This new day is not going to go well for the Republican Party because they are facing an awakening among the voters. This awakening began with the November election, and continues as the Congressional Republicans try to rename and sell the same tired policies of the past twenty-five plus years. These are the very policies that have brought America to the brink of ruin. More and more of the GOP rank and file are coming to realize that the party they have supported for decades have failed to serve and protect this nation and its people.
There are working and middle class Republican faithful that have lost much, but they still staunchly defend the GOP. As the new president and Democrat controlled Congress reverse and repair the devastation caused by Reaganomics and the policies it spawned, the number of these Republican faithful will diminish greatly, forcing that party to reevaluate their position and decide if they are going to reconnect with the American people, or keep trying to stay the course with their outdated policies and discriminatory loyalties.
There are working and middle class Republican faithful that have lost much, but they still staunchly defend the GOP. As the new president and Democrat controlled Congress reverse and repair the devastation caused by Reaganomics and the policies it spawned, the number of these Republican faithful will diminish greatly, forcing that party to reevaluate their position and decide if they are going to reconnect with the American people, or keep trying to stay the course with their outdated policies and discriminatory loyalties.