. Schiff has a serious conflict here and it biases everything... IF he were an Attorney in front of a court, he would be disbarred and face potential criminal charges.... Damn....!
It’s like democrats are doing this to Purposely destroy the Democrat party
It’s like democrats are doing this to Purposely destroy the Democrat party
This places a serious cloud above Pelosi and her judgment. This all by itself clouds the judgment of Schiff and what ulterior motives he may have to protect personal gains from the company paying his staff and potentially himself. Makes me wonder if Pelosie has her hands in this cookie jar too.. Biden and Kerry's are..

Democrats could be floating this as a way to crush the impeachment game before Republicans in the senate totally destroy them. (essentially an acceptable loss vs total annihilation)
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Basically this places Schiff as a recipient of monies from Burisma and gives him a PERSONAL reason to deny due process and to illegally remove a sitting president, who directly affects his personal income. Schiff is so conflicted that he will be called in the senate as a witness and it will be a blood bath..

If this goes to the Senate, Democrats will lose a lot more than the house.. A bunch of them might end up in prison.
Adam Schiff’s Staff had involvement in Burisma. His dog and pony show was nothing but slight of hand to distract from that fact.

Pelosi, Biden, and Kerry all took money fro Burisma. So did Schiff’s staff.

Adam Schiff Connected to Both Companies Named in $7.4 Billion Burisma-US-Ukraine Corruption Case - LewRockwell

Another Schiff Staffer Found With Ties to Burisma-funded Think Tank

Hunter Biden hired because of his name: Burisma board member

Looking at this from a foreign policy position, the corruption over there was being used to enrich House and Senate members. This is a huge violation of US Law. Talk about buying votes... This is exposing corruption in the very core of our government.
Had Hillary won the Bidens would be worth a few hundred million by now. Lord knows what should would have gotten for selling the rest of our uranium to Putin
I was reading through this thread, and I realized that I must have posted it while people in Russia, China, and Iran were sleeping. There's not the usual "sure comrade" and "did Putin pay you to say that?" trolling.
Had Hillary won the Bidens would be worth a few hundred million by now. Lord knows what should would have gotten for selling the rest of our uranium to Putin
The Bidens already got rich off of Public Service. But you are right, they would have been richer, and so would have Pelosi, Kerry, and Biden's sons who were all working directly for Burisma.

Trump gets elected, and Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, and even Romney all fled Burisma. That's not a coincidence.
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Intel officials told senators Russia wanted to pin election meddling on Ukraine: report
Intel officials told senators Russia wanted to pin election meddling on Ukraine: report

Chuck Todd Tells GOPer He’s Done ‘Exactly’ What Russia’s ‘Trying To Get American Politicians To Do’
Chuck Todd Tells GOPer He’s Done ‘Exactly’ What Russia's 'Trying To Get American Politicians To Do’

"During his interview with Todd, Kennedy admitted he was wrong to argue last week that Ukraine, not Russia, may have hacked the DNC’s email server in 2016; one of President Donald Trump’s debunked conspiracy theories that allegedly originated from the Kremlin itself.

However, Kennedy still insisted that Russia and Ukraine had both meddled in the 2016 elections–and then he made the astounding claim that former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had “actively worked for” Hillary Clinton."

Look for this nutbaggery that "they both did it" to become a new Repub talking point.
Adam Schiff’s Staff had involvement in Burisma. His dog and pony show was nothing but slight of hand to distract from that fact.

Pelosi, Biden, and Kerry all took money fro Burisma. So did Schiff’s staff.

Adam Schiff Connected to Both Companies Named in $7.4 Billion Burisma-US-Ukraine Corruption Case - LewRockwell

Another Schiff Staffer Found With Ties to Burisma-funded Think Tank

Hunter Biden hired because of his name: Burisma board member
This gives proof of Schiff's conflict of interest. Schiff should never have been allowed to chair the inquiry. This is about to bite democrats very hard in the ass. Schiff has a serious conflict here and it biases everything... IF he were an Attorney in front of a court, he would be disbarred and face potential criminal charges.... Damn....!
LMAO at the thought of this conspiracy theory junk providing "proof" of anything other than the gullibility of the average tRumpling.
Intel officials told senators Russia wanted to pin election meddling on Ukraine: report
Intel officials told senators Russia wanted to pin election meddling on Ukraine: report

Chuck Todd Tells GOPer He’s Done ‘Exactly’ What Russia’s ‘Trying To Get American Politicians To Do’
Chuck Todd Tells GOPer He’s Done ‘Exactly’ What Russia's 'Trying To Get American Politicians To Do’

"During his interview with Todd, Kennedy admitted he was wrong to argue last week that Ukraine, not Russia, may have hacked the DNC’s email server in 2016; one of President Donald Trump’s debunked conspiracy theories that allegedly originated from the Kremlin itself.

However, Kennedy still insisted that Russia and Ukraine had both meddled in the 2016 elections–and then he made the astounding claim that former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had “actively worked for” Hillary Clinton."

Look for this nutbaggery that "they both did it" to become a new Repub talking point.
Look everyone, Putin sent us a VOLUNTEER. Well, not exactly since he gets paid to do what Putin tells him to do...

But we can use Creepitus and DOTARDS like you as Target Practice never-the-less.
I was reading through this thread, and I realized that I must have posted it while people in Russia, China, and Iran were sleeping. There's not the usual "sure comrade" and "did Putin pay you to say that?" trolling.
That's because that kinda stuff isn't funny when it's so obviously true
Intel officials told senators Russia wanted to pin election meddling on Ukraine: report
Intel officials told senators Russia wanted to pin election meddling on Ukraine: report

Chuck Todd Tells GOPer He’s Done ‘Exactly’ What Russia’s ‘Trying To Get American Politicians To Do’
Chuck Todd Tells GOPer He’s Done ‘Exactly’ What Russia's 'Trying To Get American Politicians To Do’

"During his interview with Todd, Kennedy admitted he was wrong to argue last week that Ukraine, not Russia, may have hacked the DNC’s email server in 2016; one of President Donald Trump’s debunked conspiracy theories that allegedly originated from the Kremlin itself.

However, Kennedy still insisted that Russia and Ukraine had both meddled in the 2016 elections–and then he made the astounding claim that former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had “actively worked for” Hillary Clinton."

Look for this nutbaggery that "they both did it" to become a new Repub talking point.
You mean the same INTEL OFFICERS who are now Under CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION for tampering with 302s, altering witness testimony, doing things like granting Clinton and The Podesta Group immunity, and then violating The LAW, and Procedure and Policy by allowing them to destroy Evidence, and then not taking any notes, or recordings of any of their interviews?

The same people that lied to America and told us Iraq had WMDs?

The same people that hatched "Operation Latitude" i.e. "The Insurance Policy"?
The same people that lied under oath, sold Mexican Drug Cartels AK 47s, Allowed Obama, Clinton and The State Department to communicate using a hidden, secret server and aliases so they could avoid FOIA and transparency?

The same people that knowingly took Russian Propaganda that they KNEW was Salacious, False and Unverified, that they knew The Intentions of The People that delivered it to them were filled with EXTREME MALICE, that Obama and Clinton paid for and took it, and weaponized it against a rival political candidate? How very Soviet Union of them...

The same intelligence community that paid Al Queda, ISIS, Al Nusra, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage COUPS in Syria, Libya, and Egypt and who paid Terrorists to assassinate heads of state?

The same intelligence community that secretly used Benghazi as a weapons depot to arm Al Queda in Libya to launch a COUP so The Russians could sweep in and run that country as a Puppet State just like they did in The Crimea and were trying to do in The Ukraine until Trump was elected?

BTW, it is a WAR CRIME to use a diplomatic outpost as a weapons depot like they did in Benghazi, and the penalty is death by hanging for that particular crime. Remember Hillary's quote?

"If Trump is elected we will all hang together."

The same intelligence community that tried to stop Brexit from happening, that tried to prevent Boris Johnson from being elected, and that tried to smear Netanyahu, and tried to stop him from being re-elected and poured millions of dollars in to Israel's elections to try to interfere with them? The same intelligence community that tried to "PICK" our president for us?

The same people that allowed Clinton to destroy 33,000 emails on her secret server in violation of two federal court orders prohibiting such actions?

The same people that allowed Clinton to destroy 17 electronic devices with a hammer when she lied and said she only had one?

The same intelligence community that knowingly allowed The DNC to hire Pakistani Hackers with Criminal Records to pry in to Congressional Files looking for dirt on Senators that Clinton could use to Leverage them with when she was coronated just like she did when she stole FBI files during Bill's presidency?

Friends of yours?
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I was reading through this thread, and I realized that I must have posted it while people in Russia, China, and Iran were sleeping. There's not the usual "sure comrade" and "did Putin pay you to say that?" trolling.
That's because that kinda stuff isn't funny when it's so obviously true
You aren't very good at your job.

Like do professional trolls, get yearly reviews and raises and shit? How's your 401K and profit sharing look? Or is it more of a case, if you do a good job you get to lick The Ayatollah's Assahollah? Now run along to make some Putin Pudding for your dead daddy Al Baghdadi.

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