‘Absolute red line': EU official warns China against supplying weapons to Russia


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Asenior European Union (EU) official on Friday said that the 27-nation bloc would respond with sanctions if China provides weapons to Russia in its war with Ukraine.

Calling it an absolute "red line", the EU official warned China against supplying weapons to Russia, Reuters reported.

The comments echo remarks by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz who also warned Beijing against providing such aid to Moscow as it continues to fight in Ukraine.

While China denied any intention to arm Russia, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on Friday said that the former could still take the escalatory step of providing lethal military aid to Russia, according to CNN.

Noting that the administration still doesn't "believe that they've made the decision to move forward", Kirby told CNN, "We don't believe they've taken it off the table".

Europe's top diplomat also said the West needs to be vigilant when it comes to support for Russia from China, after US officials warned that Beijing could be about to send lethal weapons to Moscow.

I haven't seen the western democracies this united since the early days of he Cold War.
Asenior European Union (EU) official on Friday said that the 27-nation bloc would respond with sanctions if China provides weapons to Russia in its war with Ukraine.

Calling it an absolute "red line", the EU official warned China against supplying weapons to Russia, Reuters reported.

The comments echo remarks by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz who also warned Beijing against providing such aid to Moscow as it continues to fight in Ukraine.

While China denied any intention to arm Russia, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on Friday said that the former could still take the escalatory step of providing lethal military aid to Russia, according to CNN.

Noting that the administration still doesn't "believe that they've made the decision to move forward", Kirby told CNN, "We don't believe they've taken it off the table".

Europe's top diplomat also said the West needs to be vigilant when it comes to support for Russia from China, after US officials warned that Beijing could be about to send lethal weapons to Moscow.

I haven't seen the western democracies this united since the early days of he Cold War.

Well that's a bold move, cotton. Those "western democracies" are about to find out how dependent they've become on China for their hydrocortisone, acetaminophen, penicillin, and other pharmaceuticals. Not to mention, a shitload of other things. Trump tried to warn us about this.
Well that's a bold move, cotton. Those "western democracies" are about to find out how dependent they've become on China for their hydrocortisone, acetaminophen, penicillin, and other pharmaceuticals. Not to mention, a shitload of other things. Trump tried to warn us about this.
No more dependent than Europe was on Russian gas and look how that turned out. Keep in mind that the Chinese economy is heavily dependent on trade with the US and EU and took note of how fast the EU turned off the gas switch from Russia. We can open our own factories to make hydrocortisone cream but China cannot find a substiture for trade with the Richest countries on Earth.
No more dependent than Europe was on Russian gas and look how that turned out. Keep in mind that the Chinese economy is heavily dependent on trade with the US and EU and took note of how fast the EU turned off the gas switch from Russia. We can open our own factories to make hydrocortisone cream but China cannot find a substiture for trade with the Richest countries on Earth.

You mean like that chip factory Biden was bragging about, that won't even start production until 2024? We should have hardened our economy long before the Democrats decided they want to start WW3.
Asenior European Union (EU) official on Friday said that the 27-nation bloc would respond with sanctions if China provides weapons to Russia in its war with Ukraine.

Calling it an absolute "red line", the EU official warned China against supplying weapons to Russia, Reuters reported.

The comments echo remarks by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz who also warned Beijing against providing such aid to Moscow as it continues to fight in Ukraine.

While China denied any intention to arm Russia, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on Friday said that the former could still take the escalatory step of providing lethal military aid to Russia, according to CNN.

Noting that the administration still doesn't "believe that they've made the decision to move forward", Kirby told CNN, "We don't believe they've taken it off the table".

Europe's top diplomat also said the West needs to be vigilant when it comes to support for Russia from China, after US officials warned that Beijing could be about to send lethal weapons to Moscow.

I haven't seen the western democracies this united since the early days of he Cold War.
i bet those people of china are crapping themself as much a Joe and the Pope on a Saturday night in fear.
You mean like that chip factory Biden was bragging about, that won't even start production until 2024? We should have hardened our economy long before the Democrats decided they want to start WW3.
You're the one who's jonesing for a WW. Neither Russia, China nor the US has anything at stake that would be worth a WW. Russia made the mistake of thinking its gas deliveries to Europe gave it enough leverage to get away with invading Europe and from this blunder China has learned it doesn't have enough leverage to get away with helping Russia. Putin was a fool but I doubt Xi will be the same kind of fool.
The old "do as we say, not as we do" diplomacy that works so well on 3rd world countries.
What happens when China tells us to FO?
Will we insist they keep supplying us with the materials to make our weapons while we sanction everything else?

Ukraine has proven NATO is a paper tiger with limited supplies that are almost exhausted & a long wait to replenish them because the West doesn't produce much of anything anymore
The EU reminds me of Farkus and his toady Swartz.

What a bunch of hypocrites. It's okay for everyone to send arms to Ukraine, but heaven forbid someone helps Russia out in a similar fashion.
The two situations are in no way similar. If you give assistance to a murderer, you are an accomplice to murder, but if you give assistance to the victim, you are a hero. Russia is the aggressor, so if China gives assistance to Russia, China is an accomplice to that aggression and deserves the same treatment as Russia, sanctions.
Asenior European Union (EU) official on Friday said that the 27-nation bloc would respond with sanctions if China provides weapons to Russia in its war with Ukraine.

Calling it an absolute "red line", the EU official warned China against supplying weapons to Russia, Reuters reported.

The comments echo remarks by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz who also warned Beijing against providing such aid to Moscow as it continues to fight in Ukraine.

While China denied any intention to arm Russia, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on Friday said that the former could still take the escalatory step of providing lethal military aid to Russia, according to CNN.

Noting that the administration still doesn't "believe that they've made the decision to move forward", Kirby told CNN, "We don't believe they've taken it off the table".

Europe's top diplomat also said the West needs to be vigilant when it comes to support for Russia from China, after US officials warned that Beijing could be about to send lethal weapons to Moscow.

I haven't seen the western democracies this united since the early days of he Cold War.
They’re united for the wrong reasons.
Asenior European Union (EU) official on Friday said that the 27-nation bloc would respond with sanctions if China provides weapons to Russia in its war with Ukraine.

Calling it an absolute "red line", the EU official warned China against supplying weapons to Russia, Reuters reported.

The comments echo remarks by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz who also warned Beijing against providing such aid to Moscow as it continues to fight in Ukraine.

While China denied any intention to arm Russia, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on Friday said that the former could still take the escalatory step of providing lethal military aid to Russia, according to CNN.

Noting that the administration still doesn't "believe that they've made the decision to move forward", Kirby told CNN, "We don't believe they've taken it off the table".

Europe's top diplomat also said the West needs to be vigilant when it comes to support for Russia from China, after US officials warned that Beijing could be about to send lethal weapons to Moscow.

I haven't seen the western democracies this united since the early days of he Cold War.
Oh, SANCTIONS. How scary!! :dev3: No, not really. We hit Russia with all the sanctions we could think of and they are thriving and winning the war. Red Line indeed ------------ and if they cross it, we'll do SANCTIONS??

Darn. What a failed policy.
The two situations are in no way similar. If you give assistance to a murderer, you are an accomplice to murder, but if you give assistance to the victim, you are a hero. Russia is the aggressor, so if China gives assistance to Russia, China is an accomplice to that aggression and deserves the same treatment as Russia, sanctions.
And that treatment will be just as ineffective with China as it is against Russia.

People --- you are aware, aren't you, that sanctions have failed since the League of Nations invented the stupid, losing idea in the 1930s? It never worked. It never has worked. It isn't working now.

The only thing that works is to go to war with troops and heavy arms and the nukes that would surely follow -------- but how about if we don't do that, given the Ukraine has nothing to do with our national interests.

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