2016 GOP Preference Poll

Who do you support for the GOP nomination in 2016?

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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Okay, here are the rules.

Only Conservatives and Republicans can vote in this one.

No slamming of Obama or Hillary, this isn't about them.

You are welcome to say why your guy would be the best choice.
TED for me , also Ben Carson looks pretty good . Maybe a CARSON - CRUZ ticket or vice versa . No bush , christy as I just won't vote for either of them .
I and millions like me will get those moderate repubs 'statistik' . Moderate repubs voting for a bush or christy are just as bad as dems voting for mr. obama or hilary !! [imo] ---- And I'll do nothing to help moderate repubs .
If Rand Paul runs I will vote for him in the Republican Primary, otherwise I will not be participating.

Michael Hayden general - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Vincent Hayden (born March 17, 1945) is a retired United States Air Force four-star general and former Director of the National Security Agency and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. From April 21, 2005 to May 26, 2006 he was the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, a position which once made him "the highest-ranking military intelligence officer in the armed forces".[1]

He was Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) from 1999 to 2005. During his tenure as director, he oversaw the controversial NSA surveillance of technological communications between persons in the United States and alleged foreign terrorist groups, which resulted in the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy.

On May 8, 2006, Hayden was nominated for the position of CIA Director and reappointment to the rank of general following the May 5 resignation of Porter J. Goss, and on May 23 the Senate Intelligence Committee voted 12–3 to send the nomination to the Senate floor. His nomination was confirmed by the United States Senate on May 26 by a vote of 78–15. On May 30, 2006 and again the following day at the CIA lobby with President George W. Bush in attendance, Hayden was sworn in as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency."
I voted for Rand Paul because he's the most level-headed and honest but almost went with Rick Perry because of his toughness.

I'm done supporting professional politicians. Commanders-in-Chief should have command experience. Military officers, and intelligence community veterans.
Politicians make bad politicians. :) Elected officials are supposed to be leaders, so let's quit electing politicians and start electing leaders like when the US was still great. Politicians are just professional ass-kissers and liars. And we wonder why they all suck.
No question about it...Dr. Ben Carson is our best bet for starting to get this country back where it needs to be.
No question about it...Dr. Ben Carson is our best bet for starting to get this country back where it needs to be.

Um, yeah, because clearly, putting up some Uncle Tom and saying 'See, we're not racist" is going to totally fix it for you guys.

You just altered the tone of the thread that you started. Way to go.
No question about it...Dr. Ben Carson is our best bet for starting to get this country back where it needs to be.

Um, yeah, because clearly, putting up some Uncle Tom and saying 'See, we're not racist" is going to totally fix it for you guys.

You just altered the tone of the thread that you started. Way to go.

I didn't include Carson in my list for a reason.

Because he's not a serious candidate.

He's just like Allen Keyes and Herman Cain. He some kind of whacky black guy who tells white folks what they want to hear- that blacks are lazy and racism isn't a problem - and collects a lot of money for doing so.

I'd like to see a serious discussion about serious candidates. Ones who've run for office and have a real record of things they can point to.

That Ben Carson even enters into the conversation kind of shows how bad off the GOP is.
No question about it...Dr. Ben Carson is our best bet for starting to get this country back where it needs to be.

Um, yeah, because clearly, putting up some Uncle Tom and saying 'See, we're not racist" is going to totally fix it for you guys.

I didn't include Carson in my list for a reason.

Because he's not a serious candidate.

He's just like Allen Keyes and Herman Cain. He some kind of whacky black guy who tells white folks what they want to hear- that blacks are lazy and racism isn't a problem - and collects a lot of money for doing so.

I'd like to see a serious discussion about serious candidates. Ones who've run for office and have a real record of things they can point to.

That Ben Carson even enters into the conversation kind of shows how bad off the GOP is.

Your replies to my comment shows us all what an ignorant, racist, leftist you really are, plus you now have lost any bit of credibility you may have had.
Cruz / Lee

Cruz / Gowdy

Cruz / Sessions

No Christie, no Bush, no Perry, no Huckabee, no reruns at all.

Um, yeah, because clearly, putting up some Uncle Tom and saying 'See, we're not racist" is going to totally fix it for you guys.

I didn't include Carson in my list for a reason.

Because he's not a serious candidate.

He's just like Allen Keyes and Herman Cain. He some kind of whacky black guy who tells white folks what they want to hear- that blacks are lazy and racism isn't a problem - and collects a lot of money for doing so.

I'd like to see a serious discussion about serious candidates. Ones who've run for office and have a real record of things they can point to.

That Ben Carson even enters into the conversation kind of shows how bad off the GOP is.

Your replies to my comment shows us all what an ignorant, racist, leftist you really are, plus you now have lost any bit of credibility you may have had.

my replies are what they are.

I really honestly don't know what level of self-loathing you have to reach to be a black conservative. Even when I was a Republican, the self-loathing of folks like Clarance Thomas, Mia Love, etc. was always a little off-putting.

It's like Michael Jackson disfiguring his face.

Um, yeah, because clearly, putting up some Uncle Tom and saying 'See, we're not racist" is going to totally fix it for you guys.

I didn't include Carson in my list for a reason.

Because he's not a serious candidate.

He's just like Allen Keyes and Herman Cain. He some kind of whacky black guy who tells white folks what they want to hear- that blacks are lazy and racism isn't a problem - and collects a lot of money for doing so.

I'd like to see a serious discussion about serious candidates. Ones who've run for office and have a real record of things they can point to.

That Ben Carson even enters into the conversation kind of shows how bad off the GOP is.

Your replies to my comment shows us all what an ignorant, racist, leftist you really are, plus you now have lost any bit of credibility you may have had.

my replies are what they are.

Yes, they are, and they show a bigoted leftist with not a bit of concern for where our country is heading, We need to get rid of political greed, and get a super intelligent statesman like Dr. Ben Carson that truly does love America. The left has done all they can to flush this nation down the toilet with greed, and total self centeredness, and hatred, and division,,, and you are dumb and arrogant enough to be proud of it as well.

I really honestly don't know what level of self-loathing you have to reach to be a black conservative. Even when I was a Republican, the self-loathing of folks like Clarance Thomas, Mia Love, etc. was always a little off-putting.

It's like Michael Jackson disfiguring his face.
Yes, they are, and they show a bigoted leftist with not a bit of concern for where our country is heading, We need to get rid of political greed, and get a super intelligent statesman like Dr. Ben Carson that truly does love America. The left has done all they can to flush this nation down the toilet with greed, and total self centeredness, and hatred, and division,,, and you are dumb and arrogant enough to be proud of it as well.

Hey, dumbass, can you learn how to use the "quote" feature?

Ben Carson (I refuse to call him "Doctor") is a cheap huckster who has learned how to go to audiences of dumb white crackers like you and say, "Sho enuf, Boss, we sho be shiftless." and guys like you who don't want to admit how racist you are gobble that shit up because here's a black physician criticizing ObamaCare.

And he laughs all the way to the bank.

It's why the GOP can't be taken seriously as a party.
Yes, they are, and they show a bigoted leftist with not a bit of concern for where our country is heading, We need to get rid of political greed, and get a super intelligent statesman like Dr. Ben Carson that truly does love America. The left has done all they can to flush this nation down the toilet with greed, and total self centeredness, and hatred, and division,,, and you are dumb and arrogant enough to be proud of it as well.

Hey, dumbass, can you learn how to use the "quote" feature?

Ben Carson (I refuse to call him "Doctor") is a cheap huckster who has learned how to go to audiences of dumb white crackers like you and say, "Sho enuf, Boss, we sho be shiftless." and guys like you who don't want to admit how racist you are gobble that shit up because here's a black physician criticizing ObamaCare.

And he laughs all the way to the bank.

It's why the GOP can't be taken seriously as a party.
What a spew of racism and narcissism. But you call Al Sharpton a reverend. Laughable.

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