6294 they say were treated at area hosps on 911, but where?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
In Practice: A Bellevue doctor remembers 9/11

Doctors and nurses swarmed the New York City hospital, ready to help the injured from the twin towers. But they weren't ready for happened next.

September 05, 2011|By Danielle Ofri, Special to the Los Angeles Times

By midafternoon, it was apparent that there would not be mass casualties coming to Bellevue. The administration decided to release all staff who lived locally, figuring these people could be called back easily in the evening or night if needed. I was in that group, and was discharged out into the impossibly perfect blue of that warm Tuesday afternoon.

Just in front of Bellevue stood an enormous, temporary wooden fence enclosing a new clinic under construction. Already, people had begun taping 81/2 x 11 fliers of the missing onto the wall. The official center to register missing persons had been set up in the building between Bellevue and the chief medical examiner's office — a logical but unsettling location. A queue of agitated families stretched well down the block, crowding the sidewalk.

As I walked along First Avenue, I saw people tacking up fliers on every available phone booth, lamp-post, mailbox, traffic sign. Even the news vans were papered over.


A lot of doctors and nurses and other health care workers standing around with nothing to do. Many rescue workers standing there waiting. Many new shinny heavy rescue apparatus from surrounding communities who had arrived to help but also had nothing to do. Dogs were used to listen and sniff for survivors.

A Report from the forgotten Hospital at Ground Zero.


I Was Working In a NYC Hospital on 9/11

On that clear blue day in September, I was working at Manhattan’s Bellevue Hospital. I prepared for chaos, but none came. People either escaped or they didn’t.

Any minute the patients would be arriving and our work would begin. So we heard.

But they never did.

I Was Working In a NYC Hospital on 9/11

Rapid Assessment of Injuries Among Survivors of the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center --- New York City, September 2001

according to the CDC, 1016 were treated at 5 area hospitals, and out of those 362 were rescuers, and then it says, that the no's may of been less as some has multiple injuries. (See figure 1)


Where oh where are the survivors?? Also does anyone have or seen a video of people running out of the twin towers, the escapees? If so thank you.
In Practice: A Bellevue doctor remembers 9/11

Doctors and nurses swarmed the New York City hospital, ready to help the injured from the twin towers. But they weren't ready for happened next.

September 05, 2011|By Danielle Ofri, Special to the Los Angeles Times

By midafternoon, it was apparent that there would not be mass casualties coming to Bellevue. The administration decided to release all staff who lived locally, figuring these people could be called back easily in the evening or night if needed. I was in that group, and was discharged out into the impossibly perfect blue of that warm Tuesday afternoon.

Just in front of Bellevue stood an enormous, temporary wooden fence enclosing a new clinic under construction. Already, people had begun taping 81/2 x 11 fliers of the missing onto the wall. The official center to register missing persons had been set up in the building between Bellevue and the chief medical examiner's office — a logical but unsettling location. A queue of agitated families stretched well down the block, crowding the sidewalk.

As I walked along First Avenue, I saw people tacking up fliers on every available phone booth, lamp-post, mailbox, traffic sign. Even the news vans were papered over.


A lot of doctors and nurses and other health care workers standing around with nothing to do. Many rescue workers standing there waiting. Many new shinny heavy rescue apparatus from surrounding communities who had arrived to help but also had nothing to do. Dogs were used to listen and sniff for survivors.

A Report from the forgotten Hospital at Ground Zero.


I Was Working In a NYC Hospital on 9/11

On that clear blue day in September, I was working at Manhattan’s Bellevue Hospital. I prepared for chaos, but none came. People either escaped or they didn’t.

Any minute the patients would be arriving and our work would begin. So we heard.

But they never did.

I Was Working In a NYC Hospital on 9/11

Rapid Assessment of Injuries Among Survivors of the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center --- New York City, September 2001

according to the CDC, 1016 were treated at 5 area hospitals, and out of those 362 were rescuers, and then it says, that the no's may of been less as some has multiple injuries. (See figure 1)


Where oh where are the survivors?? Also does anyone have or seen a video of people running out of the twin towers, the escapees? If so thank you.
The phycotic is strong with this one.
Read and weep. Facts do not lie, now tell me where they were treated, and don't call me psychotic.

Which hospitals? Where were the people?? Subway underneath, mall with 60 stores, the biggest income restaurant in the US at the top, where were the people??

Hey Daws101 show me a video on you tube of people running out to twin towers after the plane hit the first one? Show me or stfu.
Read and weep. Facts do not lie, now tell me where they were treated, and don't call me psychotic.

Which hospitals? Where were the people?? Subway underneath, mall with 60 stores, the biggest income restaurant in the US at the top, where were the people??

Hey Daws101 show me a video on you tube of people running out to twin towers after the plane hit the first one? Show me or stfu.
There many hours of video of people running from the towers.
You either not bothered to look or are to mental to know what you are looking at.
As to the numbers treated they are a best guess in a disaster hardly anyone keeps count.
Read and weep. Facts do not lie, now tell me where they were treated, and don't call me psychotic.

Which hospitals? Where were the people?? Subway underneath, mall with 60 stores, the biggest income restaurant in the US at the top, where were the people??

Hey Daws101 show me a video on you tube of people running out to twin towers after the plane hit the first one? Show me or stfu.
why do you waste your time arguing with a paid government hack on the governments payroll sent here to troll these boards?

best to do this with him-:trolls:
Read and weep. Facts do not lie, now tell me where they were treated, and don't call me psychotic.

Which hospitals? Where were the people?? Subway underneath, mall with 60 stores, the biggest income restaurant in the US at the top, where were the people??

Hey Daws101 show me a video on you tube of people running out to twin towers after the plane hit the first one? Show me or stfu.
why do you waste your time arguing with a paid government hack on the governments payroll sent here to troll these boards?

best to do this with him-:trolls:
hand job crawls up for the sewer and as always says nothing.
In Practice: A Bellevue doctor remembers 9/11

Doctors and nurses swarmed the New York City hospital, ready to help the injured from the twin towers. But they weren't ready for happened next.

September 05, 2011|By Danielle Ofri, Special to the Los Angeles Times

By midafternoon, it was apparent that there would not be mass casualties coming to Bellevue. The administration decided to release all staff who lived locally, figuring these people could be called back easily in the evening or night if needed. I was in that group, and was discharged out into the impossibly perfect blue of that warm Tuesday afternoon.

Just in front of Bellevue stood an enormous, temporary wooden fence enclosing a new clinic under construction. Already, people had begun taping 81/2 x 11 fliers of the missing onto the wall. The official center to register missing persons had been set up in the building between Bellevue and the chief medical examiner's office — a logical but unsettling location. A queue of agitated families stretched well down the block, crowding the sidewalk.

As I walked along First Avenue, I saw people tacking up fliers on every available phone booth, lamp-post, mailbox, traffic sign. Even the news vans were papered over.


A lot of doctors and nurses and other health care workers standing around with nothing to do. Many rescue workers standing there waiting. Many new shinny heavy rescue apparatus from surrounding communities who had arrived to help but also had nothing to do. Dogs were used to listen and sniff for survivors.

A Report from the forgotten Hospital at Ground Zero.


I Was Working In a NYC Hospital on 9/11

On that clear blue day in September, I was working at Manhattan’s Bellevue Hospital. I prepared for chaos, but none came. People either escaped or they didn’t.

Any minute the patients would be arriving and our work would begin. So we heard.

But they never did.

I Was Working In a NYC Hospital on 9/11

Rapid Assessment of Injuries Among Survivors of the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center --- New York City, September 2001

according to the CDC, 1016 were treated at 5 area hospitals, and out of those 362 were rescuers, and then it says, that the no's may of been less as some has multiple injuries. (See figure 1)


Where oh where are the survivors?? Also does anyone have or seen a video of people running out of the twin towers, the escapees? If so thank you.

what is the point of your question??? Try to phrase it in a reasonable manner----
I saw it live--------there is some news footage-----but I do not know if it is online.
Other than as a prop for an autoerotic episode------just what is your interest?
In Practice: A Bellevue doctor remembers 9/11

Doctors and nurses swarmed the New York City hospital, ready to help the injured from the twin towers. But they weren't ready for happened next.

September 05, 2011|By Danielle Ofri, Special to the Los Angeles Times

By midafternoon, it was apparent that there would not be mass casualties coming to Bellevue. The administration decided to release all staff who lived locally, figuring these people could be called back easily in the evening or night if needed. I was in that group, and was discharged out into the impossibly perfect blue of that warm Tuesday afternoon.

Just in front of Bellevue stood an enormous, temporary wooden fence enclosing a new clinic under construction. Already, people had begun taping 81/2 x 11 fliers of the missing onto the wall. The official center to register missing persons had been set up in the building between Bellevue and the chief medical examiner's office — a logical but unsettling location. A queue of agitated families stretched well down the block, crowding the sidewalk.

As I walked along First Avenue, I saw people tacking up fliers on every available phone booth, lamp-post, mailbox, traffic sign. Even the news vans were papered over.


A lot of doctors and nurses and other health care workers standing around with nothing to do. Many rescue workers standing there waiting. Many new shinny heavy rescue apparatus from surrounding communities who had arrived to help but also had nothing to do. Dogs were used to listen and sniff for survivors.

A Report from the forgotten Hospital at Ground Zero.


I Was Working In a NYC Hospital on 9/11

On that clear blue day in September, I was working at Manhattan’s Bellevue Hospital. I prepared for chaos, but none came. People either escaped or they didn’t.

Any minute the patients would be arriving and our work would begin. So we heard.

But they never did.

I Was Working In a NYC Hospital on 9/11

Rapid Assessment of Injuries Among Survivors of the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center --- New York City, September 2001

according to the CDC, 1016 were treated at 5 area hospitals, and out of those 362 were rescuers, and then it says, that the no's may of been less as some has multiple injuries. (See figure 1)


Where oh where are the survivors?? Also does anyone have or seen a video of people running out of the twin towers, the escapees? If so thank you.

survivors of what?. The people in the twin towers did not survive-----they died.
The Injured were people in the vicinity and rescue workers who were in the vicinity
trying to rescue people-----lots of firemen died
Wrong, If you read the CDC report and the article you will find that many survived, but were never treated.
also almost 3000 died, around 500 were rescuers . The numbers do not add up.

What I am suggesting is there were few people in the buildings, and there was not 50,000 people working there in 2001 like they said were working at the 1993 bombing. I am suggesting those companies moved out and ever returned , except for the restaurant and the mall stores and of course the 200,000 tourist everyday that visited the twin towers.

In other words most of the twin towers have been empty since the 93 bomb and the immense damage it did due to smoke.

Show me a video of people rushing out of the buildings, one.

The hospitals never treated the people , 6000 plus people it said they did.

All fake although some people did die, mainly it was the rescue workers who were treated for smoke inhalation.

It was all planned, demolition, it was a movie mainly, although some parts are true.
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Wrong, If you read the CDC report and the article you will find that many survived, but were never treated.
also almost 3000 died, around 500 were rescuers . The numbers do not add up.

What I am suggesting is there were few people in the buildings, and there was not 50,000 people working there in 2001 like they said were working at the 1993 bombing. I am suggesting those companies moved out and ever returned , except for the restaurant and the mall stores and of course the 200,000 tourist everyday that visited the twin towers.

In other words most of the twin towers have been empty since the 93 bomb and the immense damage it did due to smoke.

Show me a video of people rushing out of the buildings, one.

The hospitals never treated the people , 6000 plus people it said they did.

All fake although some people did die, mainly it was the rescue workers who were treated for smoke inhalation.

It was all planned, demolition, it was a movie mainly, although some parts are true.

you blew it again, penny dear
try harder next time------the 1993 bombing ------actually a car bomb in the
submerged basement parking lot -----took place a lot later in the day than
did the islamo Nazi operation of 9-11-01. It was done by the islamo Nazi
pigs at about 12 noon

The islamo Nazi operation for allah of 9-11-01 took place at about 8:45 AM LOTS OF PEOPLE were not there yet------the
people your guys murdered in the top floor restaurant were the RESTAURANT
WORKERS-------lunch was not yet being served
Unlike you------I am a real health care worker-------I treated some of the survivors of
the 1993 bombing---------six people died and there were a few little injuries----
like a broken leg here and there---------the car bomb was almost a dud and did not cause the BIG KILL for which you and yours had hoped and prayed.

I really enjoy the bullshit that islamo Nazi sluts spit------it is so idiotic. I do hope that someday you see your own smashed into the pavement as you and yours did
to the people of New York City that GREAT DAY FOR THE STINK OF ISLAM
I know what the 93 bombing was. What I'm saying is no one moved back in save the restaurant, that was when they emptied it out. No one knew because 200,000 tourist a day were in and out and the restaurant was open on top , along with the mall.

Those buildings were all demolished, controlled demolition made to look like a terrorist attack. Try to keep up.
I know what the 93 bombing was. What I'm saying is no one moved back in save the restaurant, that was when they emptied it out. No one knew because 200,000 tourist a day were in and out and the restaurant was open on top , along with the mall.

Those buildings were all demolished, controlled demolition made to look like a terrorist attack. Try to keep up.

no one moved back in??? what does that mean? Your islamo Nazi handlers told you that the WTC was empty of people 9-11-01? Is that the same "person' who told you that gas chambers did not exist in Auschwitz?-------the plane that I saw hit building two was part of the FAKE SHOW? and the people tumbling out of the building also fake? I do not hope that it happens to you-----just to any person who ever meant anything to you----------and in your sight-------there are no words to describe the intensity of YOUR STENCH
I know what the 93 bombing was. What I'm saying is no one moved back in save the restaurant, that was when they emptied it out. No one knew because 200,000 tourist a day were in and out and the restaurant was open on top , along with the mall.

Those buildings were all demolished, controlled demolition made to look like a terrorist attack. Try to keep up.

so tell me Penelope-----since the WTC was empty of people on 9-11-01---why were your fellow islamo Nazi scum dancing and singing that day as the "fake" bodies
tumbled out of the buildings?------they liked the "fake" show???

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