The Bakhmut Bridge Bombed on March 3 Could be Readily Fixed!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It has been in the news today that the Russians bombed a key bridge into Bakhmut today, a bridge that was vital for sending in supply truck to Bakhmut to supply the Ukrainians fighting in that city. The media has heavily shown videos of the blown up bridge! I am not an engineer but I think the Ukrainians could readily make a workable bridge in that location. The water flow is like a creek level not a river level water flow. What one could do is get prefabricated concrete sewer pipe they are like three to four feet in diameter in America they come like eight feet long you put two at the max three rows of these concrete pipes like forty feet long then you dump modest size rocks and chunks of concrete over the concrete pipe to within like a foot of the road level which will disperse the load of the trucks as they pass over the bridge and you then top off the bridge with a foot and a half of crushed stone and gravel. Besides the delivery trucks dropping off the concrete pipes and rocks and other supplies at the site, six workmen could make a workable bridge on that site in ten hours!
Absent NATO involvement, the Ukrainian Army can hold the line and regain ground, as it has done in Kharkiv and Kherson, but complete victory is very nearly impossible. If Russia can hardly advance a few hundred yards a day in Bakhmut at a cost of 50 to 70 men, since the Ukrainians are so well entrenched, would Ukrainians be able to advance any better against equally well-entrenched Russians in the whole area between Russia and the eastern side of the Dnipro delta, including the Azov Sea coastline and the isthmus leading to Crimea? What has been a meat grinder in one direction is likely to be a meat grinder in the other.
Sigh, must I do everything? ;)


Armies have engineers that easily deal with such problems
The length of time to repair or otherwise bridge (while under fire) can make or break Uke troops cut off from their supplies.

It must be a bog there or something as it does not seem that big of a deal.....The raised roadway sorta says it might be.
Absent NATO involvement, the Ukrainian Army can hold the line and regain ground, as it has done in Kharkiv and Kherson, but complete victory is very nearly impossible. If Russia can hardly advance a few hundred yards a day in Bakhmut at a cost of 50 to 70 men, since the Ukrainians are so well entrenched, would Ukrainians be able to advance any better against equally well-entrenched Russians in the whole area between Russia and the eastern side of the Dnipro delta, including the Azov Sea coastline and the isthmus leading to Crimea? What has been a meat grinder in one direction is likely to be a meat grinder in the other.
So Ukraine cannot win a major victory at Bakhmut at this time, but the US is including bridge launchers in its latest aid package, so with the largest part of Russia's recent mobilization committed at Bakhmut, where is Ukraine planning to cross the Dnieper and can Russia move enough troops to stop Ukraine's spring offensive without fatally weakening its position at Bakhmut?
So Ukraine cannot win a major victory at Bakhmut at this time, but the US is including bridge launchers in its latest aid package, so with the largest part of Russia's recent mobilization committed at Bakhmut, where is Ukraine planning to cross the Dnieper and can Russia move enough troops to stop Ukraine's spring offensive without fatally weakening its position at Bakhmut?
If you read the full story thats not something Ukraine is capable of
If you read the full story thats not something Ukraine is capable of
I read the story and it says it would be more difficult because so many of Ukraine's experienced fighters have died at Bakhmut, but Russia has been sending frontal assaults against fortified Ukrainian positions for six months and logic tells us Russian casualties must be much higher than Ukrainian casualties, so while Ukrainian soldiers will be less experienced attacking, Russian soldiers will be less experienced in defending. Add to this that Russia has lost half of its tanks and only has the capacity to build 10 new tanks a month while losing about 150 a month, and that the Russian Finance Ministry has reported catastrophic economic shortfalls for Jan and Feb, and it is clear Russia is rapidly losing its ability to make war in Ukraine.
I read the story and it says it would be more difficult because so many of Ukraine's experienced fighters have died at Bakhmut, but Russia has been sending frontal assaults against fortified Ukrainian positions for six months and logic tells us Russian casualties must be much higher than Ukrainian casualties, so while Ukrainian soldiers will be less experienced attacking, Russian soldiers will be less experienced in defending. Add to this that Russia has lost half of its tanks and only has the capacity to build 10 new tanks a month while losing about 150 a month, and that the Russian Finance Ministry has reported catastrophic economic shortfalls for Jan and Feb, and it is clear Russia is rapidly losing its ability to make war in Ukraine.
I believe it said Ukraine would face same meatgrinder.........ooooops
The AFU dropped the bridges. The rail bridge that's posted above, and a road bridge to the west. They will withdraw to prepared positions to the west and let the Vaginerites occupy the rubble of Bakhmut, its served its purpose.
It has been in the news today that the Russians bombed a key bridge into Bakhmut today, a bridge that was vital for sending in supply truck to Bakhmut to supply the Ukrainians fighting in that city. The media has heavily shown videos of the blown up bridge! I am not an engineer but I think the Ukrainians could readily make a workable bridge in that location. The water flow is like a creek level not a river level water flow. What one could do is get prefabricated concrete sewer pipe they are like three to four feet in diameter in America they come like eight feet long you put two at the max three rows of these concrete pipes like forty feet long then you dump modest size rocks and chunks of concrete over the concrete pipe to within like a foot of the road level which will disperse the load of the trucks as they pass over the bridge and you then top off the bridge with a foot and a half of crushed stone and gravel. Besides the delivery trucks dropping off the concrete pipes and rocks and other supplies at the site, six workmen could make a workable bridge on that site in ten hours!
as reported in western media it was the ukrainians that destroyed the bridges

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