According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

That’s what I get for quoting CNN.

Yep....though if it will make you feel any better Hannity said the same thing when I was driving home from the vet, seems that was the rumor for a while

He would have addressed the nation if we were going to full war against Iran. So this may imply that we aren't, yet.
I think it's bunk. I think Iran and Trump have been talking all night, and that they plan to rework how things are and that this useless missile attack was a face saving event to please American media and Irans right wing.

It is possible ---

The crowds swirling around the funeral were HUGE. So huge that they stampeded and killed 56 and hundreds injured. So the people of Iran are for war, and that gives Iran cover for the missile attack they made and appeases their own people.
I think it's bunk. I think Iran and Trump have been talking all night, and that they plan to rework how things are and that this useless missile attack was a face saving event to please American media and Irans right wing.

It is possible ---

The crowds swirling around the funeral were HUGE. So huge that they stampeded and killed 56 and hundreds injured. So the people of Iran are for war, and that gives Iran cover for the missile attack they made and appeases their own people.

It's what I would do. I would know that if I pushed it I would never be able to set foot outside again, and it would only be a matter of time before a snark bomb got me or DELTA force is kicking my door in. The revolution that got those guys in power can remove them to. Add all the Afghan dope that gos into Iran, bored pissed off youth, bored pissed off old people and a few loud mouths and there you go.
I think it's bunk. I think Iran and Trump have been talking all night, and that they plan to rework how things are and that this useless missile attack was a face saving event to please American media and Irans right wing.

It is possible ---

The crowds swirling around the funeral were HUGE. So huge that they stampeded and killed 56 and hundreds injured. So the people of Iran are for war, and that gives Iran cover for the missile attack they made and appeases their own people.

Here is an article on the drug problem. It leads to my next question. The article states that 90% of the worlds opium comes from Afghanistan. When my boy was over there, he said everyone is high all the time. Now the Taliban runs all that so why aren't we bombing and burning poppy fields? I mean, according to Trump opioids are killing Americans way to much. How is it we let terrorists continue making heroin?
No link - watching on the news right now.

Reportedly cruise/ballistic missiles
Looks like Trump’s got his war – a war Trump needlessly provoked in an effort to deflect from the humiliation of impeachment.

There is no impeachment, jackass. It was all just a show by the democrats for idiots like you.

My standing opinion? Don't respond.

The Iranians will have to do a lot more than firing pea shooters at us to make us retaliate.

So far at this point, they've only managed to potentially start a war with Iraq. They launched missiles into Iraq and to the best of my knowledge have only so far managed to kill some Iraqis! :21:
Still no strategy on the horizon Congressional stance.....just binary hit/hit back
This Media Post will serve as a reminder that war powers reside in the Congress under the United States Constitution. And that you should read the War Powers Act. And that you’re not a dictator.
Was Barry a dictator when he killed Osama? No war has been declared here, no need for Congress. This is simply a conflagration after our embassy was attacked along with several other provocations the past year leading to the elimination of one head terrorist and a few small missiles launched into a neighboring country killing a few Iraqis.
The towelheads are either too hapless to even hit their target or they didn't have the guts to try.

I know for a fact that we have our best ground missile defense systems in place there.
Ok, Iran got off it's little response.
No US personnel hurt or killed. Iranian leaders are desperate to save-face to their people, they probably believe they've now done so.
Trump should now let them know anything further, and we'll destroy their Navy. End it there, and move on.
Has not been verified, but...

400+ missiles fired thus far
70 U.S service member fatalities
10 injured

Escalating Tensions (@SteppingGlass) January 7, 2020

Another report says this...

Reports say Iran is firing dozens of missiles into Iraq, hitting U.S. forces at Al Asad Airbase. Early reports say 20 U.S. troops have died, amid 60+ missile strikes so far. If true, then we are at the precipice of another horrible war in the Middle East.

Mark Hughes (@markhughesfilms) January 7, 2020

and this:

Still 0 confirmed reports of injuries/fatalities in attack.

Doge (@IntelDoge) January 7, 2020

If this is true, it's all over for that little shithole.
that seems like a lot of causlaties for that amount of time
Modern missiles..well aimed....actually the casualties are pretty low..considering.
like I said, that seemed like too many causualties
we respond, they respond, we respond, they respond. if that's how its gonna go, this wont end well for both sides.

these are life and death matters. there's a lot at stake here, my friends
my heart goes out to the iraqi people. they are a resilient people. they are in a proxy war between iran and the US. they voted to kick out the US, they should vote to kick out Iran too!

its time to hit the brakes, my friends!
"the Mullahs understand only 1 language and that's the language of death, so we should give them that" - Dastardly Dan Bongino
But that is all they understand.

fake god allah can't help them even guide their missiles to kill Americans, nor can he protect general salami
15 missiles, and we suffered NO casualties...

Now I can see why the Democrats like Iran...

They are as dangerous as a bunch of Liberals armed with dildos!!!

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