18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

Fuck you.
You’re the one defending letting rapists hangout in girls bathrooms.
I did no such thing, ya raging cuck. You're hallucinating again. Just like ClassyCanadian hallucinated I pretend to be female.

You're defending gender neutral restrooms.

Yes or no?

Seek help and stay out of them, some good daddy may thump your pumpkin
I'm not transgender and don't use them.

Again, your problems are yours, not mine.
Pedos come from all demographics but yes certain factions defend them
Yes, usually right wing religious groups. They are the ones fighting the child marriage bans.

That's a lie
No, sorry, it's a fact.

Why are you defending child marriage?

Where did I ever do that?

Now you're a complete mess
The Left will always defend pedophiles and Muslim terrorists. Every single time. Like clockwork.
You've painted yourself into a corner
How so?

What excuse did I make? What did I defend?

Son, I don't think you're equipped to have a discussion.
This is yet more evidence of just how batshit crazy these rightards are.
The fun part is watching them degenerate into quivering little crybabies the moment you treat them the way they treat everyone.

You like gender neutral restrooms

Perhaps this kind of bathroom should not be one with multiple stalls, therefore only one person at a time can be in it.

God bless you and the victim always!!!

One stall in a school of hundreds? Good luck with that
If more than one is needed, they can be made. For schools that have more than one floor, there can be a gender neutral restroom with one stall for each floor.

God bless you always!!!

Pedos come from all demographics but yes certain factions defend them
Yes, usually right wing religious groups. They are the ones fighting the child marriage bans.

That's a lie
No, sorry, it's a fact.

Why are you defending child marriage?

Where did I ever do that?

Now you're a complete mess
The Left will always defend pedophiles and Muslim terrorists. Every single time. Like clockwork.
You're lying again, cuck. No one here is defending pedophiles (or Muslim terrorists).
You like gender neutral restrooms
You love child marriage. Obviously,much more disturbing.

You're just lying now.

Where is that lying mod? Clean it up
No, it's right there in the thread, and I am using your logic.

You're ignorant

Where is the bold face lying mod?
The mods don't help people who defend child marriage. Sorry.
Got a couple of leftists on here that are disturbing
You only think that because you believe your hallucinations are real.

Grow up and stay out of restrooms

I can't use a restroom now? Why not?

Not with my kid

Got it?
Then tell your kid to stay out of men's bathrooms.

Gender neutral restrooms you desperate old fool.

You're a sad clown
Keep defending letting rapists hangout in girls bathrooms. We know your motive.
You're still deranged. I defended no one sexually assaulting anyone.

And you keep saying you know my motive -- what does your deranged brain inform you that is?
Learn to read. I said you defend enabling rapists of children. Totally factual and right here in this thread.

You poor deranged cuck, I defended no one. Let alone this piece of shit for sexuslly assaulting a child. I even pointed out it could have happened in any bathroom. The bathroom isn't the problem, the pedo is.
Your threads are there for all to see.
What threads?

What threads, cuck?
You like gender neutral restrooms
You love child marriage. Obviously,much more disturbing.

You're just lying now.

Where is that lying mod? Clean it up
No, it's right there in the thread, and I am using your logic.

You're ignorant

Where is the bold face lying mod?
The mods don't help people who defend child marriage. Sorry.

Never did but that one might..
.or you.

Stop grasping now, it's obvious.
You only think that because you believe your hallucinations are real.

Grow up and stay out of restrooms

I can't use a restroom now? Why not?

Not with my kid

Got it?
Then tell your kid to stay out of men's bathrooms.

Gender neutral restrooms you desperate old fool.

You're a sad clown
You said, "stay out of restrooms."

I already told you I don't use gender-neutral restrooms. Why do you let your kids use them?

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