25 blacks asked to leave because 1 white "feels threatened"

Because that goes to some guy who wasn't involved in any way with the incident. Its just some random guy. If you follow the second link, which Missouri says "is from the same source". It's not.

But who cares about lying. If you go to the second link you'll find a VERY different message. Which he leglected to post or maybe thought Hunter was Wild Wings...either way fail

As the story of the deaf girl has been confirmed by a known eyewitness, I think an apology is in order.

You should know after 5 years, I do not lie.

I give the straight facts as I find them.

I'm not saying I'm never wrong, but I will say that I NEVER intentionally lie or mislead anyone.
Of course they were asked to leave for several reasons. They waited for 2 hours then had the nerve to say something about it. Then got mad when they waited for nothing and said something about getting kicked out. Then the mgr didn't like they were video taping AFTER waiting for 2 hours and being kicked out. Can you believe that? They had the NERVE....

Some could say "were made to wait that long" or "had the nerve to tell them to leave" or "make them leave because of one person"

No...you opt for...They had the nerve to video tape! lol...oh lawdy.

Take it up with Mr. Brown.

That is from his own account.

I'll dig it up for you.
Brown says while he was talking to the shift manager, someone in his group began videotaping the conversation. Brown says that’s when the manager became upset and refused to seat them.

“I asked her I want to be clear with you,” says Brown. “I said so you’re telling me I have to leave. She said I have a right to deny you service. I said so you’re asking me to leave because you’re upset because he was recording you, after we’ve waited for two hours, and after you’ve already pretty much discriminated on us, and she answered yes.”

- See more at: Blacks Asked to Leave Wild Wing Cafe because White Customer Felt Threatened
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I will boycott the restaurant, which I admit is pretty much meaningless as I don't live anywhere near it. I have one question, "Why did they wait 2 hours?" I can't think of a single restaurant that's worth waiting two hours for around here. And wings? Really, I'd rather pick up a bucket of KFC.

Seriously though, we elected a black president. How did race relations get worse? What the heck has he done to us?

A significant point (my emphasis)...a question that the media is ignoring.
He has done, like almost every black leader, absolutely ZERO in changing or even talking about the self-defeating culture of inner cities. And then on the Trayvon Martin case - he made the outrageous statement that if Trayvon was white the verdict would have been different. ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE statement by him.

Why is the TRUTH unacceptable to you?
What were you saying about karma?

What are you talking about, Nimrod?

Or do you think that all white people have to kiss black leftists asses till the end of time for something that happened more than century ago?

Why don't you grow the hell up?

I did not think that you had the intellectual capacity to understand.

You have not asserted anything to understand, dude.

That is the trouble with you libtards; you assume that people who disagree with you are either too stupid or just evil, when a lot of the time its just because you failed to make your case.
I will boycott the restaurant, which I admit is pretty much meaningless as I don't live anywhere near it. I have one question, "Why did they wait 2 hours?" I can't think of a single restaurant that's worth waiting two hours for around here. And wings? Really, I'd rather pick up a bucket of KFC.

Seriously though, we elected a black president. How did race relations get worse? What the heck has he done to us?

A significant point (my emphasis)...a question that the media is ignoring.
He has done, like almost every black leader, absolutely ZERO in changing or even talking about the self-defeating culture of inner cities. And then on the Trayvon Martin case - he made the outrageous statement that if Trayvon was white the verdict would have been different. ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE statement by him.

Why is the TRUTH unacceptable to you?

Because you haven't proven why your view of the Truth is right?
Why not consider the plausible behavior by anyone.

That is what I asked, doofus.

You're just looking to be mad.

No, I am exasperated, and I certainly wasn't looking to be that way. Racism by libtards just does that to me, I guess.

The patrons there, its plausible, was burning the cross or lynching people. It could happen.Its plausible that someone was playing flag football there too.

You obviously have no idea what the word plausible means, moron.

So its really weird that you list of "plausible" (meaning it never happened but he needs something) behavior is only negative and only with one group there?

I was offering a counter-balancing set of scenarios, that you don't want to even think about.

Did you run out of plausible? Didn't bring enough for the restaurant?

If you ever want to pull your head out of your ass and actually discuss the subject let me know. Meanwhile, your BS is nothing more than low grade fertilizer.
it is never wise to show up with a party of twenty five without prior notice to the restaurant. that is likely why they had to wait 2 hours.
I was trying to discuss the subject. You couldn't, so you had to agree plausible shit. But only negative plausible shit and only negative plausible shit from one group. The victims
Of course they were asked to leave for several reasons. They waited for 2 hours then had the nerve to say something about it. Then got mad when they waited for nothing and said something about getting kicked out. Then the mgr didn't like they were video taping AFTER waiting for 2 hours and being kicked out. Can you believe that? They had the NERVE....

Some could say "were made to wait that long" or "had the nerve to tell them to leave" or "make them leave because of one person"

No...you opt for...They had the nerve to video tape! lol...oh lawdy.

Or maybe after they were there for ten minutes waiting they started letting lose with a bunch of Mother Fucker this, and Mother Fucker that, and why are these white folks getting seated ahead of us; damn I hate these crackers. Blah, blah, blah, it is easy to just make shit up supposing what might have happened, but that stupid shit doesn't help anything, retard.
I was trying to discuss the subject. You couldn't, so you had to agree plausible shit. But only negative plausible shit and only negative plausible shit from one group. The victims

Lol, if that is what you call discussion, I think I'll pass, dumbass.
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

Sure, we believe you race baiting motherfuckers when you make these claims...
I will boycott the restaurant, which I admit is pretty much meaningless as I don't live anywhere near it. I have one question, "Why did they wait 2 hours?" I can't think of a single restaurant that's worth waiting two hours for around here. And wings? Really, I'd rather pick up a bucket of KFC.

Seriously though, we elected a black president. How did race relations get worse? What the heck has he done to us?

A significant point (my emphasis)...a question that the media is ignoring.
He has done, like almost every black leader, absolutely ZERO in changing or even talking about the self-defeating culture of inner cities. And then on the Trayvon Martin case - he made the outrageous statement that if Trayvon was white the verdict would have been different. ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE statement by him.
Why is the TRUTH unacceptable to you?
You simply can't handle the truth. Most blacks can't.
it is never wise to show up with a party of twenty five without prior notice to the restaurant. that is likely why they had to wait 2 hours.

The manager really should have made it plain what the wait time was, but who knows? Maybe the 'cant seat you yet' was just a way of getting rid of them? But the likelihood of it being because they were black is almost zero.
Plus Missery said I was wrong then posted a link that confirmed everything I said. Good job!

You guys need to find some more random untraceable comments lol

You were wrong.

You said something idiotic about time travel.

Waiting for room to seat a party of 25 is not racism.

I get that your bias blinds you to this fact, but it is a fact none the less.

First you said they were treated bad because of confronting a deaf person. I asked why were they made to wait 2 hours in the first place and you shrugged your shoulders unable to type a reason but one thing you KNOW for certain is that it WAS NOT racism.

:eusa_boohoo: Now you are trying to be funny by pretending I said waiting = Racism.

Keep dancing, you don't what it is the only thing you seem to know for sure is WHAT IT ISNT. :lol:

The reason they were kept waiting 2 hours was given in the article. They all wanted to be seated together. There was only one section of the restaurant capable of seating that many people together so they had to wait until it cleared.

Which would not have happened had they not considered themselves so special they didn't need to make these arrangements before hand.

No doubt this group expected that because they were black, everyone in that section would be told to leave so they could have the space.
Of course they were asked to leave for several reasons. They waited for 2 hours then had the nerve to say something about it. Then got mad when they waited for nothing and said something about getting kicked out. Then the mgr didn't like they were video taping AFTER waiting for 2 hours and being kicked out. Can you believe that? They had the NERVE....

Some could say "were made to wait that long" or "had the nerve to tell them to leave" or "make them leave because of one person"

No...you opt for...They had the nerve to video tape! lol...oh lawdy.

Or maybe after they were there for ten minutes waiting they started letting lose with a bunch of Mother Fucker this, and Mother Fucker that, and why are these white folks getting seated ahead of us; damn I hate these crackers. Blah, blah, blah, it is easy to just make shit up supposing what might have happened, but that stupid shit doesn't help anything, retard.

Yeah and maybe people were burning crosses...All plausible in your mind
it is never wise to show up with a party of twenty five without prior notice to the restaurant. that is likely why they had to wait 2 hours.

They called ahead...anymore excuses?

Which always means that you will have your table ready as soon as you walk through the door?

Lol, what world do you live in, bitch?

wait, the guy above said they showed with no notice that's probably why they had to wait. They called ahead and gave notice. Your new excuse is what? 2 hours isn't enough time? :lol: Keep it coming
Of course they were asked to leave for several reasons. They waited for 2 hours then had the nerve to say something about it. Then got mad when they waited for nothing and said something about getting kicked out. Then the mgr didn't like they were video taping AFTER waiting for 2 hours and being kicked out. Can you believe that? They had the NERVE....

Some could say "were made to wait that long" or "had the nerve to tell them to leave" or "make them leave because of one person"

No...you opt for...They had the nerve to video tape! lol...oh lawdy.

Or maybe after they were there for ten minutes waiting they started letting lose with a bunch of Mother Fucker this, and Mother Fucker that, and why are these white folks getting seated ahead of us; damn I hate these crackers. Blah, blah, blah, it is easy to just make shit up supposing what might have happened, but that stupid shit doesn't help anything, retard.

Yeah and maybe people were burning crosses...All plausible in your mind

Lol, no, actually I said it was not plausible, but that is how you libtards work; just make shit up, yell and scream its true anyway, threaten to beat people up and break shit and then cry till you get your way.


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