60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

Alan Stallion

Civil Rights Advocate
Dec 17, 2009
San Jose, California
An old segment from CBS '60 Minutes' on the swine flu scare of 1976 & the vaccine that was developed to stop the pandemic. A couple of public service announcements follow the 60 minutes segment.

Seems to be some controversy with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the potential neurological disorders (e.g., Guillain-Barré Syndrome) that could result from the promoted shots.
President Ford receives his flu inoculation shot...
Jet injectors were injecting syringes used for mass vaccinations.

"Since the jet injector breaks the barrier of the skin, there is a risk of blood and biological material being transferred from one user to the next. Research on the risks of cross-contamination arose immediately after the invention of jet injection technology."


Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims

AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims

AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries

Do you want a vaccine produced or not? Or would you rather they charge $1,000 per shot to cover otherwise inevitable lawsuits?
An old segment from CBS '60 Minutes' on the swine flu scare of 1976 & the vaccine that was developed to stop the pandemic. A couple of public service announcements follow the 60 minutes segment.

Seems to be some controversy with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the potential neurological disorders (e.g., Guillain-Barré Syndrome) that could result from the promoted shots.

I was still in the Army then and it was mandatory to get a shot. When you got the injection it would cause a bump under the skin as big as a grape and if it hit a blood vessel the bump would be full of blood. I developed a temperature of 101 degrees for about a year but never got sick.
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims

AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries

Do you want a vaccine produced or not? Or would you rather they charge $1,000 per shot to cover otherwise inevitable lawsuits?
Don' care, not takin' it.
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims

AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries
That’s akin to the fox guarding the hen house, but somehow millions of Americans can’t see it. They still have faith in the medical profession, big pharma and big government. Crazy.
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims

AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries

Do you want a vaccine produced or not? Or would you rather they charge $1,000 per shot to cover otherwise inevitable lawsuits?
What you aren’t getting even though it should be apparent, is the vaccine won’t work and will have multiple side effects.

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