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If they're doing it themselves, why do they need help? Isn't doing it yourself pretty much what distinguishes suicide from, say, murder, or accidental death, or natural death?

Well we know that many like to re invent the meanings of words, when it comes to pushing an agenda

With slaves and Jews, the excuse for killing them was "It doesn't matter, they're not HUMAN". Now it's "It doesn't matter, they're diseased! We're doing them a FAVOR!"

Though with abortion it's still, "It doesn't matter, they're not human".

The Jews did not ask to be killed, and a slave wouldn't have a choice one way or the other. This man does.
Fiddlesticks. Kevorkian was a serial killer and he did time because of it.

Again. Please provide the stats that back up the claim that without the state assisting and condoning murder, people cannot die if they want to.

A serial killer is typically defined as an individual who has murdered three or more people[1][2] over a period of more than a month, with down time (a "cooling off period") between the murders, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification.[3][4] Other sources define the term as "a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone" or, including the vital characteristics, a minimum of at least two murders.[4][5] Often, a sexual element is involved with the killings, but the FBI states that motives for serial murder include "anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking."[5] The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common; for example, occupation, race, appearance, sex, or age group.

Serial killers are not the same as mass murderers, who commit multiple murders at one time; nor are they spree killers, who commit murders in two or more locations with virtually no break in between. Coinage of the English term serial killer is commonly attributed to former FBI Special Agent Robert Ressler in the 1970s.[6][7] The concept had been described earlier, e.g. by German police inspector Ernst Gennat coining the same term in 1930.[8] Author Ann Rule postulates in her 2004 book Kiss Me, Kill Me that the English-language credit for coining the term "serial killer" goes to LAPD detective Pierce Brooks, mastermind of the ViCAP system.[9]

Kevorkian does not fit the profile. All of his patents were video taped asking him for help.

I know what a serial killer is, and Kevorkian is one.

BTW, serial killers have been known to tape their victims doing a variety of different things. If you're using that to prove he's not a serial killer, it falls flat.
There is none. It says that no one can help them.

If they're doing it themselves, why do they need help? Isn't doing it yourself pretty much what distinguishes suicide from, say, murder, or accidental death, or natural death?

They are prevented from getting help. There doctors are prevented from getting the patent set up to do the job them selves. When a patent is not conscious and not expected to live the Dr.'s will "make them comfortable" with massive doses of morphine, and cut off there hydration until they die. The Dr.'s finish off there patents like this all the time. So why is it bad for a terminally ill individual who is lucid to receive the same consideration ?

They aren't prevented from killing themselves. People are prevented from KILLING them.

There's a difference.
If they're doing it themselves, why do they need help? Isn't doing it yourself pretty much what distinguishes suicide from, say, murder, or accidental death, or natural death?

They are prevented from getting help. There doctors are prevented from getting the patent set up to do the job them selves. When a patent is not conscious and not expected to live the Dr.'s will "make them comfortable" with massive doses of morphine, and cut off there hydration until they die. The Dr.'s finish off there patents like this all the time. So why is it bad for a terminally ill individual who is lucid to receive the same consideration ?

They aren't prevented from killing themselves. People are prevented from KILLING them.

There's a difference.

But if the Killer and the Killee are in agreement to help each other out, why do you care?
Fiddlesticks. Kevorkian was a serial killer and he did time because of it.

Again. Please provide the stats that back up the claim that without the state assisting and condoning murder, people cannot die if they want to.

A serial killer is typically defined as an individual who has murdered three or more people[1][2] over a period of more than a month, with down time (a "cooling off period") between the murders, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification.[3][4] Other sources define the term as "a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone" or, including the vital characteristics, a minimum of at least two murders.[4][5] Often, a sexual element is involved with the killings, but the FBI states that motives for serial murder include "anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking."[5] The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common; for example, occupation, race, appearance, sex, or age group.

Serial killers are not the same as mass murderers, who commit multiple murders at one time; nor are they spree killers, who commit murders in two or more locations with virtually no break in between. Coinage of the English term serial killer is commonly attributed to former FBI Special Agent Robert Ressler in the 1970s.[6][7] The concept had been described earlier, e.g. by German police inspector Ernst Gennat coining the same term in 1930.[8] Author Ann Rule postulates in her 2004 book Kiss Me, Kill Me that the English-language credit for coining the term "serial killer" goes to LAPD detective Pierce Brooks, mastermind of the ViCAP system.[9]

Kevorkian does not fit the profile. All of his patents were video taped asking him for help.

I know what a serial killer is, and Kevorkian is one.

BTW, serial killers have been known to tape their victims doing a variety of different things. If you're using that to prove he's not a serial killer, it falls flat.

You did not read the definition. No serial killer has gotten taped consent to help them end there lives while family was present. And his patents were lucid when taped and I believe they had family present. I am also pretty sure he only set them up to do the deed.
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A serial killer is typically defined as an individual who has murdered three or more people[1][2] over a period of more than a month, with down time (a "cooling off period") between the murders, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification.[3][4] Other sources define the term as "a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone" or, including the vital characteristics, a minimum of at least two murders.[4][5] Often, a sexual element is involved with the killings, but the FBI states that motives for serial murder include "anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking."[5] The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common; for example, occupation, race, appearance, sex, or age group.

Serial killers are not the same as mass murderers, who commit multiple murders at one time; nor are they spree killers, who commit murders in two or more locations with virtually no break in between. Coinage of the English term serial killer is commonly attributed to former FBI Special Agent Robert Ressler in the 1970s.[6][7] The concept had been described earlier, e.g. by German police inspector Ernst Gennat coining the same term in 1930.[8] Author Ann Rule postulates in her 2004 book Kiss Me, Kill Me that the English-language credit for coining the term "serial killer" goes to LAPD detective Pierce Brooks, mastermind of the ViCAP system.[9]

Kevorkian does not fit the profile. All of his patents were video taped asking him for help.

I know what a serial killer is, and Kevorkian is one.

BTW, serial killers have been known to tape their victims doing a variety of different things. If you're using that to prove he's not a serial killer, it falls flat.

You did not read the definition. No serial killer has gotten taped consent to help them end there lives while family was present. And his patents were lucid when taped and I believe they had family present. I am also pretty sure he only set them up to do the deed.

I said I know the definition. And you either didn't read, or don't understand, my response.
If a doctor provides the drugs, but the individual takes them him/her-self, is it murder?
If a doctor simply writes a prescription, is it murder?

There's nothing wrong with being opposed to assisted suicide. It seems to me there is a difference between providing the means by which a person commits suicide and doing it yourself, however. It may be a small difference in some cases, but it can still be an important one.
If a doctor provides the drugs, but the individual takes them him/her-self, is it murder?
If a doctor simply writes a prescription, is it murder?

There's nothing wrong with being opposed to assisted suicide. It seems to me there is a difference between providing the means by which a person commits suicide and doing it yourself, however. It may be a small difference in some cases, but it can still be an important one.

Nope. It never has been illegal for a dr. to prescribe drugs which can kill if the client takes too many.

It is, however, illegal to prescribe meds for the purpose of death. Not to mention being in direct conflict with the hippocratic oath.
Jews walked into the ovens willingly. That's why.

That's a lie...

..God, you say some weird/disgusting/crappy shit....

"Jews arriving in trains at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka were falsely informed by the SS that they had come to a transit stop and would be moving on to their true destination after delousing. They were told their clothes were going to be disinfected and that they would all be taken to shower rooms for a good washing. Men were then split up from the women and children. Everyone was taken to undressing barracks and told to remove all of their clothing. Women and girls next had their hair cut off. First the men, and then the women and children, were hustled in the nude along a narrow fenced-in pathway nicknamed by the SS as the Himmelstrasse (road to Heaven). At the end of the path was a bathhouse with tiled shower rooms. As soon as the people were all crammed inside, the main door was slammed shut, creating an air-tight seal. Deadly carbon monoxide fumes were then fed in from a stationary diesel engine located outside the chamber.
At Auschwitz-Birkenau, new arrivals were told to carefully hang their clothing on numbered hooks in the undressing room and were instructed to remember the numbers for later. They were given a piece of soap and taken into the adjacent gas chamber disguised as a large shower room. In place of carbon monoxide, pellets of the commercial pesticide Zyklon-B (prussic acid) were poured into openings located above the chamber upon the cynical SS command - Na, gib ihnen shon zu fressen (All right, give 'em something to chew on). The gas pellets fell into hollow shafts made of perforated sheet metal and vaporized upon contact with air, giving off lethal cyanide fumes inside the chamber which oozed out at floor level then rose up toward the ceiling. Children died first since they were closer to the floor. Pandemonium usually erupted as the bitter almond-like odor of the gas spread upwards with adults climbing on top of each other forming a tangled heap of dead bodies all the way up to the ceiling.
At each of the death camps, special squads of Jewish slave laborers called Sonderkommandos were utilized to untangle the victims and remove them from the gas chamber. Next they extracted any gold fillings from teeth and searched body orifices for hidden valuables. The corpses were disposed of by various methods including mass burials, cremation in open fire pits or in specially designed crematory ovens such as those used at Auschwitz. All clothing, money, gold, jewelry, watches, eyeglasses and other valuables were sorted out then shipped back to Germany for re-use. Women's hair was sent to a firm in Bavaria for the manufacture of felt.
One extraordinary aspect of the journey to the death camps was that the Nazis often charged Jews deported from Western Europe train fare as third class passengers under the guise that they were being "resettled in the East." The SS also made new arrivals in the death camps sign picture postcards showing the fictional location "Waldsee" which were sent to relatives back home with the printed greeting: "We are doing very well here. We have work and we are well treated. We await your arrival."
In the ghettos of Poland, Jews were simply told they were being "transferred" to work camps. iMany went willingly, hoping to escape the brutal ghetto conditions. "

Look, they wrote letters saying they were great, so that means they weren't being coerced! Isn't that the argument?

The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: The Nazi Holocaust 1938-45

If you only knew how stupid you sound when you are wrong about well known historical events.
In the ghettos of Poland, Jews were simply told they were being "transferred" to work camps. iMany went willingly, hoping to escape the brutal ghetto conditions. "

There is a huge difference between many Jews going to what they thought were work camps willingly and walking into the ovens willingly.
No, there isn't, you idiot. I didn't say "Jews went willingly into the ovens knowing they were ovens". I said they went willingly into the ovens.

The fact that they were lied to and coerced is exactly the point I was making. But you are naturally too dim to get it.

This is Kevorkian's death van.


And the prototype.
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