Accountability- or, a lack there of


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Rant: I've had some issues the past few weeks with Private bureaucracy and Public Bureaucracy- a common denominator, IMNSHO is a lack of accountability- by anyone- except, joe citizen, when, joe, (or josephine), Customer Service associate ain't at work reading a script explaining (trying to justify to me, the complainant) why my assessment is in accurate, and that's if you can actually get hold of a real person vs some robot- in a monkey see monkey do world, monkeys train easily (as do robots)- they also emulate authority figures (close enough for gov't work comes to mind)- authority figures (and bureaucrats, both private and public) bear no accountability. They like to believe they're invincible- privileged- they don't know privilege can be rescinded- because it never is. They believe their non-accountability status is a right to which they are entitled. Entitled is earned for those not aware. And "a" right cannot be granted- or earned (read entitled to).
Follower monkeys emulate- no clue, deer in the head lights look, when accosted with intellect. They can't respond, because the script doesn't have that in it. All they're allowed to do is stick to the script- thinking is not allowed- *of course, there are exceptions to the rule*.

I first noticed this a few years ago when I had an issue with an auto parts store wanting my personal info for the purchase of 1 (one) spark plug- which I refused to give, politely. I then emailed the corporate headquarters and asked why they wanted my personal info for 1 (one) spark plug- I don't even remember the answer because it was likely so asinine it wasn't worth remembering- I do remember asking in a follow up email why employees weren't allowed to think outside the box- that's what really pissed me off- the guy at the store kept saying; that's what we're told to do- really? (why is he put into the situation by a bureaucrat who, as pointed out, is not held accountable)- And you can't think differently if a situation arises that requires thinking (was my thought)- but, he was a monkey, trained to read the script- SMH- poor guy

** exception to the rule: I've recently dealt with a local Guitar Center asst. manager and Sweetwater music- both have been great to work with-

But, by and large joe citizen is always wrong- joe bureaucrat feels he/she is always correct- the scripts tell them so.

I've had enough- I will NOT accept arrogance or condescension from a bureaucrat, I don't care what title they wear-

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