According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."

If Hezbollah attacks Israel, Iran is toast. Because Trump won't hold back Israel like Bush did when they were attacked at the beginning of the war.
I have a feeling the good Lord in heaven will intervene in this irrational reasoning the Iranian Khomeini and his henchmen are planning bad things for God's first family, and I have a feeling the Iran folk will get a good spanking from above.
tRump's getting impeached and now starting a war. I called it. Better keep the launch codes away from him.
From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."
IRAN’S HAVING QUITE A NIGHT: Earthquake strikes Iran near nuclear plant.
From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."

If Hezbollah attacks Israel, Iran is toast. Because Trump won't hold back Israel like Bush did when they were attacked at the beginning of the war.
I imagine the Israelis are at the ready, and I am praying for their safety and victory over the ninnyhammers of Iran. Our military, too, is in my prayers.
From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."

If Hezbollah attacks Israel, Iran is toast. Because Trump won't hold back Israel like Bush did when they were attacked at the beginning of the war.
I have a feeling the good Lord in heaven will intervene in this irrational reasoning the Iranian Khomeini and his henchmen are planning bad things for God's first family, and I have a feeling the Iran folk will get a good spanking from above.

You want the "good lord in heaven'" to intervene with religious zealots?
Our President tweets on unprovoked Iran attack on America

All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.

There you have it. Rest easy.

The Great American Sean Hannity concluded his broadcast this evening with the message "Let not your heart be troubled".

Fortunately we have real leadership in Washington in 2020

Nice self portrait! Is that before, or after, you shit your pants?
Check Fire, fire aye sir. Liberty Secured until morale improves.
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tRump's getting impeached and now starting a war. I called it. Better keep the launch codes away from him.
I thought a business elite like yourself would realize Trump knows how to manage bad situations.
From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."
IRAN’S HAVING QUITE A NIGHT: Earthquake strikes Iran near nuclear plant.
Earthquake, hm? God is warning Iran to back off.
From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."

If Hezbollah attacks Israel, Iran is toast. Because Trump won't hold back Israel like Bush did when they were attacked at the beginning of the war.
I have a feeling the good Lord in heaven will intervene in this irrational reasoning the Iranian Khomeini and his henchmen are planning bad things for God's first family, and I have a feeling the Iran folk will get a good spanking from above.

You want the "good lord in heaven'" to intervene with religious zealots?
I just heard he sent them an earthquake near one of their nuclear plants. Why don't you talk it over with the man upstairs.
Oh bullshit.

Iran lobbed some glorified SCUDs in the general direction of 2 Iraqi air-bases with Americans who were ready for the attack and prayed to Allah that no American accidentally gets killed by them.

If all the Ayatollahs wanted to do was to "save face", why didn't they just put out a press release announcing the death of a 1000 Americans and not fire any missiles at all? Their media would cover it, CNN and MSNBC would pick it up.
It's kinda hard to fake a ballistic missile launch. How would you even do that?

I'm sure their state-controlled media is already saying, or will shortly say, that they killed a bunch of American infidels, including 2 Generals and the like, whether it is true or not.

That's OK.

The media keeps speaking of Iran launching “ballistic missiles”. Isn’t a ballistic missile a sub orbital missile used between continents?

Ok. For sure a cruise missile is not a ballistic missile.
The most significant difference being that a ballistic missile is rocket powered only during a relatively short period of time at launch, like artillery, whereas a cruise missile is powered throughout more of it's flight time and therefore not limited to a ballistic trajectory at launch and can be preprogrammed to steer under radar while avoiding obstacles on the way along a more direct, and therefore faster, route to the target than a ballistic missile.
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tRump's getting impeached and now starting a war. I called it. Better keep the launch codes away from him.
I thought a business elite like yourself would realize Trump knows how to manage bad situations.
From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."
IRAN’S HAVING QUITE A NIGHT: Earthquake strikes Iran near nuclear plant.
Earthquake, hm? God is warning Iran to back off.
We'll see how smart the Iranians are.

Pentagon Says It Believes Only Casualties In Attack Were Iraqis.

No US casualties in Iran missile strike, preliminary reports say.

Sounds like Scott Adams called it:


Richard Fernandez:


My standing opinion? Don't respond.

The Iranians will have to do a lot more than firing pea shooters at us to make us retaliate.
They re taking an IQ test, we should know the results soon.

Trump's descalatory deterrent strike opens the door to renegotiating the nuclear deal.

Robert Satloff, executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, here.

The very brazenness of the act may have so unnerved Iran’s leadership that negotiating with the Great Satan, an option Tehran seemed to reject as it sought to extend its influence from Yemen to Baghdad, might become an attractive alternative to the possibility of direct confrontation.​

An episode from an earlier chapter of the U.S.-Iran contest may be instructive: the downing by the USS Vincennes of an Iranian civilian airliner in 1988, killing 290. Though it was an accident, the tragedy convinced the revolutionary founder of the Islamic republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, that America was about to throw its weight fully in support of Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq War. Fearful of facing the full might of the United States, Khomeini swallowed hard and accepted a U.N.-brokered ceasefire, an act so painful he likened it to drinking “a chalice of poison.”​

Logic suggests that if Tehran blinked when confronted with an accidental use of American power, chances are even greater that it will blink when the use is purposeful, as was clearly the case with Soleimani’s assassination. . . .​

In that respect, Soleimani’s killing puts another potential carrot on the bargaining table beside the eventual lifting of economic sanctions — namely, a commitment from the United States not to use military force to threaten other top leaders or the regime’s survival itself.​

Iran was already in a box before we took out Soleimani. But it hoped to escape following the 2020 election with President Trump defeated.

To help bring about Trump’s defeat, the mullahs were escalating tensions in the Middle East and trying to make Trump look weak and ineffectual.

After taking out Soleimani, Trump doesn’t look weak and ineffectual. However, the situation in the Middle East has, if anything, become more tense.

Iran’s best move now, it seems to me, is to keep things tense, while avoiding war, and continue to hope for the defeat of Trump in November. It would be foolish to negotiate with Trump before November because if Trump loses, it can expect sanctions to be lifted with no alteration to the Obama deal. Indeed, negotiating with Trump would be doubly foolish because it would improve his prospects for reelection.

But if Trump wins in November, the calculus changes. One can imagine Iran renegotiating the Obama deal.

Killing Soleimani has made diplomacy more likely.

From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."

If Hezbollah attacks Israel, Iran is toast. Because Trump won't hold back Israel like Bush did when they were attacked at the beginning of the war.
I have a feeling the good Lord in heaven will intervene in this irrational reasoning the Iranian Khomeini and his henchmen are planning bad things for God's first family, and I have a feeling the Iran folk will get a good spanking from above.

You want the "good lord in heaven'" to intervene with religious zealots?


Earthquake Map of 5.5 Richter Scale rating (it's pretty bad and near a power plant)
An earthquake has hit southern Iran just 60 miles from the country’s Bushehr nuclear power plant.

It hit on Thursday morning and was also felt in Bahrain and other areas around the Persian Gulf.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake struck at 6.34am GMT, some 60 miles east of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, the only operating nuclear power station in the Islamic Republic.

The USGS put the earthquake’s magnitude at 5.5, while Iranian state television, citing officials, described the quake as a magnitude 5.9. Varying magnitudes are common immediately after a temblor.

Government-run TV did not report any damage at the Bushehr plant, which has seen other earthquakes in the past and was built to resist damage from the tremors.

It said the earthquake’s epicentre was near the town of Kaki, which the Iran Red Cross described as being in a sparsely populated area.
Magnitude-5.5 earthquake strikes Iran near nuclear power plant
No link - watching on the news right now.

Reportedly cruise/ballistic missiles
Looks like Trump’s got his war – a war Trump needlessly provoked in an effort to deflect from the humiliation of impeachment.
Be grateful you're not one of the pilots Soleiman drilled a hole in their heads as he tortured them to their deaths.

Mister, you better get your head out of that hole in your butt.
The White House statement that Trump will NOT be addressing the nation means the Iranians didn't do anything to U.S. troops or facilities. In other words, it's a nothing-burger. Good night.

AND the Iranians are putting out the info that they are now satisfied --- that they won't fire any more missiles assuming we don't retaliate.

This is doubtless causing a late night at the White House for decisions.

I'm for war with Iran, myself: they've been trying to get one all year.
The White House statement that Trump will NOT be addressing the nation means the Iranians didn't do anything to U.S. troops or facilities. In other words, it's a nothing-burger. Good night.

AND the Iranians are putting out the info that they are now satisfied --- that they won't fire any more missiles assuming we don't retaliate.

This is doubtless causing a late night at the White House for decisions.

I'm for war with Iran, myself: they've been trying to get one all year.

I think it's bunk. I think Iran and Trump have been talking all night, and that they plan to rework how things are and that this useless missile attack was a face saving event to please American media and Irans right wing.

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