Adam Schiff took tax payer money in Bribery Scam


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The Wyle E. Coyotes of politics implicated themselves again. Besides inadvertantly calling Biden's Quid Pro Quo a crime of bribery,
according to Pelosi and Schiff's own public recorded statements and definition of crimes, Schiff and Pelosi are both guilty of Bribery scandals, but worse, Schiff's bribery involving stealing tax payer funds.
It is under investigation as a pay to play-quid pro quo deal with his Ukrainian American campaign Donor
Igor Pasternak, the founder and CEO of Worldwide Aeros Corp., Who through Schiff's support of Tax payer money going to Ukraine for defense was diverted portions back to his donors company by way of a military arms machinery mechanical parts contract. = Making his campaign donation the Bribe and pay to play quid pro quo (the payoff Adam Schiff got) which benefit his donor got in Ukraine gov't contract with money they got from
-you guessed it-
"U.S. taxpayer funded money".
Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny

Pelosi's payoff from holding back security wall funds was her cheap illegal labor working her vineyards and her campaign funds from the cartels. Cartel bribery also gave benefit to the DNC in the form of election interferences and border crashers caravans Pelosi politically tried to benefit from to change rhe power of the house during midterms in 2018.
Mexico interfered with the original 2016 election as well, by signing up permanent residents of their country
to stop Trump,
behind the voter registration effort, led by Immigrant Voters Win PAC — a group of 30 community organizer groups dedicated to promoting illegal immigrants.
Even residents of other countries got naturalized to get in on this voter fraud.
One woman from Honduras said she responded to the Mexican government’s initiative. For Media and Senators to say ZERO registered voted is so insult to intelligence when the information and studies of past elections show this problem and we knew of these rush naturalization tricks Hillary and Obama was using to cheat the elections. Obama risked our national security to cheat and interfere with the 2016 election for Hillary, & Pelosi risked our security for the 2018 mid terms to gain power of the house.
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