Actual Democratic Voter Fraud Discovered


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
More than 1,000 absentee ballots likely cast by Democratic voters in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District may have been destroyed amid voter harvesting allegations in favor of Republican Mark Harris in a closely contested race.

“You’re looking at several thousand, possibly 2,000 absentee ballot requests from this most recent election. About 40 percent of those, it appears, at this point may not have been returned,” Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman told CNN.

Over 1,000 ballots may have been destroyed in NC congressional race, DA says

This fraud against Democratic voters is shameful! I expect every pseudocon to rise up in outrage and tell us how crooked all Republicans are, and how the only way they can win is to cheat.

Boy, if only they had Voter ID to stop this destruction of people's ballots!

My, my, my.

Ain't the silence of the pseuedocons deafening.

Turns out they really don't give a shit about voter fraud after all.

Anyone surprised?

"This doesn't fit our narrative! LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!"
for the life of me, that's one I don't get.

I though it was pretty low for the GOP to end vote harvesting on the native American reservation in SD. (I used to spend summers in Neb just across the border). But I get it that the gop legally can, just as Calif dems can do the opposite.

Here in Miss, it's still pretty easy to vote even with voter ID, although the real effect is the poll workers screw up more now because there's more for them to do than to just mark off my name when I tell them who I am. LOL But what we ended was the dems bringing in a busload of developmentally delayed people to vote for dems. I never saw much wrong with it because we gopers wanted to cut their public benefits, so they had good reason to vote the other way. LOL
Ironically, they are beginning to dig up evidence that Harris' people pulled the same trick against the REPUBLICAN incumbent during the primary. You'd think that would get some GOPrs to stand up to this cheating......but crickets.
Ironically, they are beginning to dig up evidence that Harris' people pulled the same trick against the REPUBLICAN incumbent during the primary. You'd think that would get some GOPrs to stand up to this cheating......but crickets.
This election was rigged!

Totally rigged.
The article says they are "likely" to be something. If they were never returned how do they know WHAT they were? Nobody does.

Nothing burger. Certainly nothing targeting a party. It's surely bad if these ballots were lost, but not because of one party or the other.
More than 1,000 absentee ballots likely cast by Democratic voters in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District may have been destroyed amid voter harvesting allegations in favor of Republican Mark Harris in a closely contested race.

“You’re looking at several thousand, possibly 2,000 absentee ballot requests from this most recent election. About 40 percent of those, it appears, at this point may not have been returned,” Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman told CNN.

Over 1,000 ballots may have been destroyed in NC congressional race, DA says

This fraud against Democratic voters is shameful! I expect every pseudocon to rise up in outrage and tell us how crooked all Republicans are, and how the only way they can win is to cheat.

Boy, if only they had Voter ID to stop this destruction of people's ballots!


Gee is that kind of like the boxes of ballots that were found in car trunks, closets and a school??

You know. The ones in Broward county Florida??
if Republicans dont destroy votes they want to stop counting.

May have? Let us know when you know for sure. I’ll be the first to condemn it.
May have? Let us know when you know for sure. I’ll be the first to condemn it.
The fraud itself is not "may have". It's a fact. A Republican operative has already confessed.

The only "may have" is how much fraud was committed.

So condemn away!
The article says they are "likely" to be something. If they were never returned how do they know WHAT they were? Nobody does.

Nothing burger. Certainly nothing targeting a party. It's surely bad if these ballots were lost, but not because of one party or the other.
The fraud itself is not "likely". It's a fact. A Republican operative has already confessed.

The only "likely" is the total number of ballots he destroyed.

So fire away about how crooked Republicans are!
Seems to me that if we can figure out how to get to Mars We should be able to devise a system (and demand it be done ) that gives one vote one to every 18 year or older citizen. instead of fighting over who's party is doing the most cheating. we could get a few things done if we joined together on the few things we agree on.
You heard me. I didn’t stutter. And the allegations are just that at this point, upon researching it further.

NC elections board again delays certifying congressional race, to hold hearing over Bladen ‘irregularities’
The article says they are "likely" to be something. If they were never returned how do they know WHAT they were? Nobody does.

Nothing burger. Certainly nothing targeting a party. It's surely bad if these ballots were lost, but not because of one party or the other.
The fraud itself is not "likely". It's a fact. A Republican operative has already confessed.

The only "likely" is the total number of ballots he destroyed.

So fire away about how crooked Republicans are!
You heard me. I didn’t stutter. And the allegations are just that at this point, upon researching it further.

NC elections board again delays certifying congressional race, to hold hearing over Bladen ‘irregularities’
The article says they are "likely" to be something. If they were never returned how do they know WHAT they were? Nobody does.

Nothing burger. Certainly nothing targeting a party. It's surely bad if these ballots were lost, but not because of one party or the other.
The fraud itself is not "likely". It's a fact. A Republican operative has already confessed.

The only "likely" is the total number of ballots he destroyed.

So fire away about how crooked Republicans are!
You heard me. I didn't stutter. A Republican operative has already confessed to voter fraud in North Carolina.

North Carolina Woman Admits to ‘Harvesting’ Ballots for Mark Harris Operative

So fire away about how crooked Republicans are!
FOX NEWS: BOMBSHELLBREAKINGDOOM! This just in, someone has claimed some Democrats somewhere might have committed fraud!

TARD: Those fucking Democrats cheated! The only way Democrats know how to win is by cheating! We might as well tear up the Constitution right now!

REPORT: A Republican has confessed to cheating and committing voter fraud. We don't know how many ballots have been destroyed, but it may be several thousand.

TARD: I can't say anything yet. We need to have all the facts first. Then I will just pretend this never happened.
Harvesting ballots is highly illegal in that state and if it happened she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
You just can’t stand it when conservatives want anyone charged, no matter the party.
FOX NEWS: BOMBSHELLBREAKINGDOOM! This just in, someone has claimed some Democrats somewhere might have committed fraud!

TARD: Those fucking Democrats cheated! The only way Democrats know how to win is by cheating! We might as well tear up the Constitution right now!

REPORT: A Republican has confessed to cheating and committing voter fraud. We don't know how many ballots have been destroyed, but it may be several thousand.

TARD: I can't say anything yet. We need to have all the facts first. Then I will just pretend this never happened.

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