A man in texas today became the first person in the US to die from the new Omicron variant. Two things are true about him;

That’s what his physicians say. You have a reason to tell them they’re wrong?

Harris County run by CCP affiliates. Not trusting that source
Sure, if it wasn't for your lucky astrology mood ring you won't believe anything.

Say isn't the CCP the people that make hockey helmets? Does Harris County have a hockey team?
#3 He had an underlying health condition dealing with his immune and cardiac systems.

This guy died from a heart attack. Because he contracted Omicron, they are blaming it rather than the suppressed immune system and his heart conditions which made him high risk.

Like a bunch of idiots told to look here at the shiny object...
Died of a heart attack?

Sure, show the proof.
'Terrible' Omikron iis a lie of satanists, presstitutes and corrupted scum 'politicians' to prolong sadistic CV19 'measures'
Thanks sarah....palin for the news from the death cult today.
Dude, I'm judging the age level of your posts.

Their old, tedious and not well thought out. Ya know, old and tired.
Im old enough to recognise you are BS. My neighbor has gout. At timrs he can hardly walk because of it.

Anyway. You want sime girbers troll

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