A man in texas today became the first person in the US to die from the new Omicron variant. Two things are true about him;

Suddenly, now Progressives tell us that every life is pervious and we need to shut the country because one guy with comorbidity died
Who said we have to shut the country down oldFrank?

Just makin' shit up and postin it, eh.

Seems a little low effort.
So the death rate for Moronic is... hmm, let me see..... carry the 4..... yeah it's 0.0000003%

Fuck yeah, that's some scary shit. You actually have a better chance of contracting syphilis from AOC's hole and slowly dying over the next several months as your parts fall off and you lose your eyesight.

Continue to hide under your bed.
So the death rate for Moronic is... hmm, let me see..... carry the 4..... yeah it's 0.0000003%

Fuck yeah, that's some scary shit. You actually have a better chance of contracting syphilis from AOC's hole and slowly dying over the next several months as your parts fall off and you lose your eyesight.

Continue to hide under your bed.
AOC doesn't need you lusting after her.

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