Zone1 Tacoma Officers Cleared in Black Man’s Death Will Get $500,000 Each to Resign

The harm is caused by the lack of trust people have in police.

They don't regain that trust making excuses for bad officers.

The problem with every officer involved in these incidents is that they almost always have spotty records.
No one is making excuses for bad police. It’s an issue basically everyone agrees on, until Nazis like yourself racially exploit the issue. You are the one perpetuating the myth of the police hunting down black people. That is what makes people not trust the police.

You liberals are like children who piss in your own pants and then blame the rest of the world for it.

Hamas raped and murder hundreds of kids at a concert and you anti-Semitic liberals came out and stated that you stand with them. That’s liberal “morality”.
Whites get fucked over by cops all the time. We have a cop problem, not a race problem.
No one is making excuses for bad police. It’s an issue basically everyone agrees on, until Nazis like yourself racially exploit the issue. You are the one perpetuating the myth of the police hunting down black people. That is what makes people not trust the police.

No, what makes them mistrust the police is that they are killing black folks and lying about it.

The difference is now, thanks to the ubiquitousness of cameras, they are being caught in their lies.

Hamas raped and murder hundreds of kids at a concert and you anti-Semitic liberals came out and stated that you stand with them. That’s liberal “morality”.

I've never said I thought what Hamas did was okay.
I said you should expect that out of a people who you've been oppressing for 70 years.
No, it's a race problem and a cop problem. White people don't get fucked over all the time. IN fact, they are more likely to be treated politely.
Oh bullshit.
In today's America, do not become a cop (or a teacher) if there is a chance of having to deal with two certain "minority" groups.

You would just be asking for grief.
I've never been treated rudely by a cop, even when I was totally in the wrong. Of course, I've never had a problem more serious than a moving violation.
Happens all the time.
No, what makes them mistrust the police is that they are killing black folks and lying about it
You are the one lying about it.
I've never said I thought what Hamas did was okay.
I said you should expect that out of a people who you've been oppressing for 70 years.
By “oppressing” you mean allowing them to have the self determination of electing their own government and granting Israeli citizenship to 1.6 million Palestinians.

All Palestine has to do is stop attacking the evil JOOS!
In today's America, do not become a cop (or a teacher) if there is a chance of having to deal with two certain "minority" groups.

You would just be asking for grief.

More racism from a man born in 1942. Whites have been the biggest problem.
No, it's a race problem and a cop problem. White people don't get fucked over all the time. IN fact, they are more likely to be treated politely.
White people are more likely to be killed by police per interaction. A cop is far less likely to be held accountable for killing an unarmed White vs unarmed Black person.

Black Americans are significantly underrepresented in police killings compared to overall share of crime. Black Americans account for nearly 60% of the country's homicides, 2/3s of all gun crime, and makeup over 40% of cop killers.
By “oppressing” you mean allowing them to have the self determination of electing their own government and granting Israeli citizenship to 1.6 million Palestinians.

They should let all 7 million Palestinians vote.

But then there wouldn't be an Israel anymore.

All Palestine has to do is stop attacking the evil JOOS!
All the Jews have to do is go back to Europe, where they came from.
White people are more likely to be killed by police per interaction. A cop is far less likely to be held accountable for killing an unarmed White vs unarmed Black person.

Black Americans are significantly underrepresented in police killings compared to overall share of crime. Black Americans account for nearly 60% of the country's homicides, 2/3s of all gun crime, and makeup over 40% of cop killers.
And if the cops were shooting murderers, you might have a point.

But they aren't.

They are shooting jaywalkers, petty vandals, kids playing with toys in the park, guys sitting in their home eating ice cream, etc.
They should let all 7 million Palestinians vote.

But then there wouldn't be an Israel anymore.
That’s not how voting works. You don’t get to “vote” what people in another country do.
All the Jews have to do is go back to Europe, where they came from.
You and the white supremacist who want black people to go back to Africa, are one and the same.

Let me guess, you don’t feel the same way about all the illegals coming into the US and Europe though…..
That’s not how voting works. You don’t get to “vote” what people in another country do.

You and the white supremacist who want black people to go back to Africa, are one and the same.

Let me guess, you don’t feel the same way about all the illegals coming into the US and Europe though…..
Also, Jews were in Israel 3500 years ago. What’s with his pretense that Jews are from Europe?

"Police killed at least 1,243 people in 2023. Black people were 27% of those killed by police in 2023 despite being only 13% of the population."

If you want to arrest or kill violent repeat felonious Criminals...then you would be advised to start looking where Crimes are committed.
37 percent of all violent crime is committed by black people and 50 percent of all murders. That explains why so many blacks are shot by police.

Much higher than that if they actually tracked it. Add in Mixed, unknown, decline to state and it doubles. Add in Brown immigrants and you are up in the 85% range of all violent felonies. But now they hide and sanitize the actual numbers. Like Obiden 1.0 did with that FLA school district and one of them finally went from "should be suspeneded" to actual "murderer".
Maybe if everyone being arrested wasn't dealt with by stupid ex-military cops... there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

Maybe if everyone being arrested wasn't dealt with by cops appointed by useless politicians, there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

All those that have previously been arrested, incarcerated or on parole or probation, do not want to go back. You ain't sending in Lynsee grahm to take down a 220 lb 6'4" black or a 280lb tatooed chicano.
That’s not how voting works. You don’t get to “vote” what people in another country do.
Palestine is their country. There just happen to be a bunch of Zionists squatters there right now.
You and the white supremacist who want black people to go back to Africa, are one and the same.
Black folks were kidnapped... So not really the same thing.

Let me guess, you don’t feel the same way about all the illegals coming into the US and Europe though…..
Nope, I want these immigrants to become AMERICANS. Learn English, become US citizens.
Just like my grandparents had to do.

Also, Jews were in Israel 3500 years ago. What’s with his pretense that Jews are from Europe?

The Zionists are white people. They are not native to the Middle East.
Palestine is their country. There just happen to be a bunch of Zionists squatters there right now.
There have been 70 years of recognition of Israel as an independent member state by the UN. Get over it you antisemitic fascist.

Democrats are very bitter losers. After the Civil War you bitches formed the KKK. Now 70 years after the defeat of Nazi Germany you bitches are still calling for the expulsion of the evil JOOS!

Black folks were kidnapped... So not really the same thing.
*Kidnapped by black people. The inventors of the international slave trade.

Nope, I want these immigrants to become AMERICANS. Learn English, become US citizens

But you apparently don’t want them to respect our laws….

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