12 warming signs of Fascism


May 7, 2004
New Orleans, Louisiana
The 12 Warning Signs of Fascism

1. Exuberant nationalism

Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic images, slogans and symbols - National flags are seen everywhere in public display. Territorial aggression is explained to be mere destiny -- an unbidden greatness thrust upon the nation by history.

It is this burden of unique responsibility that now raises the fascist state above all previous constraint, no longer bound by international obligations, treaties or law.

2. Enemies Identified

This national cause is identified as unity against enemies - The people are rallied around a unifying patriotism directed against some common threat: communists, liberals, a racial, ethnic or religious minority, intellectuals, homosexuals, terrorists, etc.

The state's message is sometimes couched in an easily recognized religious theme. Amazingly, this language is used even when the full context of the teaching shows the meaning to be diametrically opposed. Any dissent is "siding with the enemy", and therefor treasonous.

3. Rights Disappear

Disdain for human and political rights - Fascist regimes foster an artificial climate of fear by intentionally amplifying stress and anxiety. Citizens naturally feel a strong need for security and are easily persuaded to ignore abuses in the name of safety. The few still willing to question are met with bullying and smear campaigns of intimidation.

Legislative bodies, if still in existence at all, are cowed into rubber-stamp submission with occasional ceremonial opposition. The judiciary tends to become activist in support of state views. The public often looks away, or even enthusiastically approves as rights are stripped away.

The concept of the individual inevitably yields ground, exchanged for the promised safety of the all-powerful state.

4. Secrecy Demanded

Obsession with secrecy and national security - The workings of government become increasingly hidden. Questioning of authority is discouraged at all levels of society. From office talk at the water cooler up through the entire apparatus of rule, guarded speech and secrecy become ends in themselves.

Troubling questions are muted and entire areas of scrutiny are placed out of bounds by simply invoking "national security".

5. Military Glorified

Supremacy of the military - The military establishment receives a disproportionate share of government resources, even as pressing domestic needs are neglected. Individual soldiers and military culture are glamorized and made constantly visible.

This provides both an object for public glorification, as well as sharp warning to possibly restless citizens that the power of the state stands close at hand, ready to use its great potential for violence.

6. Corporations Shielded

Corporate power is protected - Typically, a segment of the business elite plays a major role in bringing fascists to national leadership, often from an unsavory obscurity. This marriage of big money and raw violence is often considered by historians to be the hallmark and backbone of fascism.

As these business-government-military interests meld, the significant threat of organized labor is clearly recognized. Labor unions and their support organizations are either co-opted successfully or ruthlessly suppressed and eliminated as soon as possible.

7. Corruption Unchecked

Rampant cronyism and corruption - Fascist states maintain power through this relatively small group of associates, mutually appointing each other to interlocking and rotating positions in government, business and the military.

With this degree of control, they make full use of both official secrecy and the ready threat of state violence to insulate themselves from any meaningful criticism. They are not accountable and are shielded from scrutiny in a way unthinkable in a democratic society.

8. Media Controlled

Controlled mass media - Sometimes the media are controlled directly by clumsy government functionaries. At other times, sympathetic corporate media insiders shape the themes indirectly, and therefor more skillfully. Image regularly trumps content as the "news" is presented breathlessly and with flashy stage effects.

A practiced formula of tenacious repetition brings even the most absurd lie into acceptance over time. By design, the very language itself and the coloration employed will push alternate views "out of the mainstream".

The terms of any remaining debate are narrowly defined to the state's advantage, making it easy to marginalize a truly differing perspective. Censorship and "self-censorship", especially in wartime, is common.

9. Rampant Sexism

Rampant sexism - Governments of fascist states tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Traditional gender roles are made even more rigid and exaggerated. Condemnation of abortion and a virulent homophobia are commonly built into broad policy.

10. Intellectual Bullying

Disdain for intellectuals - Fascist society tends to create an environment of extreme hostility to critical thought in general, and to academics in particular.

Ideologically driven "science" is elevated and lavishly funded, while any expression not in line with the state view is at first ignored, then challenged, then ridiculed and finally stamped out.

It is not uncommon for academics to be pressured to attack the work of their insufficiently patriotic peers. Writings are censored; teachers are fired and arrested. Free artistic expression in new works is openly attacked, and existing works deemed unpatriotic are often publicly destroyed

11. Militarized Police

Obsession with crime and punishment - Fascist society is often willing to overlook police abuses and forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. Long jail sentences for clearly political offenses, torture and then assassination are at first uncomfortably tolerated, and then start to pile up to become the norm.

Often a national police force is given virtually unlimited power to snoop through the civilian population. Networks of surveillance and informers are employed, both for actual intelligence gathering and also as a means to keep neighbors and co-workers isolated and mistrustful of each other.

12. Elections Stolen

Fraudulent elections - In the disordered time as fascists are rising to power, the electoral arena becomes increasingly confusing, corrupted, and manipulated.

There is rising public cynicism and distrust over what are widely believed to be phony elections manipulated by moneyed influence, obvious media bias, smear campaigns, ballot tampering, judicial interference, intimidation, or outright assassination of potential opposition. Fascists in power have been known to use this disorder as the rationale to delay elections indefinitely.

If you're nation has at least 8 of these signs, you may be living in a fascist regime!

I'd love to watch these bleeding heart soft buttercup liberals actually live under an actual dictator... especially one they have appeased and made excuses for time and time again.

That should be a reality show.

They could call it Fascist for the Pacifist.
Hey if he wants we can send him to North Korea. That is fascist in a way.
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
A superhero that plays an instrument admonishes us all as fascists......

Where's my bong, this is getting good:eek:

Wait...we arent all high already? I thought we were. there cant be someone this seriously messed up in the world.
A superhero that plays an instrument admonishes us all as fascists......
You freely admit you are a fascist? Because I never accused anyone of being a fascist. I merely posted the 12 signs of fascism, I didn't invent them, that's what they are. Somehow I offended some people, and I'm not quite sure why. Would someone explain? Is there someone in your familiy who is a fascist, is that why you are all offended?
... especially one they have appeased and made excuses for time and time again.
You mean like Saddam Hussein? So when in every single post I write at the end how evil Saddam Hussein is, I am appeasing him? WTF? What is it you want from me? I suggested we set aside an entire week out of the year to do absolutely nothing but hate people like Saddam Hussein, and that's appeasing him?
Where's my bong, this is getting good
Shrub took it. Be careful, when you get it back, it will probably taste like crack rock for a few months.
Hey if he wants we can send him to North Korea. That is fascist in a way.
Except for the fact that North Korea has no corporations to protect and has no elections to steal, yes, they're close. A lot of these signs are of course general signs of oppresive regimes. I think the key difference between fascism and communism is that fascism involves the marriage of corporations to the states, communism involves getting rid of corporations altogether with the exception of the state itself.
Wait...we arent all high already? I thought we were. there cant be someone this seriously messed up in the world.
I am.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
A sign that is exposed to the sun for a few hours. Its a warming sign. Or maybe a light sign that just got turned on, its a warming sign to.
Oh, I thought maybe there was some fusion global warming fascism thing going on. :p:
By your logic, if this was truly a fascist country, do you really think it would tolerate being pointed out as such?
Originally posted by jcon96
By your logic, if this was truly a fascist country, do you really think it would tolerate being pointed out as such?

Um, I never said we were living in a fascist country. You don't think its possible to exibit certain aspects that are similar to fascism without actually being completely fascist?
I think that you have no balls if you're going to post "signs your country may be facsist" and then not come out and actually say that you think the US is a facsist country.

I know I shouldn't chime in, but I'm feeling giddy after reading that. I wonder how long it took for Michael Moore to come up with that list. Since I know Al Franken is too busy trying to get back two of his four stations, I know it can't be HIM! Damn, I bet the service charge on a million dollar rubber check must be a BITCH!


I am known on another board as The Resident Fascist. Therefore, I proudly consider myself a fascist, though a kinder, gentler fascist. To me, the translation of a fascist, at least in the tiny fevered minds of liberals, is a registered Republican. Hence, I am a fascist.


1) Other than territorial aggression- since that hasn't applied to America for over a hundred years- I totally agree with #1, and I think those are great qualities, what with the fact that we ARE better than all other nations.

2) Ummm, are you referring to FDR imprisoning innocent AMERICANs of Japanese heritage in internment camps? Or are you talking about JFK & his brother, RFK, wire-tapping all of their enemies- like MLK- and using the IRS to bully people into submission? Or, perhaps, are you talking about Clinton & his Arkansas mafia? I'm sure Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, & Linda Tripp know a little bit about the Clinton attack machine.

As for racism...Are you talking about how the Democratic Party has enslaved several generations of black Americans, or are you talking about how Jesse Jackson shakes down numerous companies for his own reward, or are you talking about how liberals now call Colin Powell &, my girl, Condy Rice "house slaves?"

btw- If one does side against us & with the terrorists, they are guilty of treason & should be jailed and/or executed.

3) This one you have 100% correct.....just upside down.LOL Can you name any AMERICANS who have had their rights violated? Hell, even Dianne Feinstein looked into it- no doubt hoping to find major abuses- and she announced she could not find ONE case! I guess by "rights being violated" you mean long lines at airports, right?
Yeah, I agree with Kerry. That whole little 9/11 deal & the threat from terrorism are WAY overblown. We should probably wait until we get that kind of hit 6 or 7 times before we address it with force. Oh, WAIT! That's what Clinton did!LOL

Damn, this is too fuc&ing easy.

4)"An obsession with national security?" LMFAOI Ummm, yeah, we kinda like that one. As for stifling dissent, why are Michael Moore & Al Franken still alive or, at least, not in prison?

5) We don't "glamorize" the military, we fucking HONOR it! As for the part where this joke of a list warns about a police state, I want you to know that....(Looks out his window)

(In a very low whisper)

I'll be right back. I have to hide from the tanks coming down my street.

(15 minutes later)

It's cool, they took my neighbor, instead. Ya know, the one I snitched on for flying the flag the wrong way?

6) Do you mean when Clinton passed legislation which "encouraged" CEOs' salary to be switched around? Instead of 70% to 80% salary vs. 20% to 30% stocks & benefits, it was switched to the converse; To braindead liberals, this was supposed to make Benedict Arnolds work harder for their companies. But alas, as with all liberalism, it was a disaster. Listen, if nearly four-fifths of your earnings as a CEO is based upon the state of your company's bottom line, yet the company is foundering, what are you going to do? That's right.....COOK THE BOOKS!
Now, under President Bush & Attorney General John Ashcroft, over 600 of these corporate criminals have been exposed, investigated, arrested, and many convicted, with more to come.

btw- "Big money & raw violence?" Oh, you mean the Teamsters?

7) I think that it's pretty low to bring Bill Clinton, Webster Hubble, the McDougals, Harold Ickes, Hillary Clinton, Mark Rich, Trialgate, Filegate, The Rose Law Firm, Whitewater, illegal Chinese campaign fund-raisers, & 11th hour pardons into this discussion.

8) WOW! That is one of the best & most thorough descriptions of the Liberal Mass Media I have EVER read. Thanks!

9) Sexism? Do you mean when a U.S. senator gets away with killing a woman? Do you mean when a president sexually harasses numerous women, then turns around and has his attack machine rip them to shreds when they come forth, destroying their credibility in the eyes of the sheep public? Or do you mean when the same president rapes Juanita Broaddrick, then makes it clear to her that she might want to "forget about it?"
Homophobia? Are you referring to when Clinton, within his first few months, sold out his gay lobby? Or are you referring to when liberals & communists destroyed Roy cohn, McCarthy staffer & prosecutor of the treasonous & VERY DEAD Soviet spies, the Rosenbergs?
Gee, I wonder if their meat stayed "red" when they were done frying?MWA HA HA HA!!!!!!
Personally, I like my commie well done.

10) Ummm, this one is impossible, for WE are the true intellectuals, liberals are the sad, intellectually-challenged, pathetic sheep.......PERIOD!

11) LMFAO Damn, why do you keep bashing your fellow communists, the peaceful idealists? Ya know, like Stalin, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, & Ho Chi Minh?

As for not trusting my neighbor, I don't have to worry about it since I just had the tanks come get him.

12) Please, I know he was a Democrat, but I really wish you would not slander Kennedy about the 1960 election he stole from Nixon. Mayor Richard Daley ring a bell? LOL

Remember, Democrats: Vote early and vote often....even if you're DEAD!

Oh, WAIT! You must be referring to Florida, 2000, where Gore & the LMM tried to steal the election from Bush, right? Yes, Gore attempted to have only THREE precincts recounted, precincts which were HEAVILY Democratic, yet fought a complete recount. To boot, the three majors engaged in voter fraud & election rigging, though to no avail. They INCORRECTLY called Florida for Gore, even though there was an hour left to vote. FOX, however, got ripped apart by the LMM & Democrats in Congress for CORRECTLY calling the state for Bush....AT TWO IN THE FUC&ING MORNING!

Don't worry, this election will be called by 9:30pm.

Well, it's been fun. We'll have to do this again sometime very soon, ok?

Don't worry, my Doc Martin's bootprints should wear off your forehead in the next week or so.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Um, I never said we were living in a fascist country. You don't think its possible to exibit certain aspects that are similar to fascism without actually being completely fascist?

Well, if you ask me, it's a cut and dried situation, this question.

Make sure any state official is around and yell out "The USA is an evil fascist state!".

If you find yourself hauled off and shot then it's absolutely true. If you're imprisoned or sent to a work camp then your in a communist state. If the guy just ignores you or otherwise thinks your a loon then your free and clear!

Like Micheal Moore we can be fat, rich, and very vocal about fascism in the good old USA!

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