About those EV's and the Environment


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
At what cost to humanity and the environment?

“Put very simply, all the world’s cell production combined represents well under 10% of what we will need in 10 years,” Scaringe said last week, according to the Wall Street Journal. “Meaning, 90% to 95% of the supply chain does not exist,” he added.

Widespread EV adoption would require rare earth minerals, including cobalt, lithium, and nickel, which are in short supply in the United States. Importing the minerals, moreover, sparks ethical questions as rare earth minerals extraction overseas often involves child slave labor and can damage the environment.

The world’s top lithium producers are South America, where Argentina and Chile provide 93% of U.S. lithium. Amnesty International reports thousands of child laborers mine cobalt for lithium batteries. Additionally, a Guardian report noted that children as young as six work in the mines

“But EVs have their share of CO2 embedded in their manufacturing processes and they use six times more mineral than conventional vehicles – many of which have to be mined, processed and then imported from developing nations. EVs will also put tremendous stresses on our increasingly fragile and weather-dependent electric grid. It’s time for government to stop caving to green special interests and honestly inform consumers about the full environmental impact of electric vehicles.”

Experts question 'green' claims for electric vehicles
At what cost to humanity and the environment?

Expect the reality of EVs once forced upon society by the removal of ICE cars to be the EXACT OPPOSITE to everything they claimed.
  1. EV cars will be dramatically more expensive to buy, own and maintain.
  2. Electric costs will soar.
  3. Recharging will be a constant issue.
  4. Regulations involving transportation will surge.
  5. EV cars will be made all with control chips in them tied into the government.
  6. No appreciable benefit to the climate will be found using them.
  7. Going to EV cars just as with digital cellphones over old analog is really all about CONTROL.
Expect the reality of EVs once forced upon society by the removal of ICE cars to be the EXACT OPPOSITE to everything they claimed.
  1. EV cars will be dramatically more expensive to buy, own and maintain.
  2. Electric costs will soar.
  3. Recharging will be a constant issue.
  4. Regulations involving transportation will surge.
  5. EV cars will be made all with control chips in them tied into the government.
  6. No appreciable benefit to the climate will be found using them.
  7. Going to EV cars just as with digital cellphones over old analog is really all about CONTROL.

Not sure if you ever heard of Jim Quinn, local talk radio commentator, always said "Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent".

Quinn's Laws
Not sure if you ever heard of Jim Quinn, local talk radio commentator, always said "Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent".

Quinn's Laws
Gaia Eats Her Children

Anti-Greens aren't going far enough with their opposition. In fact, they are merely non-Greens. If the powerful and entitled Unabomber Cult gets rid of "pollution," which disinfects the air, we will have recurring pandemics.

Natural air is the most toxic of all the atmospheres humans have had to deal with. It is a primitive superstition for these Mamas' Boys to worship "Mother Nature."
Gaia Eats Her Children

Anti-Greens aren't going far enough with their opposition. In fact, they are merely non-Greens. If the powerful and entitled Unabomber Cult gets rid of "pollution," which disinfects the air, we will have recurring pandemics.

Natural air is the most toxic of all the atmospheres humans have had to deal with. It is a primitive superstition for these Mamas' Boys to worship "Mother Nature."
Doesn't matter.....epic fail just over the horizon for the 'greens'.
Electric cars are designed to prevent the freedom to travel.

Go to work, go home

Vacation? If the government allows a charging station where you are going. If you afford extra days off for charging.

Vacation only close to home.
Electric cars are designed to prevent the freedom to travel.

Go to work, go home

Vacation? If the government allows a charging station where you are going. If you afford extra days off for charging.

Vacation only close to home.

Agenda 21
Electric cars are designed to prevent the freedom to travel.

Go to work, go home

Vacation? If the government allows a charging station where you are going. If you afford extra days off for charging.

Vacation only close to home.
EVs are a government conspiracy?
EV sales up 80% this year to date.

Your mad the horse and buggy was replaced. You know a horse always starts
I hope they sell a shit load so that in 6 to 7 years we can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth that follows. You should buy a true EV and get rid of that fossil fuel Prius masquerading as an EV. But you won't because you know better.

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