There is no skeleton in Uncle Joe’s closet. It’s a raw cadaver

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The US and Ukraine have a cooperation agreement treaty to fight political corruption and the Investigation in to Hunter Biden was reopened 6 months ago back in April.

The Fake Whistle Blower Complaint (Written by Adam Schiff) is nothing but a smoke screen.

The Investigation in to Burisma and Hunter Biden is an ongoing investigation and discussions about it and sharing information about it is legitimate and entirely ethical and legal.

Ukrainian Prosecutor Reopens Corruption Case Involving Biden

The chief prosecutor in Ukraine recently revealed that he’s reopening a corruption probe into Ukraine’s largest private gas company that could have profound implications for the presidential aspirations of former Vice President Joe Biden.

The company, Burisma Holdings, appointed Biden’s son, Hunter, to its board of directors in 2014, and reportedly paid him more than $3 million during a 14-month period to head its legal team.

Burisma was then facing a state investigation over allegations that company Chairman Nikolai Zlochevskiy had used his official position as Minister of Environment in the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych to award the company lucrative oil and gas permits.

While the probe was underway, then-Vice President Biden made more than a dozen trips to Ukraine, ostensibly to support the new government of Petro Poroshenko. But during one of those trips in 2016, the vice president threatened to withdraw U.S. aid if Poroshenko didn’t fire the prosecutor general in charge of the Burisma probe.

Biden boasted of his success in getting Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in January 2018, a year after leaving office.

“And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee,” Biden said. When Poroshenko refused to fire the prosecutor, Biden said he had authority from President Barack Obama to pull the loan guarantee.

“I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ … He got fired.”

Current Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told The Hill’s John Solomon that he was reopening the investigation his office had closed after Biden succeeded in convincing the Ukrainian president to remove his predecessor, Viktor Shokin.

Shokin himself confirmed in written answers to questions from Solomon that before he was fired, he was planning to conduct “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the [Burisma] executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

Biden’s staff and, indeed, the Democratic National Committee leadership should have seen this coming. It’s not as if Hunter Biden’s appointment to the Burisma board was a secret, nor the fact that he got paid large sums of money for his services, at the same time that his powerful father was intervening in the company’s favor with the president of Ukraine.

This is no skeleton in Uncle Joe’s closet. It’s a raw cadaver, and it stinks to high heaven, despite the mounds of dirt piled on top of it by the national media.
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IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
If they do a proper investigation, they will find that all the key players on The Left in The Democrat Party were taking bribes and kickbacks in The Obama Administration. Everyone was getting paid, and everyone was getting rich.

This is not a fight against Trump by The Left... ("Resistance") is a fight by The Left to keep Corruption in Office and a MASSIVE Graft and Bribery Machine from being exposed. Why else would Clinton need to bleach bit 33,000 emails and destroy 17 electronic devices with a ballpeen hammer, and why did Comey sweep her crimes under the rug, provide her entire campaign with immunity and kept no record of any interview with them?

The Dems are fighting to stop their party from being annihilated. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why The DNC and Hillary Clinton hired Pakistani Hackers to work for them and pry in to Congressional Files during the Campaign year, why no one ever looked at THE DNC server and why Assange swears under oath that Seth Rich gave him The Podesta Emails and was operating as a Whistle Blower.

Then ask yourself why Obama felt the need to spy on journalists, Foreign Leaders, and The Trump Campaign, and then ask yourself why there were massive leaks of classified and privilege information coming out of The Bureaucracy as soon as Trump was sworn in.

Then ask yourself why The Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign were so desperate to win that they felt the need to purchase Russian Propaganda and disseminate it all through The Bureacracy right after they changed The "Intelligence Sharing" rules.

This thing started with a Whistle Blower and will end with one. Their goose is cooked as their corrupt co-conspirators and the machine they had in place to provide cover for all of their corruption is slowly being dismantled.

Once that cover is gone, they will be fully exposed after The Re-Election of Donald J. Trump aka "The Swamp Destroyer". This is why they are desperate to stop the 2020 Election.
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IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.

What if the whole nation knew that the entire Mueller report was based on a fabrication?

What if the DNC were implicated? And Mueller? And Comey? And Hillery?

Hell. . . maybe Obama? :dunno:

Is this why Assange is in lock down over unpaid fines in Sweden on a case that has been dropped?

(bear in mind, this is a left leaning site. . . :71:)

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . Comey Can’t Say Why

At a time of high tension in the 2016 presidential campaign, when the late Sen. John McCain and others were calling Russian “hacking” an “act of war,” the FBI settled for three redacted “draft reports” from CrowdStrike rather than investigate the alleged hacking itself, the court document shows.

Then FBI Director James Comey admitted in congressional testimony that he chose not to take control of the DNC’s “hacked” computers, and did not dispatch FBI computer experts to inspect them, but has had trouble explaining why.

In his testimony, he conceded that “best practices” would have dictated that forensic experts gain physical access to the computers. Nevertheless, the FBI decided to rely on forensics performed by a firm being paid for by the DNC.

Suspicions grew as Comey started referring to CrowdStrike as the “pros that they hired.” Doubts became more intense when he referred to CrowdStrike as “a high-class entity.” In fact the company had a tarnished reputation for reliability and objectivity well before it was hired by the DNC.

Comey in 2013 with Robert Mueller and Barack Obama. (Wikimedia Commons)

Dimitri Alperovitch, a CrowdStrike co-founder, is an opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a senior fellow at the anti-Russian Atlantic Council think tank in Washington. CrowdStrike said it determined that Russia had hacked the DNC server because it found Cyrillic letters in the metadata, as well as the name of the first Soviet intelligence chief—clues an amateur might leave.

CrowdStrike was forced to “revise(d) and retract(ed) statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign,”
Trump needs to make this a full court press. This is way more than Joe getting a sweetheart deal for his loser son. WAY MORE. Ukraine is a deep stinky well and the Democrats have been dipping in it for a long time. THIS IS GOING TO GET REAL GOOD. :04:
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
If they do a proper investigation, they will find that all the key players on The Left in The Democrat Party were taking bribes and kickbacks in The Obama Administration.

This is not a fight against Trump ("Resistance"), it is a fight to keep Corruption in Office and a MASSIVE Graft and Bribery Machine from being exposed.

The Dems are fighting to stop their party from being annihilated. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why The DNC and Hillary Clinton hire Pakistani Hackers to work for them and pry in to Congressional Files during the Campaign year, why no one ever looked at THE DNC server and why Assange swears under oath that Seth Rich gave him The Podesta Emails and was operating as a Whistle Blower.

This thing started with a Whistle Blower and will end with one. Their goose is cooked as their corrupt co-conspirators and the machine they had in place to provide cover for all of their corruption is slowly being dismantled.
If you think this is going to end with only democrats, I think you need a reality check.

From all the accounts I've read over the last week or so, Ukraine is a hotbed of overt international political crime and corruption...It's an international one-stop shop for graft, money laundering, and garden variety payola.

Any democrats go down -an iffy proposition at best- and you can be certain the media will be able to dig up a token republican scalp or two in the process.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.

What if the whole nation knew that the entire Mueller report was based on a fabrication?

What if the DNC were implicated? And Mueller? And Comey? And Hillery?

Hell. . . maybe Obama? :dunno:

Is this why Assange is in lock down over unpaid fines in Sweden on a case that has been dropped?

(bear in mind, this is a left leaning site. . . :71:)

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . Comey Can’t Say Why

At a time of high tension in the 2016 presidential campaign, when the late Sen. John McCain and others were calling Russian “hacking” an “act of war,” the FBI settled for three redacted “draft reports” from CrowdStrike rather than investigate the alleged hacking itself, the court document shows.

Then FBI Director James Comey admitted in congressional testimony that he chose not to take control of the DNC’s “hacked” computers, and did not dispatch FBI computer experts to inspect them, but has had trouble explaining why.

In his testimony, he conceded that “best practices” would have dictated that forensic experts gain physical access to the computers. Nevertheless, the FBI decided to rely on forensics performed by a firm being paid for by the DNC.

Suspicions grew as Comey started referring to CrowdStrike as the “pros that they hired.” Doubts became more intense when he referred to CrowdStrike as “a high-class entity.” In fact the company had a tarnished reputation for reliability and objectivity well before it was hired by the DNC.

Comey in 2013 with Robert Mueller and Barack Obama. (Wikimedia Commons)

Dimitri Alperovitch, a CrowdStrike co-founder, is an opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a senior fellow at the anti-Russian Atlantic Council think tank in Washington. CrowdStrike said it determined that Russia had hacked the DNC server because it found Cyrillic letters in the metadata, as well as the name of the first Soviet intelligence chief—clues an amateur might leave.

CrowdStrike was forced to “revise(d) and retract(ed) statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign,”
It's also why Guccifer who said categorically that he hacked Clinton's Illegal and Secret Unsecured Server and said that it was easy and so did several other countries hack it, is also in lock down and has never been heard from again.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
If they do a proper investigation, they will find that all the key players on The Left in The Democrat Party were taking bribes and kickbacks in The Obama Administration.

This is not a fight against Trump ("Resistance"), it is a fight to keep Corruption in Office and a MASSIVE Graft and Bribery Machine from being exposed.

The Dems are fighting to stop their party from being annihilated. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why The DNC and Hillary Clinton hire Pakistani Hackers to work for them and pry in to Congressional Files during the Campaign year, why no one ever looked at THE DNC server and why Assange swears under oath that Seth Rich gave him The Podesta Emails and was operating as a Whistle Blower.

This thing started with a Whistle Blower and will end with one. Their goose is cooked as their corrupt co-conspirators and the machine they had in place to provide cover for all of their corruption is slowly being dismantled.
If you think this is going to end with only democrats, I think you need a reality check.

From all the accounts I've read over the last week or so, Ukraine is a hotbed of overt international political crime and corruption...It's an international one-stop shop for graft, money laundering, and garden variety payola.

Any democrats go down -an iffy proposition at best- and you can be certain the media will be able to dig up a token republican scalp or two in the process.
I am not that naive. If there are Corrupt Republicans, I want them to face a firing squad or have their necks stretched at a gallows near you.

I think it's time to get Medieval with Treason again.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
If they do a proper investigation, they will find that all the key players on The Left in The Democrat Party were taking bribes and kickbacks in The Obama Administration.

This is not a fight against Trump ("Resistance"), it is a fight to keep Corruption in Office and a MASSIVE Graft and Bribery Machine from being exposed.

The Dems are fighting to stop their party from being annihilated. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why The DNC and Hillary Clinton hire Pakistani Hackers to work for them and pry in to Congressional Files during the Campaign year, why no one ever looked at THE DNC server and why Assange swears under oath that Seth Rich gave him The Podesta Emails and was operating as a Whistle Blower.

This thing started with a Whistle Blower and will end with one. Their goose is cooked as their corrupt co-conspirators and the machine they had in place to provide cover for all of their corruption is slowly being dismantled.
If you think this is going to end with only democrats, I think you need a reality check.

From all the accounts I've read over the last week or so, Ukraine is a hotbed of overt international political crime and corruption...It's an international one-stop shop for graft, money laundering, and garden variety payola.

Any democrats go down -an iffy proposition at best- and you can be certain the media will be able to dig up a token republican scalp or two in the process.

Oh I agree. When shit lands on one party, it general lands on the other as well.

I'd sure like to see Barr's report when it's handed in. I'd bet it will be a doozy.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
If they do a proper investigation, they will find that all the key players on The Left in The Democrat Party were taking bribes and kickbacks in The Obama Administration.

This is not a fight against Trump ("Resistance"), it is a fight to keep Corruption in Office and a MASSIVE Graft and Bribery Machine from being exposed.

The Dems are fighting to stop their party from being annihilated. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why The DNC and Hillary Clinton hire Pakistani Hackers to work for them and pry in to Congressional Files during the Campaign year, why no one ever looked at THE DNC server and why Assange swears under oath that Seth Rich gave him The Podesta Emails and was operating as a Whistle Blower.

This thing started with a Whistle Blower and will end with one. Their goose is cooked as their corrupt co-conspirators and the machine they had in place to provide cover for all of their corruption is slowly being dismantled.
If you think this is going to end with only democrats, I think you need a reality check.

From all the accounts I've read over the last week or so, Ukraine is a hotbed of overt international political crime and corruption...It's an international one-stop shop for graft, money laundering, and garden variety payola.

Any democrats go down -an iffy proposition at best- and you can be certain the media will be able to dig up a token republican scalp or two in the process.

Oh I agree. When shit lands on one party, it general lands on the other as well.

I'd sure like to see Barr's report when it's handed in. I'd bet it will be a doozy.
It will never be "handed in" (funny, like you think he's some kinda kid). There will be much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair but there will be no report and no wrongdoing found.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.

What if the whole nation knew that the entire Mueller report was based on a fabrication?

What if the DNC were implicated? And Mueller? And Comey? And Hillery?

Hell. . . maybe Obama? :dunno:

Is this why Assange is in lock down over unpaid fines in Sweden on a case that has been dropped?

(bear in mind, this is a left leaning site. . . :71:)

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . Comey Can’t Say Why

At a time of high tension in the 2016 presidential campaign, when the late Sen. John McCain and others were calling Russian “hacking” an “act of war,” the FBI settled for three redacted “draft reports” from CrowdStrike rather than investigate the alleged hacking itself, the court document shows.

Then FBI Director James Comey admitted in congressional testimony that he chose not to take control of the DNC’s “hacked” computers, and did not dispatch FBI computer experts to inspect them, but has had trouble explaining why.

In his testimony, he conceded that “best practices” would have dictated that forensic experts gain physical access to the computers. Nevertheless, the FBI decided to rely on forensics performed by a firm being paid for by the DNC.

Suspicions grew as Comey started referring to CrowdStrike as the “pros that they hired.” Doubts became more intense when he referred to CrowdStrike as “a high-class entity.” In fact the company had a tarnished reputation for reliability and objectivity well before it was hired by the DNC.

Comey in 2013 with Robert Mueller and Barack Obama. (Wikimedia Commons)

Dimitri Alperovitch, a CrowdStrike co-founder, is an opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a senior fellow at the anti-Russian Atlantic Council think tank in Washington. CrowdStrike said it determined that Russia had hacked the DNC server because it found Cyrillic letters in the metadata, as well as the name of the first Soviet intelligence chief—clues an amateur might leave.

CrowdStrike was forced to “revise(d) and retract(ed) statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign,”
It's also why Guccifer who said categorically that he hacked Clinton's Illegal and Secret Unsecured Server and said that it was easy and so did several other countries hack it, is also in lock down and has never been heard from again.
Ah, cooperating with the Russians again?
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
If they do a proper investigation, they will find that all the key players on The Left in The Democrat Party were taking bribes and kickbacks in The Obama Administration.

This is not a fight against Trump ("Resistance"), it is a fight to keep Corruption in Office and a MASSIVE Graft and Bribery Machine from being exposed.

The Dems are fighting to stop their party from being annihilated. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why The DNC and Hillary Clinton hire Pakistani Hackers to work for them and pry in to Congressional Files during the Campaign year, why no one ever looked at THE DNC server and why Assange swears under oath that Seth Rich gave him The Podesta Emails and was operating as a Whistle Blower.

This thing started with a Whistle Blower and will end with one. Their goose is cooked as their corrupt co-conspirators and the machine they had in place to provide cover for all of their corruption is slowly being dismantled.
If you think this is going to end with only democrats, I think you need a reality check.

From all the accounts I've read over the last week or so, Ukraine is a hotbed of overt international political crime and corruption...It's an international one-stop shop for graft, money laundering, and garden variety payola.

Any democrats go down -an iffy proposition at best- and you can be certain the media will be able to dig up a token republican scalp or two in the process.

Oh I agree. When shit lands on one party, it general lands on the other as well.

I'd sure like to see Barr's report when it's handed in. I'd bet it will be a doozy.
It will never be "handed in" (funny, like you think he's some kinda kid). There will be much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair but there will be no report and no wrongdoing found.

You can always hope and pray.

If I were you I'd be on my knees right now.

Barr is good at what he does and I'd bet he's digging up loads of good stuff.

I sure hope we all get to see it.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.

What if the whole nation knew that the entire Mueller report was based on a fabrication?

What if the DNC were implicated? And Mueller? And Comey? And Hillery?

Hell. . . maybe Obama? :dunno:

Is this why Assange is in lock down over unpaid fines in Sweden on a case that has been dropped?

(bear in mind, this is a left leaning site. . . :71:)

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . Comey Can’t Say Why

At a time of high tension in the 2016 presidential campaign, when the late Sen. John McCain and others were calling Russian “hacking” an “act of war,” the FBI settled for three redacted “draft reports” from CrowdStrike rather than investigate the alleged hacking itself, the court document shows.

Then FBI Director James Comey admitted in congressional testimony that he chose not to take control of the DNC’s “hacked” computers, and did not dispatch FBI computer experts to inspect them, but has had trouble explaining why.

In his testimony, he conceded that “best practices” would have dictated that forensic experts gain physical access to the computers. Nevertheless, the FBI decided to rely on forensics performed by a firm being paid for by the DNC.

Suspicions grew as Comey started referring to CrowdStrike as the “pros that they hired.” Doubts became more intense when he referred to CrowdStrike as “a high-class entity.” In fact the company had a tarnished reputation for reliability and objectivity well before it was hired by the DNC.

Comey in 2013 with Robert Mueller and Barack Obama. (Wikimedia Commons)

Dimitri Alperovitch, a CrowdStrike co-founder, is an opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a senior fellow at the anti-Russian Atlantic Council think tank in Washington. CrowdStrike said it determined that Russia had hacked the DNC server because it found Cyrillic letters in the metadata, as well as the name of the first Soviet intelligence chief—clues an amateur might leave.

CrowdStrike was forced to “revise(d) and retract(ed) statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign,”
It's also why Guccifer who said categorically that he hacked Clinton's Illegal and Secret Unsecured Server and said that it was easy and so did several other countries hack it, is also in lock down and has never been heard from again.
Ah, cooperating with the Russians again?

Did you even READ the article I posted?

The CIA might have done it with the Marble Framework.

". . . On March 31, 2017 WikiLeaks released the most damaging disclosure up to that point from what it called “Vault 7” — a treasure trove of CIA cybertools leaked from CIA files. This disclosure featured the tool “Marble Framework,” which enabled the CIA to hack into computers, disguise who hacked in, and falsely attribute the hack to someone else by leaving so-called tell-tale signs — like Cyrillic, for example.

The CIA documents also showed that the “Marble” tool had been employed in 2016.. . ."
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

Marble framework

The documents describe the Marble framework, a string obfuscator used to hide text fragments in malware from visual inspection. As part of the program, foreign languages were used to cover up the source of CIA hacks.[62] [63] [64] According to WikiLeaks, it reached 1.0 in 2015 and was used by the CIA throughout 2016.[65]

In its release, WikiLeaks described the primary purpose of "Marble" as to insert foreign language text into the malware to mask viruses, trojans and hacking attacks, making it more difficult for them to be tracked to the CIA and to cause forensic investigators to falsely attribute code to the wrong nation.[66] The source code revealed that Marble had examples in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Persian.[67] These were the languages of the US's main cyber-adversaries – China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.[68]

Analysts called WikiLeaks' description of Marble's main purpose inaccurate, telling The Hill its main purpose was probably to avoid detection by antivirus programs.[69]

Marble also contained a deobfuscator tool with which the CIA could reverse text obfuscation.

Security researcher Nicholas Weaver from International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley told the Washington Post: "This appears to be one of the most technically damaging leaks ever done by WikiLeaks, as it seems designed to directly disrupt ongoing CIA operations.[70] [71]

Vault 7 Explained

IOW, CrowdStrike could bullshit the FBI and the nation, or not even know, and no one would be the wiser. With out the FBI being able to cross reference with the CIA source tech., it is all a scam. But. . . I think that is the point.
There is no skeleton in Uncle Joe’s closet. It’s a raw cadaver
It's neither.

It's a figment of the collective tRumpkin imagination.
There are sworn affidavits numb nuts from the re-opened corruption investigation that Joe Biden tried to get shut down.
This investigation was re-opened back in April a full 6 months ago.

Why do you invest your time and energy lying, and corrupting the only thing of value that you have, your SOUL?
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.

What if the whole nation knew that the entire Mueller report was based on a fabrication?

What if the DNC were implicated? And Mueller? And Comey? And Hillery?

Hell. . . maybe Obama? :dunno:

Is this why Assange is in lock down over unpaid fines in Sweden on a case that has been dropped?

(bear in mind, this is a left leaning site. . . :71:)

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . Comey Can’t Say Why

At a time of high tension in the 2016 presidential campaign, when the late Sen. John McCain and others were calling Russian “hacking” an “act of war,” the FBI settled for three redacted “draft reports” from CrowdStrike rather than investigate the alleged hacking itself, the court document shows.

Then FBI Director James Comey admitted in congressional testimony that he chose not to take control of the DNC’s “hacked” computers, and did not dispatch FBI computer experts to inspect them, but has had trouble explaining why.

In his testimony, he conceded that “best practices” would have dictated that forensic experts gain physical access to the computers. Nevertheless, the FBI decided to rely on forensics performed by a firm being paid for by the DNC.

Suspicions grew as Comey started referring to CrowdStrike as the “pros that they hired.” Doubts became more intense when he referred to CrowdStrike as “a high-class entity.” In fact the company had a tarnished reputation for reliability and objectivity well before it was hired by the DNC.

Comey in 2013 with Robert Mueller and Barack Obama. (Wikimedia Commons)

Dimitri Alperovitch, a CrowdStrike co-founder, is an opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a senior fellow at the anti-Russian Atlantic Council think tank in Washington. CrowdStrike said it determined that Russia had hacked the DNC server because it found Cyrillic letters in the metadata, as well as the name of the first Soviet intelligence chief—clues an amateur might leave.

CrowdStrike was forced to “revise(d) and retract(ed) statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign,”
It's also why Guccifer who said categorically that he hacked Clinton's Illegal and Secret Unsecured Server and said that it was easy and so did several other countries hack it, is also in lock down and has never been heard from again.
Ah, cooperating with the Russians again?

Did you even READ the article I posted?

The CIA might have done it with the Marble Framework.

". . . On March 31, 2017 WikiLeaks released the most damaging disclosure up to that point from what it called “Vault 7” — a treasure trove of CIA cybertools leaked from CIA files. This disclosure featured the tool “Marble Framework,” which enabled the CIA to hack into computers, disguise who hacked in, and falsely attribute the hack to someone else by leaving so-called tell-tale signs — like Cyrillic, for example.

The CIA documents also showed that the “Marble” tool had been employed in 2016.. . ."
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

Marble framework

The documents describe the Marble framework, a string obfuscator used to hide text fragments in malware from visual inspection. As part of the program, foreign languages were used to cover up the source of CIA hacks.[62] [63] [64] According to WikiLeaks, it reached 1.0 in 2015 and was used by the CIA throughout 2016.[65]

In its release, WikiLeaks described the primary purpose of "Marble" as to insert foreign language text into the malware to mask viruses, trojans and hacking attacks, making it more difficult for them to be tracked to the CIA and to cause forensic investigators to falsely attribute code to the wrong nation.[66] The source code revealed that Marble had examples in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Persian.[67] These were the languages of the US's main cyber-adversaries – China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.[68]

Analysts called WikiLeaks' description of Marble's main purpose inaccurate, telling The Hill its main purpose was probably to avoid detection by antivirus programs.[69]

Marble also contained a deobfuscator tool with which the CIA could reverse text obfuscation.

Security researcher Nicholas Weaver from International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley told the Washington Post: "This appears to be one of the most technically damaging leaks ever done by WikiLeaks, as it seems designed to directly disrupt ongoing CIA operations.[70] [71]

Vault 7 Explained

IOW, CrowdStrike could bullshit the FBI and the nation, or not even know, and no one would be the wiser. With out the FBI being able to cross reference with the CIA source tech., it is all a scam. But. . . I think that is the point.

He won't ready or believe anything that puts the lie to what he wants to believe.

Don't waste your time with numb nuts. I sure won't
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
If they do a proper investigation, they will find that all the key players on The Left in The Democrat Party were taking bribes and kickbacks in The Obama Administration.

This is not a fight against Trump ("Resistance"), it is a fight to keep Corruption in Office and a MASSIVE Graft and Bribery Machine from being exposed.

The Dems are fighting to stop their party from being annihilated. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why The DNC and Hillary Clinton hire Pakistani Hackers to work for them and pry in to Congressional Files during the Campaign year, why no one ever looked at THE DNC server and why Assange swears under oath that Seth Rich gave him The Podesta Emails and was operating as a Whistle Blower.

This thing started with a Whistle Blower and will end with one. Their goose is cooked as their corrupt co-conspirators and the machine they had in place to provide cover for all of their corruption is slowly being dismantled.
If you think this is going to end with only democrats, I think you need a reality check.

From all the accounts I've read over the last week or so, Ukraine is a hotbed of overt international political crime and corruption...It's an international one-stop shop for graft, money laundering, and garden variety payola.

Any democrats go down -an iffy proposition at best- and you can be certain the media will be able to dig up a token republican scalp or two in the process.

Oh I agree. When shit lands on one party, it general lands on the other as well.

I'd sure like to see Barr's report when it's handed in. I'd bet it will be a doozy.
It will never be "handed in" (funny, like you think he's some kinda kid). There will be much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair but there will be no report and no wrongdoing found.

Ukraine Prosecutor That Biden Got Fired Says He Was Told To Back Off Investigation, Report Says

You are one of three things.

1.) Criminally Stupid
2.) A Partisan Hack who is paid to lie
3.) A Partisan Hack who is stupid enough to lie for free
4.) A Foreign Citizen who hates The United States
5.) A Propagandist who could be working for any number of foreign governments, US agencies, or is just a misguided fanatic who sold his soul to The Devil.

There are no discussions with you, just the repeated exposure of yourself as a pathological liar.

There are sworn affidavits and you are reporting misinformation.

Joe Biden & Son exposed in massive Ukraine fracking corruption scandal (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden may have leveraged the Maidan coup and war in East Ukraine to strike lucrative oil fracking deals in East Ukraine, along with a John Kerry family friend.

Limassol, Cyprus based energy firm Burisma Holdings, collected large energy contracts in the East of Ukraine, with Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, closely tied to the energy production company, which pushed for fracking exploration on land owned by East Ukrainian residents.

Joe Biden appears to have made a major tactical error last year when he bragged to an audience of foreign policy experts how he threatened to hurl Ukraine into bankruptcy if their top prosecutor, General Viktor Shokin, wasn’t immediately fired, according to The Hill‘s John Solomon.

In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. –The Hill

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” bragged Biden, recalling the conversation with Poroshenko.

Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden said at the Council on Foreign Relations event – while insisting that former president Obama was complicit in the threat.

Interviews with a half-dozen senior Ukrainian officials confirm Biden’s account, though they claim the pressure was applied over several months in late 2015 and early 2016, not just six hours of one dramatic day. Whatever the case, Poroshenko and Ukraine’s parliament obliged by ending Shokin’s tenure as prosecutor. Shokin was facing steep criticism in Ukraine, and among some U.S. officials, for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions when he was fired. –The Hill

And why would Biden want the “son of a bitch” fired?

In what must be an amazing coincidence, the prosecutor was leading a wide-ranging corruption investigation into a natural gas firm – which Biden’s son, Hunter, sat on the board of directors.

The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.The Hill

The Hill‘s Solomon reviewed the general prosecutor’s file for the Burisma probe – which he reports shows Hunter Biden, his business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.

And before he was fired, Shokin says he had made “specific plans” for the investigation – including“interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.
If they do a proper investigation, they will find that all the key players on The Left in The Democrat Party were taking bribes and kickbacks in The Obama Administration.

This is not a fight against Trump ("Resistance"), it is a fight to keep Corruption in Office and a MASSIVE Graft and Bribery Machine from being exposed.

The Dems are fighting to stop their party from being annihilated. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why The DNC and Hillary Clinton hire Pakistani Hackers to work for them and pry in to Congressional Files during the Campaign year, why no one ever looked at THE DNC server and why Assange swears under oath that Seth Rich gave him The Podesta Emails and was operating as a Whistle Blower.

This thing started with a Whistle Blower and will end with one. Their goose is cooked as their corrupt co-conspirators and the machine they had in place to provide cover for all of their corruption is slowly being dismantled.
If you think this is going to end with only democrats, I think you need a reality check.

From all the accounts I've read over the last week or so, Ukraine is a hotbed of overt international political crime and corruption...It's an international one-stop shop for graft, money laundering, and garden variety payola.

Any democrats go down -an iffy proposition at best- and you can be certain the media will be able to dig up a token republican scalp or two in the process.

Oh I agree. When shit lands on one party, it general lands on the other as well.

I'd sure like to see Barr's report when it's handed in. I'd bet it will be a doozy.
It will never be "handed in" (funny, like you think he's some kinda kid). There will be much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair but there will be no report and no wrongdoing found.

Ukraine Prosecutor That Biden Got Fired Says He Was Told To Back Off Investigation, Report Says

You are one of three things.

1.) Criminally Stupid
2.) A Partisan Hack who is paid to lie
3.) A Partisan Hack who is stupid enough to lie for free
4.) A Foreign Citizen who hates The United States
5.) A Propagandist who could be working for any number of foreign governments, US agencies, or is just a misguided fanatic who sold his soul to The Devil.

There are no discussions with you, just the repeated exposure of yourself as a pathological liar.

There are sworn affidavits and you are reporting misinformation.

Joe Biden & Son exposed in massive Ukraine fracking corruption scandal (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden may have leveraged the Maidan coup and war in East Ukraine to strike lucrative oil fracking deals in East Ukraine, along with a John Kerry family friend.

Limassol, Cyprus based energy firm Burisma Holdings, collected large energy contracts in the East of Ukraine, with Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, closely tied to the energy production company, which pushed for fracking exploration on land owned by East Ukrainian residents.

Joe Biden appears to have made a major tactical error last year when he bragged to an audience of foreign policy experts how he threatened to hurl Ukraine into bankruptcy if their top prosecutor, General Viktor Shokin, wasn’t immediately fired, according to The Hill‘s John Solomon.

In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. –The Hill

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” bragged Biden, recalling the conversation with Poroshenko.

Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden said at the Council on Foreign Relations event – while insisting that former president Obama was complicit in the threat.

Interviews with a half-dozen senior Ukrainian officials confirm Biden’s account, though they claim the pressure was applied over several months in late 2015 and early 2016, not just six hours of one dramatic day. Whatever the case, Poroshenko and Ukraine’s parliament obliged by ending Shokin’s tenure as prosecutor. Shokin was facing steep criticism in Ukraine, and among some U.S. officials, for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions when he was fired. –The Hill

And why would Biden want the “son of a bitch” fired?

In what must be an amazing coincidence, the prosecutor was leading a wide-ranging corruption investigation into a natural gas firm – which Biden’s son, Hunter, sat on the board of directors.

The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.The Hill

The Hill‘s Solomon reviewed the general prosecutor’s file for the Burisma probe – which he reports shows Hunter Biden, his business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.

And before he was fired, Shokin says he had made “specific plans” for the investigation – including“interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.

Well the Ukranian Govt. is reopening that investigation and who knows what the hell they will find. You can bet Barr will get the info.
IMO, this is going to go a lot farther and deeper than the Bidens....There are way too many people way too up in arms about this investigation, for it to be over a senile old coot who has no chance at the DNC nomination, let alone the White House.

What if the whole nation knew that the entire Mueller report was based on a fabrication?

What if the DNC were implicated? And Mueller? And Comey? And Hillery?

Hell. . . maybe Obama? :dunno:

Is this why Assange is in lock down over unpaid fines in Sweden on a case that has been dropped?

(bear in mind, this is a left leaning site. . . :71:)

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . Comey Can’t Say Why

At a time of high tension in the 2016 presidential campaign, when the late Sen. John McCain and others were calling Russian “hacking” an “act of war,” the FBI settled for three redacted “draft reports” from CrowdStrike rather than investigate the alleged hacking itself, the court document shows.

Then FBI Director James Comey admitted in congressional testimony that he chose not to take control of the DNC’s “hacked” computers, and did not dispatch FBI computer experts to inspect them, but has had trouble explaining why.

In his testimony, he conceded that “best practices” would have dictated that forensic experts gain physical access to the computers. Nevertheless, the FBI decided to rely on forensics performed by a firm being paid for by the DNC.

Suspicions grew as Comey started referring to CrowdStrike as the “pros that they hired.” Doubts became more intense when he referred to CrowdStrike as “a high-class entity.” In fact the company had a tarnished reputation for reliability and objectivity well before it was hired by the DNC.

Comey in 2013 with Robert Mueller and Barack Obama. (Wikimedia Commons)

Dimitri Alperovitch, a CrowdStrike co-founder, is an opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a senior fellow at the anti-Russian Atlantic Council think tank in Washington. CrowdStrike said it determined that Russia had hacked the DNC server because it found Cyrillic letters in the metadata, as well as the name of the first Soviet intelligence chief—clues an amateur might leave.

CrowdStrike was forced to “revise(d) and retract(ed) statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign,”
It's also why Guccifer who said categorically that he hacked Clinton's Illegal and Secret Unsecured Server and said that it was easy and so did several other countries hack it, is also in lock down and has never been heard from again.
Ah, cooperating with the Russians again?
What's it like being one of the most deluded in the crowd? But then I guess you don't really know in the fantasy version that is your reality.

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