Swine Flu Vaccine Was Pulled After Just 25 Sudden Deaths out of 40 Million Shots, COVID Vaccines Over 35,000 Deaths Reported to CDC


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The new Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 was halted after only 25 unexplained deaths out of 40 million vaccinations. COVID is a 99.8% recovery rate virus, about same as flu. CDC VAERS post COVID vaccine deaths now over 35,000 US. Most within 2 weeks, long term effects emerging. But they are still being pushed as "safe and effectively" by a now overtly criminal government and media. People hung at Nuremberg for less.

Over 20 M of you are dead so far around the world, with not a peep from the media. Global excess deaths up 20%.

Thanks for volunteering to depopulate the planet for us.

"I was having a discussion with a venture capitalist/billionaire type. He looked at me with these amazingly dead eyes and he said, "Look, honey, I can take every company and completely automate it with software and robotics and fire all of the humans. We don't need them anymore"" - Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD,) and the first woman managing director at Dillon, Read & Co., who managed a $500 billion portfolio for HUD.

Swine flu 'debacle' of 1976 is recalled

Los Angles Times

Swine flu ‘debacle’ of 1976 is recalled

More than 500 people are thought to have developed Guillain-Barre syndrome after receiving the vaccine; 25 died. No one completely understands the causes of Guillain-Barre, but the condition can develop after a bout with infection or following surgery or vaccination. The federal government paid millions in damages to people or their families.

2017 56.9 M
2018 57.6 M
2019 58.4 M
2020 69.9 M
2021 69.1 M
2022 69.2 M
Death Statistics - Dead or Kicking

Total deaths from Covid to present: 7 Million

[url="https://dailyclout.io/top-doctor-explains-why-turbo-cancer-rates-are-likely-to-get-even-worse/]Top Doctor Explains Why “Turbo Cancer” Rates Are Likely to Get Even Worse[/url]
The new Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 was halted after only 25 unexplained deaths out of 40 million vaccinations. COVID is a 99.8% recovery rate virus, about same as flu. CDC VAERS post COVID vaccine deaths now over 35,000 US. Most within 2 weeks, long term effects emerging. But they are still being pushed as "safe and effectively" by a now overtly criminal government and media. People hung at Nuremberg for less.

Over 20 M of you are dead so far around the world, with not a peep from the media. Global excess deaths up 20%.

Thanks for volunteering to depopulate the planet for us.

Swine flu 'debacle' of 1976 is recalled

Los Angles Times

Swine flu ‘debacle’ of 1976 is recalled

More than 500 people are thought to have developed Guillain-Barre syndrome after receiving the vaccine; 25 died. No one completely understands the causes of Guillain-Barre, but the condition can develop after a bout with infection or following surgery or vaccination. The federal government paid millions in damages to people or their families.

2017 56.9 M
2018 57.6 M
2019 58.4 M
2020 69.9 M
2021 69.1 M
2022 69.2 M
Death Statistics - Dead or Kicking

Total deaths from Covid to present: 7 Million

[url="https://dailyclout.io/top-doctor-explains-why-turbo-cancer-rates-are-likely-to-get-even-worse/]Top Doctor Explains Why “Turbo Cancer” Rates Are Likely to Get Even Worse[/url]
"tell me you don't understand what VAERS is without saying you don't know what VAERS is".
VAERS is how they say COVID vaccines kill hundreds of thousands even if the VAERS database says it is not to be interpreted that way

DC says to interpret VAERS as an "early warning" signal. If VAERS meant nothing they wouldn't publish it.

NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims
Thanks for volunteering to depopulate the planet for us.
Well Dr Fauci gave it a go , but fell short of his expectations , but take heart , commander potatohead will be taking up the torch......


Not 35K because of the vaccine. Correlation is not causation.

And if it were true, the ratio would be 1.272727272727273e-4.

Whereas, 1,360,000 plus died of Covid of 330,000,000. Figure it out.
Still as ignorant as ever , Horsey .
I have told you and your brainless comrades like Decrepitus and the old dodderers several times about the Bradford Hill Criteria and Probability theory, but it seems none of you have the brain capacity to handle simple logic and hard science ..
and i was so hoping for an ad hominem......~S~
Don't confuse Horsey .
He has problems enough working out things in English without blinding him with Arabic proverbs advertising Hummus for brain expansion
Not 35K because of the vaccine. Correlation is not causation.

And if it were true, the ratio would be 1.272727272727273e-4.

Whereas, 1,360,000 plus died of Covid of 330,000,000. Figure it out.

Yes in pharma correlation is causation until proven otherwise. That is why the Swine Flu vax was pulled after 25 unexplained deaths. That is why when mice die during clinical trials the trials are halted. No autopsies to "prove" causation necessary.

The burden is always on pharma to prove a drug is safe. It is not on the public to prove that it isn't, meat-head.
Not 35K because of the vaccine. Correlation is not causation.

And if it were true, the ratio would be 1.272727272727273e-4.

Whereas, 1,360,000 plus died of Covid of 330,000,000. Figure it out.

Moreover the CDC itself says VAERS reports are always an undercount.

""Underreporting" is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. "
Multiple scientists have put that undercount at between 20x to 40x undercounted, which puts vaccine deaths in the humdrds of thousands to over a million. You cannot trust anything the government says since they told you, for example, that life-saving Ivermectin was only for horses, a flat out lie. Ivermectin has been a Nobel Prize winning, multi-purpose human drug for decades.

But regardless, the clot-shots never should have been allowed to reach this level of post-injection deaths. They should have been shut down after a few hundred unexplained deaths at most, given we still don't know what they do in the long run.

As for your fear-mongering "1,360,000" covid deaths we now know that most of these were deaths from other causes being counted as covid, and from the delayed medical procedures caused by stupid "lockdowns." Of the deaths that actually were covid, most of them could have been prevented had the FDA not lied about hydroxychoroquine and Ivermectin, based on murderous studies trying to prove these were dangerous, and funded by - yep - Bill Gates:

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Yes in pharma correlation is causation until proven otherwise. That is why the Swine Flu vax was pulled after 25 unexplained deaths. That is why when mice die during clinical trials the trials are halted. No autopsies to "prove" causation necessary.

The burden is always on pharma to prove a drug is safe. It is not on the public to prove that it isn't, meat-head.
So you don't understand the numbers at all. The vax is very, very safe.

This needs to be repeated, because Munkle can't do the figures.

"Not 35K because of the vaccine. Correlation is not causation.

And if it were true, the ratio would be 1.272727272727273e-4.

Whereas, 1,360,000 plus died of Covid of 330,000,000. Figure it out."

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