About Those Leaked Pentagon Docs- If It Looks & Smells Like a Psyop Turd....


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
From Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse comes the most plausible explanation for what is really going on here IMO.
Just a few days after French ex-President Francois Hollande gets pantsed by Russian pranksters posing as ex-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, this whole "leak" comes out from the NYT, the mouthpiece of the intelligence community.
Hollande admits this proxy war against Russia has been the plan since the Obama admin orchestrated the EuroMaiden psyop & pulled a color revolution in Ukraine.

Many of us already knew this but the DC cabal & MSM Pravda can't have this widely known by everyone, it destroys their narrative & credibility.

The story surfaces in the New York Times, indicating a U.S. domestic intelligence interest; and the story is sourced directly to the White House via “senior Biden administration officials.” What does that mean? It means the narrative that flows from the story has a direction to shape opinion from the perspective of U.S. government domestic public relations. It means the narrative is intended to sway a domestic audience with a motive toward something else.

Secondly, and in full alignment with the first point, the centerpiece of the story is focused on a leak that surfaces in “social media.”

This fits perfectly with the domestic intelligence stakeholders (DHS, National Security Council, etc). We know domestic intelligence operates in the backbone of social media platforms. An example is DHS and domestic Intelligence Community (IC) work as outlined in the Twitter files.

Put them together, a domestic IC product surfaced (being called leaked) into social media platforms containing portals controlled by domestic IC.

The domestic IC then report on the leaks to the outlet used by the domestic IC. See how these fit?

The admission by Hollande aligns with every element of the U.S. effort to use Russia as a bad guy, including the use of Russia against Donald J Trump. A proxy war against Russia was in the works going all the way back to the Euromaidan efforts, the color revolution in Ukraine, as constructed by the U.S. State Department, and facilitated by U.S. allies in Europe.

This is the most explosive dose of geopolitical sunlight in years, and obviously these statements by Hollande were a serious issue for the White House and U.S. Intelligence Community. Hollande was tricked by two Russian pranksters into spilling the real story about Ukraine and U.S. involvement therein.

Now do you see the need? The Hollande admission is an urgent problem.

Less than one news cycle later, the IC has dropped the Ukraine counteroffensive strategy in the platforms the IC has access to (a purposeful leak). Then the IC tells the story of the classified strategy leak to the New York Times and begins framing a Russian mis/disinformation campaign. The intent is to mitigate any issues with the Hollande story, fall under the same claims of Russian mis/disinformation.

The leak of classified intelligence, and the attribution to Russian misinformation, is like a brushback pitch toward the heads of the media on the explosive Francois Hollande story. It worked. Have you seen the admissions by Francois Hollande in any MSM? Unified UniParty interests at play.

That’s how the control agents operate. Deflection and adverse information removal is what IC narrative engineering is intended to control. This was a successful IC operation.

And a big F-off to the progmod that moved this to conspiracy theories.

If you lived in 1776, you'd be calling Paul Revere a "conspiracy theorist"


*We rate this misleading.
*Only the British Army is coming, the rest are back in England*
I also stuck my neck out and made the same point immediately .

After a time in or close to this business of Fakery you find the bad eggs smell and" talk" to you immediately .
This one stunk .
Am waiting and hoping Miles provides an analysis showing the boy's top echelon links -- family and Intel .

With regard to the Topic being moved, they even monitor chat sites like this to keep control of chatter .Part of the game .
This comment caught my eye on" b's "Mof A site .
Already heard about these alleged inconsistencies but this post sums matters nicely : -

Several former military and intelligence professionals have contacted me and voiced similar doubts about the pat story being circulated regarding National Guard Airman Jack Texeira and the allegations that he removed TOP SECRET documents from a SCIF, photographed them and then posted them to a gamer chat. They all agree, something is not right. The media account does not make sense.

The biggest oddity are the two two separate documents from the CIA’s Operations Center. Neither are complete and both deal only with the Ukrainian/Russian war. To reiterate a point from my previous article, that CIA Operations Center produces two daily reports — one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It is not a “Community” product, i.e., it is not distributed to the other intelligence agencies. It is an internal CIA document (of course, it is available to the Director of National Intelligence).

Texeira’s alleged possession of two separate reports is doubly odd because he did not copy the full reports. The one dated 1 March 2023 only shows 3 of 8 pages. If he was taking the documents to impress the youngsters on the gamer chat, why did he not take the whole enchilada? And why did he only publish the portions of the intel report that dealt exclusively with Ukraine and Russia?


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