A Clinton fan manufactured fake news that MSNBC personalities spread to discredit wikileaks docs


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Clinton Fan Manufactured Fake News That MSNBC Personalities Spread to Discredit WikiLeaks Docs

THE PHRASE “FAKE NEWS” has exploded in usage since the election, but the term is similar to other malleable political labels such as “terrorism” and “hate speech”; because the phrase lacks any clear definition, it is essentially useless except as an instrument of propaganda and censorship. The most important fact to realize about this new term: those who most loudly denounce Fake News are typically those most aggressively disseminating it.

The Elites as well as the Clintons thought they would gain American's trust by preaching( Brainwashing) the public into thinking all the alternative media news are oh so fake. What they didn't realize until it was too late is the very game they played is backfiring on them. Nobody trust the MSM 98% of the time any way not any more.
The down fall is if this doesn't work what if they try and take out the internet , a black out so to speak.
Hillary Clinton is desperate and hte Clintons will stop at nothing to get her a win. Since Trump doesn't get in officially until Jan. There could be a lot of games left to play.
All the words and terms in the OP have clear and precise definitions. It has become a standard technique and method of the dumbed down and dishonest to refuse to accept definitions of words and terms, to attempt to change these definitions, or to do as the OP is doing, play stupid, muddy the waters and or disclaim reality to evade confronting topics on intellectual levels.
Fake news is news that is totally made up with no basis in fact or reality. It is the reporting of something that is totally false and fraudulent. Misreporting, interpreting, spin, exaggeration and embellishment of stories that have a basis or root in reality, are not fake news stories.
All the words and terms in the OP have clear and precise definitions. It has become a standard technique and method of the dumbed down and dishonest to refuse to accept definitions of words and terms, to attempt to change these definitions, or to do as the OP is doing, play stupid, muddy the waters and or disclaim reality to evade confronting topics on intellectual levels.
Fake news is news that is totally made up with no basis in fact or reality. It is the reporting of something that is totally false and fraudulent. Misreporting, interpreting, spin, exaggeration and embellishment of stories that have a basis or root in reality, are not fake news stories.

Wow, by that definition, then why isn't the MSM telling the substantial truth behind Pizzagate. According to your definition, there is substantial truth to Pizzagate. The tweets, the code words, the artwork, etc. None of that has been shared by the MSM, why not?
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All the words and terms in the OP have clear and precise definitions. It has become a standard technique and method of the dumbed down and dishonest to refuse to accept definitions of words and terms, to attempt to change these definitions, or to do as the OP is doing, play stupid, muddy the waters and or disclaim reality to evade confronting topics on intellectual levels.
Fake news is news that is totally made up with no basis in fact or reality. It is the reporting of something that is totally false and fraudulent. Misreporting, interpreting, spin, exaggeration and embellishment of stories that have a basis or root in reality, are not fake news stories.

Wow, by that definition, then why isn't the MSM telling the substantial truth behind Pizzagate. According to your definition, there is substantial truth to Pizzagate. The tweets, the code words, the artwork, etc. None of that has been shared by the MSM, why not?

MSM won't share it because they are part of the CLINTON NEWS NETWORK.. CNN, ABC, NBC.............. many of them fall into this club. Including big network owners.
It's all a brainwashing game. I think you might know this, but not sure if you were asking the other person up there a question, or just making a statement lol

So if you do know this, then void it someone else can use it ahahaa.
Wow MindWars
Given all this misinformation and political propaganda promoted as news, I'm even more surprised that Clinton didnt win this way, but the public voted NO to liberal bias in media and politics.

It could still be that things get maneuvered to block trump in any number of ways.

But to me, it's clear people didn't fall for this and voted NO.
I wasn't the only one who used my vote that way.

I'm still surprised Trump won.
People are not rolling over for this game playing after all.

The real heroes are the Americans voting for one side or the other and taking responsibility for their votes!

Now it's up to all of us to reinvent media, parties and govt. Not just Trump taking this on as his own battle, but each of us jumping in and doing our part we can contribute to reforming and rebuilding this nation one person, one step, one project at a time.

Instead of listening to the media, we can be our own sources of information directly amongst ourselves.

Instead of relying on govt or party, we can take on reforms ourselves.

Why be victims of media wars profiting off conflict and hype? We can build our own solutions and trumpet those in the media and rewrite the rules of the game!
All the words and terms in the OP have clear and precise definitions. It has become a standard technique and method of the dumbed down and dishonest to refuse to accept definitions of words and terms, to attempt to change these definitions, or to do as the OP is doing, play stupid, muddy the waters and or disclaim reality to evade confronting topics on intellectual levels.
Fake news is news that is totally made up with no basis in fact or reality. It is the reporting of something that is totally false and fraudulent. Misreporting, interpreting, spin, exaggeration and embellishment of stories that have a basis or root in reality, are not fake news stories.

Wow, by that definition, then why isn't the MSM telling the substantial truth behind Pizzagate. According to your definition, there is substantial truth to Pizzagate. The tweets, the code words, the artwork, etc. None of that has been shared by the MSM, why not?

MSM won't share it because they are part of the CLINTON NEWS NETWORK.. CNN, ABC, NBC.............. many of them fall into this club. Including big network owners.
It's all a brainwashing game. I think you might know this, but not sure if you were asking the other person up there a question, or just making a statement lol

So if you do know this, then void it someone else can use it ahahaa.

Yeah, I do. I was just pointing out Camp's bullshit definition. If that were seriously the definition of "fake news" then the MSM would actually cover the story that is behind the Pizzagate allegations. Instead, what they are doing is making up a story that is intended to distract their viewers into believing it is about something that it is not. They want their viewers to believe that most folks believe it is about a fake child trafficking ring.

As yet, there is no evidence of that.

What they ARE NOT covering is the symbology, the art, the spirit cooking, the texts, etc. of the perversion of those involved in this story. They are not covering the kidding porn, girl lover and boy lover angle. They are not covering the pedo's.

After all, CNN brought us the investigation into project Flicker only to tell us that the investigative agencies of this nation had mysteriously just dropped the ball, with no explanation. When ever these child trafficking or kiddie porn rings are discovered among the ruling elites, they tend to be covered up, with the accusers being prosecuted for perjury or something or other to that effect.

Now they are labeling truth. . . fake news eh? Well, I guess that is better than "conspiracy theory" huh? That term is getting a bit old now. :badgrin: It amazes me that folks can be so dumb.

I can tell when news is satire and when it is not.
All the words and terms in the OP have clear and precise definitions. It has become a standard technique and method of the dumbed down and dishonest to refuse to accept definitions of words and terms, to attempt to change these definitions, or to do as the OP is doing, play stupid, muddy the waters and or disclaim reality to evade confronting topics on intellectual levels.
Fake news is news that is totally made up with no basis in fact or reality. It is the reporting of something that is totally false and fraudulent. Misreporting, interpreting, spin, exaggeration and embellishment of stories that have a basis or root in reality, are not fake news stories.

Wow, by that definition, then why isn't the MSM telling the substantial truth behind Pizzagate. According to your definition, there is substantial truth to Pizzagate. The tweets, the code words, the artwork, etc. None of that has been shared by the MSM, why not?

Let me tell ya something, there is so much more than meets to eye as it applies to the Podesta e-mails and Comet Pizza....make no mistake about that.

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