Do Democrats now Agree that Illegal Aliens with Criminal Records Should be Deported?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Watching them in this hearing:

It seems that they almost kinda sorta do. But, they keep hedging their words by saying things like "of course people who commit crimes should be dealt with," which are different words and meaning than "illegals with criminal records should be deported." Klobachar came closest by saying she wanted to look at the costs of deporting only people who are criminals beyond the crime of illegal immigration. But, she was not willing to say forthrightly that even the illegal alien who raped and murdered the daughter of one of the witnesses should no longer be welcome in the U.S.

What's the vibe among Democrats on here?

We know you don't want illegal aliens deported, even after they've been through all legal due process and ordered to leave. But what about illegal aliens who commit crimes in this country, or have committed crimes in their home countries?

Deport or let them stay just like the Dreamers?
They already are. But it'll be tougher than you think.
They already are. But it'll be tougher than you think.
They already are what?

If you're a Democrat, please answer the question.
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Well that will deal with .002% of those here illegally. Not that they won't simply turn around and come back.
Well that will deal with .002% of those here illegally. Not that they won't simply turn around and come back.

Where is that stat from?

There are thousands and thousands of illegals in jail/prison.
Where is that stat from?

There are thousands and thousands of illegals in jail/prison.

And millions and millions here illegally. But again, your answer is to let them out of prison to deport them so they are free to return?
And millions and millions here illegally. But again, your answer is to let them out of prison to deport them so they are free to return?

I'd actually BRAND THEM and tell them if they are caught again in the US with that BRANDING MARK they will be shot on sight.
I'd actually BRAND THEM and tell them if they are caught again in the US with that BRANDING MARK they will be shot on sight.

So we are back to solutions that are never going to happen. It should be no wonder why you aren't taken seriously.
I'd actually BRAND THEM and tell them if they are caught again in the US with that BRANDING MARK they will be shot on sight.
I have always supported branding them. Somewhere on the face so that the brand is readily observable. And not a tattoo either. Tattoos can be removed. It has to be an actual hot iron brand. Then, shot on sight.
Well that will deal with .002% of those here illegally. Not that they won't simply turn around and come back.

They should be deported directly to a jail or prison in their home country if they were arrested here. ESPECIALLY for a violent or gang related crime. This needs to be worked out with these neighboring countries in order to prevent them from just returning. Also tightening up our open border wouldnt hurt
They should be deported directly to a jail or prison in their home country if they were arrested here. ESPECIALLY for a violent or gang related crime. This needs to be worked out with these neighboring countries in order to prevent them from just returning. Also tightening up our open border wouldnt hurt

It's not going to be worked out. Especially not with one who routinely baselessly threatens other countries.
I have always supported branding them. Somewhere on the face so that the brand is readily observable. And not a tattoo either. Tattoos can be removed. It has to be an actual hot iron brand. Then, shot on sight.
That will only work when Trump becomes president. Under Biden, the border agents would be ordered to ignore the brands, just as they now ignore gang tattoos on "unaccompanied children."
All Americans of all stripes, including Progs and MAGA, think criminal aliens should be deported.

Nothing new.

I watched this whole hearing, and I never heard one Democrat Senator, nor witness that the Democrats called, say criminal aliens should be deported.

Instead they hedge their words by saying "they should be dealt with," or "anyone who breaks the law should suffer the consequences."

So, what does that mean? Some kind of "resorative justice," followed by early release and a path to citizenship?

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