Do Democrats now Agree that Illegal Aliens with Criminal Records Should be Deported?

My feeling on it is that liberals believe in their heart that even when Illegal aliens comit crimes, they still make better citizens than so called "MAGA" republicans. so therefore its very difficult for them to say they should be deported.
No, you are wrong. You may not be as good a citizen as illegal, though.

That is a real possibility,.
No, you are wrong. You may not be as good a citizen as illegal, though.

That is a real possibility,.
The gangs need to be rounded up and deported first. Then Illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes next. Then we go after the cyber criminals and terrorist cells. I'm thinking there are quite a few just out the 50,000 military age Chinese illegals that flooded in last year.
The gangs need to be rounded up and deported first. Then Illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes next. Then we go after the cyber criminals and terrorist cells. I'm thinking there are quite a few just out the 50,000 military age Chinese illegals that flooded in last year.
It was closer to 7,000. You are right they need to be sent home.
Watching them in this hearing:

It seems that they almost kinda sorta do. But, they keep hedging their words by saying things like "of course people who commit crimes should be dealt with," which are different words and meaning than "illegals with criminal records should be deported." Klobachar came closest by saying she wanted to look at the costs of deporting only people who are criminals beyond the crime of illegal immigration. But, she was not willing to say forthrightly that even the illegal alien who raped and murdered the daughter of one of the witnesses should no longer be welcome in the U.S.

What's the vibe among Democrats on here?

We know you don't want illegal aliens deported, even after they've been through all legal due process and ordered to leave. But what about illegal aliens who commit crimes in this country, or have committed crimes in their home countries?

Deport or let them stay just like the Dreamers?

Personally, I'd be happy to see every violent, criminal, immigrant deported, legal or not. Illegal immigrants who are here to earn an honest living (most of them) should have a path to be here and to work legally.
What is the estimate of Chinese illegals entering the US yearly?

There are 50,000 encounters at the southern border of illegal Chinese, almost all of whom are turned away. 7000 are allowed to enter.
Well that will deal with .002% of those here illegally. Not that they won't simply turn around and come back.

Fingerprinting and facial recognition... a return will land them 20 years in a federal pen where they probably won't survive.
Democrats understand that the whole point of their beloved "sancturary" cities and states is to prevent illegal aliens who commit crimes after the crime of immigrating illegally from being turned over to ICE for deportation.

So the answer to my OP is "no."
You think people come here only for job openings??? if you were a criminal who robbed people and homes in Venezuela for example.. why would you choose to stay there where you have high risk for little reward. You can com ehere to the U.S.... if you rob a home the payout is immense in comparison to what they net back home. The risk is also less, as our legal system is soft and easy. Back in their home country they get thrown to the dogs behind four walls..
The problem is STILL an open border where anyone can come here. THAT is what has to stop before anything else can really be fixed.

Actually, given the fact that Venezuela is much more lawless than the US, it really doesn't make sense for them to come here where they have a higher probability of being caught and imprisoned.

Venezuela has a homicide rate of 28.5 per 100,000 compared to the US, which is a mere 6 per 100,000.

THe murder rate in Venezuela got as high as 90 per 100,000K.

Venezuela has a mere 62,000 people in prison, compared to nearly 2 million in the US.

So really, if you are a criminal by profession, you will have a much easier life in Venezuela than in the USA.

If you are anyone else, not so much.
And millions and millions here illegally. But again, your answer is to let them out of prison to deport them so they are free to return?
No. They stay in prison until their sentence is served and when they are to be released, the locals call ICE and the criminal is deported. This isn't rocket science.
No. They stay in prison until their sentence is served and when they are to be released, the locals call ICE and the criminal is deported. This isn't rocket science.

So deportation of those with criminal records in reality will be fairly low.
So deportation of those with criminal records in reality will be fairly low.
Nope. There are tens/hundreds of thousands that have already been released and are walking the streets. THen there are the over 1.5M with existing deportation orders. And the ones with lapsed visas.
Nope. There are tens/hundreds of thousands that have already been released and are walking the streets. THen there are the over 1.5M with existing deportation orders. And the ones with lapsed visas.

Good luck finding them.

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