8.8 Magnitude Earthquake in Chile


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
The quake hit at 3:34 a.m. (0634 GMT; 1:34 a.m. EST) and was centered 200 miles (325 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers) the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

The epicenter was just 70 miles (115 kilometers) from Concepcion, Chile's second-largest city, where more than 200,000 people live along the Bio Bio river, and 60 miles from the ski town of Chillan, a gateway to Andean ski resorts that was destroyed in a 1939 earthquake.

An Associated Press Television News cameraman said some buildings have collapsed in Santiago, where power was out in parts of the city. An important church was among the buildings that came down in the central city of Providencia, where window glass shattered into the streets and people ran from multistory buildings, according to TV Chile.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for Chile and Peru, and a less-urgent tsunami watch for Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Antarctica. It said a tsunami could also hit Hawaii later in the day.

"Sea level readings indicate a tsunami was generated. It may have been destructive along coasts near the earthquake epicenter and could also be a threat to more distant coasts," the center said.
Print Story: 8.8-magnitude earthquake hits central Chile - Yahoo! News
each 1.0 increase in magnitude is 30 times greater power in the earthquake....this earthquake is about 2.0 in magnitude higher than the one in Haiti, so about 60 times stronger, is what the weatherman said on the 24/7............


hmmm...1000 TIMES STRONGER cuz it is 30 times the 30=900 so the tv is saying it was about 1000 times stronger than the quake in Haiti...WOW
and this one has a tsunami....so the damage from that is yet to be seen.
A point of (hopefully only) historical interest. In 1906 San Francisco had a 7.7 EQ on April 18th; and Santiago, Chile an 8.6 event on Aug 17th. Related or not, todays event should suggest to all to be prepared for mother nature, especially those living in California.
Tsunami warning for Hawaii.

Hawaii Under Tsunami Warning - ABC News

Hawaii is under a tsunami warning following a massive earthquake that struck central Chile.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center also said a tsunami advisory was in effect for the coast of California and coastal areas of Alaska from Kodiak to Attu.

The center says a tsunami has been generated that could cause damage along coastlines of all islands in the Hawaii. It said a tsunami in California and Alaska was possible.

The Ewa (EH-vah) Beach, Hawaii-based tsunami center says the first waves are expected to arrive at 11:19 a.m. Saturday (4:19 p.m. EST).
A point of (hopefully only) historical interest. In 1906 San Francisco had a 7.7 EQ on April 18th; and Santiago, Chile an 8.6 event on Aug 17th. Related or not, todays event should suggest to all to be prepared for mother nature, especially those living in California.

holy CRAP!

I was watching a History Channel special the other night on the Bible Code, whether real or not real etc....it was an older program back from 2006 I believe....anyway, in this program it predicted THE BIG ONE in California, in 2010.....let's just hope this is NOT the case....

are chile and cali on the same fault line or somethin'?
A point of (hopefully only) historical interest. In 1906 San Francisco had a 7.7 EQ on April 18th; and Santiago, Chile an 8.6 event on Aug 17th. Related or not, todays event should suggest to all to be prepared for mother nature, especially those living in California.

holy CRAP!

I was watching a History Channel special the other night on the Bible Code, whether real or not real etc....it was an older program back from 2006 I believe....anyway, in this program it predicted THE BIG ONE in California, in 2010.....let's just hope this is NOT the case....

are chile and cali on the same fault line or somethin'?

No. Different faults. But, I still plan to update our EQ supplies and buy another case or two of water this morning.
A point of (hopefully only) historical interest. In 1906 San Francisco had a 7.7 EQ on April 18th; and Santiago, Chile an 8.6 event on Aug 17th. Related or not, todays event should suggest to all to be prepared for mother nature, especially those living in California.

The active faults in southern Chile and California aren't connected or related, in fact working from memory here I don't believe this particular region in Chile is even interacting with the same oceanic plate - but don't quote me on that before I have another cup of coffee and look at a map. :lol:

Chile is as prone to quakes as California if not more so due to the active orogeny and volcanism going on there. The situations are very different, but your point is taken. If you live in an area prone to earthquakes it never hurts to be prepared.

I just hope those poor people along the Chilean coast were prepared. :eusa_pray:
A point of (hopefully only) historical interest. In 1906 San Francisco had a 7.7 EQ on April 18th; and Santiago, Chile an 8.6 event on Aug 17th. Related or not, todays event should suggest to all to be prepared for mother nature, especially those living in California.

holy CRAP!

I was watching a History Channel special the other night on the Bible Code, whether real or not real etc....it was an older program back from 2006 I believe....anyway, in this program it predicted THE BIG ONE in California, in 2010.....let's just hope this is NOT the case....

are chile and cali on the same fault line or somethin'?

No. Different faults. But, I still plan to update our EQ supplies and buy another case or two of water this morning.

fill up the car's gas tank too and take some cash out of the atm....

let's hope it is a false alarm, but better safe than sorry!
Here, this might help you folks in California:

SOPAC - Southern Pacific Tectonics, USGS WCMG

The San Andreas is the boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. See the little red circle on the map in the link? That's right about where this quake occurred. It's a boundary between three interacting plates - the North American, the Nazca and the Antarctic. All moving in different directions at different speeds. Which helps push up the Andes, creates some of the word's more active volcanoes and also makes the ground shake on a regular basis.

Not only is there no connection between the San Andreas and the fault systems there, but the area doesn't even interact with the same tectonic plates. In other words, the motion is different, the cause is different and there is no relationship between events in California and Southern Chile.

Hope that helps a little?
I suspect that an 8.8 magnitude earthquake would make the jello and silicone injected tits shake!

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